Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1878: Boss and **** fight and die for the cockroach

   Chapter 1878

After the dishes were served, Lu Guoxiong poured wine on Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Jiang Dong, we talked with Mr. Sun about the affairs of the old Wang, and we can also see that Mr. Sun is still very sincere to our old Wang.

The sales channels and marketing of Jiahe Company are well-known in China. If we can cooperate with Jiahe Company, we are also very sincere. "

  Lu Guoxiong looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked tentatively, “I don’t know what Jiang Dong’s opinion on this matter?”

  "Acquisition, our family and company are now competing with foreign brands such as Liang Cola.

  So we want to increase the types of our herbal tea beverages. You Yangcheng Pharmaceutical’s Wanglao and Heqizheng are all our goals. "Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Lu Guoxiong's mouth twitched, and he wanted to unify the domestic herbal tea market and said directly, what is the national justice.

   But Jiang Xiaobai said so, everyone really has no way to refute it.

  Because, after all, Jiang Xiaobai was the first in China to speak out about competing with foreign companies and defending national companies.

  What Jiang Xiaobai said is politically correct, how to refute it.

   "Our family and beverages will invest more funds in order to enhance the competitiveness of the company's products and expand sales to seize the market in the next step..." Jiang Xiaobai continued.

  There is no threatening word throughout, but the meaning in the words is obvious.

  You must first settle in the outside world. Jiang Xiaobai wants to unify the domestic herbal tea market.

   "Really, I don't want to accidentally hurt our national enterprise and national brand. It is not easy to retain the national brand. The Wanglaoji brand has been hundreds of years now.

  If it is affected in this competition, it shouldn’t be.

  A few years ago, how many of the top eight sodas in China are still left, I really feel heartache!

  Looking at the domestic beverage market, it is occupied by these foreign-funded enterprises, while our local beverages and inherited recipes are squeezed and there is no room for survival.

  So we must rise up and resist! "Jiang Xiaobai, I am really doing good for you.

  He looked distressed, and Lu Guoxiong was itchy with hatred.

   "Jiang Dong, we are also part of the national enterprise." Lu Guoxiong reminded each word.

  Don’t you, Jiang Xiaobai, talk about protecting national enterprises righteously? Then we are also a national enterprise, how can you target it?

   "Yes, if I can fight side by side with everyone at the senior level, I am of course very willing, but I don't know if Mr. Lu has heard of such a problem?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

  Lu Guoxiong said: "Listen with good ears."

   "The boss and the second child are fighting, but the third child is often the one who died. Mr. Lu said why? Haha, just kidding, come and have a drink." Jiang Xiaobai laughed loudly, never mentioning what was just now.

  But although Lu Guoxiong and Manager Zhou can maintain their complexion on their faces, they are a little awkward between the languages.

  Because Jiang Xiaobai’s words are really ugly.

  The boss and the second child are fighting, and finally the third child is dead. This is a naked threat.

  After eating, Jiang Xiaobai took the people and left. Lu Guoxiong and Manager Zhou were still sitting in the private room.

  Lu Guoxiong took the wine glass and drank it, then put the wine glass heavily on the table.

   "We all guessed wrong. This Jiang Xiaobai traveled in mountains and water. It was not that the company changed its strategy, and it didn't put us in the eyes of the elders." Lu Guoxiong said bitterly.

  This Jiang Xiaobai talked and acted too irritatingly. He didn't talk about it when he came up, so he threatened him.

   "What is wrongly injured, what increases competitiveness, this is a naked threat."

   "Well, what kind of boss, second child is fighting, fucking..." Lu Guoxiong couldn't help but swear.

  This Jiang Xiaobai is really too much. Two people scolded Jiang Xiaobai in the office for a long time, but finally they figured it out.

   Jiang Xiaobai didn't care about Wang Lao-level, and didn't pay attention to Wang Lao-level at all.

  It was too embarrassing, but after getting angry, they had to admit that Jiang Xiaobai did have this capital.

  In terms of capital, Jiahe Company is a listed company, and the stock price is quite high. They are simply incomparable.

  Speaking of the market, let alone the market share of the home and the company, that can compete with the two cola.

  They do not have any advantage in the herbal tea market, and they are far behind their home and company.

  The rest is the power behind the two companies. Behind Wang Laojie is their Yangcheng Pharmaceutical.

  But behind Jiahe Company is the Huaqing Holding Group, which is also a behemoth.

Yangcheng Pharmaceutical has a good relationship with the local area of ​​Yangcheng, while the relationship between Huaqing Holding Group and Modu is good. Although it is a private enterprise, they have heard about it. Huaqing Holding Group is very sensible and very familiar with Modu. Favored.

  So compared to this, they have no advantage at all at the Wang Lao level, and in the end they can only return to the market to fight.

  Fighting in the market, their veteran class has no advantage at all, and their family and company are also qualified to threaten them.

  Just like when Jiang Xiaobai was working on a computer, Mr. Ni was worried about the reason why he was targeted by Lianxiang in the market.

  This is determined by the market. If people are strong in this industry, they can threaten you.

  What's more, Jiang Xiaobai is now suppressing them in an all-round way.

   "President Lu, what should I do now?" Manager Zhou asked.

  Lu Guoxiong is also very embarrassed now. They used to have the advantage, but now they are embarrassed and passive.

  Jiang Xiaobai’s meaning is very obvious, either let us buy it, or get a clear picture in the market and be defeated.

  Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai’s words were very obvious. People didn’t know that they were targeting Wang Laoji. As long as they were talking about fighting with two cola, the Wang Laoji could not survive in the market.

  The boss fights with the boss. The third child disappears. Weakness is the original sin. It sounds pitiful, but there is no way.

   "Hey, why not give it to the Red Road Group, let the Red Road Group compete with the family and the company, and let them bite the dog." Manager Zhou came up with an idea.

  "We can't give it to the Red Road Group completely. We always have to keep a little bit. We always want to mix in the mainland.

  Furthermore, is the Red Road Group the rival of the family and the company? In the end, it was defeated, and it was our Wanglaoji brand that was ruined.

  This brand has been passed down for several years. "Lu Guoxiong sighed and said helplessly.

  I had heard of Jiang Xiaobai’s name before, and knew that Jiang Xiaobai was difficult, but I didn’t expect Jiang Xiaobai to be so domineering and difficult, and that he was not at the same level as Sun Jianyun’s well-behaved.

  (End of this chapter)

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