Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1891: Preparatory Chamber of Commerce

   Chapter 1891 Preparatory Chamber of Commerce

  Lian wanted to use price cuts to squeeze Hualian’s living space, Jiang Xiaobai had long expected.

  Large companies are actually very easy to squeeze small companies or companies that have just entered the industry.

  As long as they reduce some profit margins and give them to dealers or consumers, they can make the new company unable to survive.

  After all, large companies have stronger capital, more advanced technology, and lower costs and popularity.

  Of course, the Hualian Computer, which Mr. Liu did not expect to cut the price, cannot turn around.

  After all, although Hualian Computer said that it has just entered this industry, the funds behind it are very strong.

  It is unrealistic to count on one price cut and two price cuts to squeeze Hualian Computer to death, but it can give Hualian Computer a warning.

  At the same time, it is also to tell other people that even thinking about it is not lacking in temper, and will not let others bully.

  Always give some reaction.

  For Hualian Computer, this reaction is nothing but a disaster for other small computer companies.

  Price wars have always been the cruelest.

   Just like what Jiang Xiaobai said in Yangcheng Pharmaceutical, "the boss and the second child were at war, and the third child died."

  So even thinking about the actions of Hualian Computer, Hualian Computer has not felt anything.

  But other small computer companies have experienced the cold winter of the computer industry.

  Originally, they had no advantage compared with Lianxiang these brands, relying on a little price advantage to survive in the cracks.

  As a result, even thinking that the price has been lowered now, they have no advantage, how can they survive.

  They can’t even keep up with the price they want, how can they make money? There is no profit. If you want to sell, you can only reduce the price, but if you follow the price reduction, you will buy one and lose one.

  Many computer-related computer newspapers are shouting that the winter of the computer industry is coming.

  A batch of small computer companies closed down one after another, and went back to build assembly machines, and no longer OEM.

  But at this time, Lianxiang Computer and Hualian Computer started to sell big.

  Entering October, the weather in the magic city finally became not so hot.

  President Liu in the capital is busy with the gathering of the Taishan Society, and Jiang Xiaobai is also preparing for a chamber of commerce.

  A long time ago, Jiang Xiaobai had this idea, and he did a lot of things for this idea, and talked with many people.

   But later, because of something, it has not been formed.

  Now in the autumn of 1995, Jiang Xiaobai is finally about to shape this idea.

  And the timing is more appropriate. Taishan Research Institute, yes, at this time, Taishan Society is not called Taishan Society, but Taishan Industry Research Institute.

  The Taishan Industrial Research Institute is linked to the Association of Private Technologists. It is not a private gathering at this time.

  There is a fundamental difference between the chamber of commerce prepared by Jiang Xiaobai.

  Of course, as long as there are people in it, they will always change the same. After all, as long as they are people, they have selfish desires. Seeing that such a large chamber of commerce does not use so many resources, isn't it a waste?

  In fact, the Taishan Research Institute at this time is still not so simple.

  Jiang Xiaobai, no matter what happens to Taishan, he is preparing his chamber of commerce.

  The first phone call was made to the Liu brothers. Jiang Xiaobai had talked with the Liu brothers before. Of course, they had no opinion, and they agreed without thinking about it.

   Needless to say, following Jiang Xiaobai is indeed a good development, much better than others.

  What's more, after last year's Forbes Rich List was published, their brothers became famous all at once.

  The richest man in the country, to be honest, when they were interviewed, they never thought that they would become the richest man in the country.

  Aren’t you kidding me? They know how much money they have in their hearts, and there are a lot of people in the country that are stronger than them.

  But they became the richest man in the country, which gave them a huge reputation.

  But the same things about them in the past were also put in the eyes of the public, and things about them and Jiang Xiaobai were picked up.

   Incidentally, Jiang Xiaobai was also on fire, and was called the godfather of business.

  This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that they are completely bound to Jiang Xiaobai.

  Everyone knows that it is because of Jiang Xiaobai that their brothers are able to have today.

  If they run contrary to Jiang Xiaobai, then what others will think, betrayal, betrayal.

  Although it is said that this kind of thing happens from time to time in shopping malls, it is not made public. Once it is made public, others will definitely be anxious when facing their hope group in the future.

  After all, you can even treachery like Jiang Xiaobai, and there is nothing you can't do.

  In the future, you will not be able to mix in the country. After all, no one wants to cooperate with a perfidious person.

  So even if they are on the same boat with Jiang Xiaobai in the future, they have no choice.

  Unless it is something that seriously damages the interests of the hope group, basically this situation cannot happen.

  Because as the outside world said, I hope that the group can go to this day, Jiang Xiaobai’s help is also indispensable.

  So after receiving Jiang Xiaobai’s call, he immediately agreed.

  Hang up, Jiang Xiaobai called Factory Manager Lu again.

  Director Lu happily agreed upon hearing this. This is what he said before.

   Then Wang Shi, Feng Lun, Chen Dongsheng... Jiang Xiaobai called out one by one.

   are basically people with names and surnames in shopping malls.

  However, after receiving Jiang Xiaobai’s call, they all agreed without saying a word.

  Suddenly Jiang Xiaobai saw a business card thrown in the pen holder.

  That was Teacher Ma’s business card. Jiang Xiaobai smiled and looked at the phone on the business card and dialed out.

   "Hey, who?" Which familiar voice was on the other end of the phone.

   "This is Jiang Xiaobai, Mr. Ma is bothering you." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

  Obviously, he froze on the other end of the phone. It seemed that he didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to call.

  Then Jiang Xiaobai heard the sound of the chair pulling, and with a sound, he should have gotten up from the chair.

"Dong Jiang, hello, hello, I wanted to call you a long time ago. I'm afraid to disturb you. Let me report to you. Your company’s advertisements on our yellow pages have already received a lot of clicks and views. ..."

  Teacher Ma thought that Jiang Xiaobai called because of advertising. Although the advertising fee is not much, at least it is like this for Jiang Xiaobai.

  But after all, the Internet is a new thing, and it is understandable that Jiang Xiaobai attaches importance to it.

  (End of this chapter)

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