Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1890: Faster than the opponent

   Chapter 1890 is faster than the opponent

   "Bang." The light went dark for a while, and then hit Ni Guangnan in the middle of the stage again.

  Ni Guangnan is over fifty this year, and will be sixty in a few years.

  After many years of work, the hair on the temples has become a little gray, and the body is not as straight as when I was young.

  But everyone can feel the energy hidden in that thin body from Ni Guangnan.

  The eyes are still sharp, they still remember when Ni Guangnan left from Lian Xiang a few months ago.

  It seems that the energy of this life has been exhausted, and it is like a dying year.

  But today, at this moment, everyone can no longer find a trace of the past in Ni Guangnan.

  On the contrary, the eyes are full of sharpness, and they become more energetic.

   "Today, I am able to stand here. First of all, I must thank Jiang Dong." Ni Guangnan spoke slowly and bowed to Jiang Xiaobai, who was in the audience.

  Warm applause broke out at the scene. Many people think this is a truthful statement. Without Jiang Xiaobai Ni, it would never be possible to stand here again.

   "Thank you Jiang Dong for allowing my research institute to continue my chip project.

  I insist that as long as we have mastered the technology, we can compete with foreign companies, we can truly look at national brands, and we can compete with foreign companies.

  Technology is the primary productive force. Just as Jiang Dong said, the invention of the electronic computer is a great journey and will change every aspect of people’s lives in the future..."

  Ni Guangnan stood on the stage and talked freely, and the audience applauded from time to time.

  Next, Ni Guangnan started to introduce Hualian Computer.

  The computer named Hualian generation appears on the screen.

  At the same time, a prototype was put up.

  "Our Hualian generation computer is equipped with the most advanced Pentium processor from abroad, which has truly achieved international standards.

  This is actually not a point of publicity, because it uses a foreign processor, not a domestic one.

  But I believe that in the future, in the near future, we will be able to develop research and development to really bring down the price of computers..."

  Ni Guangnan said, there was a warm applause from the audience.

  After the press conference was over, Ni Guangnan directly presided over the product ordering conference.

  Because there are also many dealers invited to the scene today.

  Don’t say anything else, it’s the reputation of Hualian Computer, and today’s scene can allow many people to try a batch of Hualian computers.

  Otherwise, the Pentium processor is definitely a good stunt.

  Jiang Xiaobai was at the scene to deal with reporters’ questions. Someone asked sensitive topics, such as the relationship with Lian Xiang.

   Jiang Xiaobai answered with a smile, but the answer is of course the kind of tall, for example, they are all private enterprises, Hualian is still a new born, so I want to learn a lot.

  The smell of gunpowder that media reporters want to see is not there at all.

  Of course, everyone will not really believe that Jiang Xiaobai and Lian Xiang can live together peacefully, or fight together for national justice because of Jiang Xiaobai’s words.

  It’s impossible. Since the first day of its birth, Hualian Computer has had a natural hatred with Lianxiang.

  Not to mention that the peers are enemies. I can't wait for the death of the peers, and they can cooperate.

   But now that Jiang Xiaobai has said so, everyone can only believe that, but everyone is thinking in their hearts, waiting for the day when Jiang Xiaobai and Mr. Liu turn their faces.

  And I believe that this day will not be too long.

  The evening product ordering meeting was completed, Ni Guangnan came over to Jiang Xiaobai to report the results.

  A total of more than 10,000 computers are scheduled for the first batch of computers. The number of more than 10,000 computers is for later generations, which may not be a big deal.

  Compared with Lian Xiang, it is not a good result.

   But compared to a newly established company at this time, it is a big number.

  However, because the pricing of Hualian Computer is very low, basically each computer is only a thousand yuan in profit.

  The first day’s ordering meeting is just a profit of 10 million.

  Ten million a day, which seems to be a lot, but when these computers will be sold out after they go to the dealer, it is still unknown.

   may be a month, it may be two months, or even half a year.

  10 million profits for such a long period of time, this tens of millions of profits need to exclude workers’ wages, company expenses, and publicity expenses.

  In Jiang Xiaobai's opinion, if it can not lose money, then it is already very good.

   "Okay, well done." Jiang Xiaobai praised that this time is not suitable to discourage Ni Guangnan's enthusiasm.

  "Now this computer is 21,000 yuan. I hope that the next time I order the meeting, it can be reduced to 18,000 yuan, at least 3,000 yuan, can it be done?"

   Jiang Xiaobai looked at Ni Guangnan and asked with a smile.

   "Ah, the price will be reduced at the next order meeting. Isn't it too fast?" Ni Guangnan's face suddenly became bitter. It is not good when the next order will be made.

  It may be one month, maybe three months, and the reduction of 3,000 yuan at this time is indeed a bit too fast.

   "Not fast, because our competitors are fast, so the only way we want to survive is to be faster than them." Jiang Xiaobai said.

  Ni Guangnan nodded reluctantly, as he agreed, but he felt a little disapproving in his heart, thinking that Jiang Xiaobai's requirements were a bit too strict.

  But on the morning of the third day, he didn't think so after seeing the newspaper.

  Because the second day of Hualian Computer’s opening, Beijing’s Lianxiang computer started to cut prices, and the price cut was as high as 2,000 yuan, which suddenly set off a wave of sales.

  Don’t need to say Jiang Xiaobai now, Ni Guangnan also feels the sense of urgency.

   also understands Jiang Xiaobai's words very well, indeed, the opponent's speed is very fast, if he can't keep up.

   Then it may not take three months, or half a year, Hualian Computer will be out.

   Then he will have no chance from now on, and he will also be overshadowed by Jiang Xiaobai’s investment myth.

  So the entire Hualian Computer Company fell into a state of excitement.

  But at the same time, Ni Guangnan admired Jiang Xiaobai's eyes very much in his heart.

  Because Jiang Xiaobai has already judged before the opponent has moved, this is the most magical and most admirable place.

  In Hualian Computer Company, the most commonly heard sentence from Ni Guangnan is "The opponent is fast. If we can't be faster than the opponent, we will die in front of the opponent."

The phrase    was even posted at the gate of the factory, and it is well known as the slogan and slogan of the Hualian Computer Company factory.

  (End of this chapter)

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