Chapter 1897 Number 1

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at Mou Qizhong, and his seed looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

  I don’t know how much emotion is flowing in the eyes of the two people.

  The two people met more than ten years ago. At that time, one was a college student and the other was a businessman who just came out of the horn to sell bamboo baskets.

  In the past ten years, Jiang Xiaobai and Mou Qizhong have worked together again and again, and the relationship has become better and better, and they have helped each other.

  If you have something, the other party will definitely come to help, if the other party has something, you don’t need to say anything, you will also help.

   Tacitly, it can be said that the relationship between two people is not only known to the two of them, but also to outsiders. The relationship between Jiang Xiaobai and Mou Qizhong is very strong.

   But now, the two are about to part ways.

  The reporters held their breath and watched this scene. To be honest, they did not expect this to happen.

  Too sudden, like the Gemini that I thought of before, Mr. Liu and Mr. Ni parted ways, because there were rumors before.

  Moreover, it was no longer a rumor after it developed. Someone has confirmed it, and even two people have expressed their opinions in public.

  And that's it. The contradiction has been open to classes, and it has been more than half a year before finally ending with Mr. Ni.

   But no matter what, it takes time for an event to develop from its appearance to the final result.

  Everything should have a sign, but this time there is no sign at all between Mou Qizhong and Jiang Xiaobai.

  This is not in line with common sense. There was no sign that the two people fell out suddenly.

  Even if the cooperation between Jiang Xiaobai and Mou Qizhong is not like President Ni and President Liu, there should be an incident.

  And this time it seems that the two fell out a little bit strangely.

  Normal speaking, Nande Group is acquiring the shares of Huade Satellite Company held by Huaqing Holding Group.

  It should also be negotiated before signing the contract. After all, Huade Satellite Company is not a small company.

  The registered capital alone is tens of millions, not to mention there are projects and profits in it. The current market value is hard to say, but how can the market value be in the hundreds of millions.

  Huaqing Holding Group should hold half of the shares of Huade Satellite Company. Normally, it is tens of millions in any case.

  No matter how big a company is, it is impossible to say a tens of millions of acquisitions or business, it's such a trifle.

  I didn’t talk about it. Looking at the contract that Mou Qizhong prepared, the amount of the acquisition was actually empty. Jiang Xiaobai was allowed to fill in a number and also stamped his company’s official seal.

  Is there still such a business? In other words, now Jiang Xiaobai can fill in as much money as he wants.

  Mou Qizhong owes him how much money Jiang Xiaobai fills in.

  This is a business of tens of millions, hundreds of millions, nowhere is there such a play.

  Many reporters twitched their mouths, and gave Jiang Xiaobai a close-up of the position of the amount on the contract.

  This may be the most absurd acquisition this year. It should not be said that it is the most absurd acquisition ever.

  Add the numbers by myself. I guess that after this news is broadcast, I don’t know how many companies hope to encounter the company’s shares acquired in this way.

  Fill in the numbers at will, I will recognize as many as you fill in.

  The separation of Jiang Xiaobai and Mou Qizhong was already a big enough news.

  As a result, there was another acquisition case. Needless to say, this news will definitely occupy the headlines of many newspapers tomorrow.

  And for a long time, it will become the hot news of people.

   Jiang Xiaobai picked up the pen, put the contract on the table, and looked down at the blank spot.

   Then he raised his head and glanced at Mou Qizhong. Mou Qizhong did not speak, and gave a cold snort from his nose.

  Jiang Xiaobai sighed in his heart, lifted the pen without saying a word, and drew a number 1 in the blank position.

  The reporters took the time to focus on the contract and gave Jiang Xiaobai a close-up.

  Jiang Xiaobai’s entry will definitely become a history.

  Now that a 1 has been written, the next step is to see how many zeros Jiang Xiaobai fills in the back.

   is either seven zeros or eight zeros.

  If Jiang Xiaobai is unwilling to ask for more money, it is possible to write ten million.

  If it is normal, it is slightly overestimated, even 100 million is possible.

  Although the difference between these two numbers is very different, it sounds very unreliable.

  But how can this acquisition be a normal acquisition? Just fill in the numbers in a blank space.

  This thing is full of drama, so no one is surprised what happens.

  Everyone held their breath. They had never seen such a profit. Every time Jiang Xiaobai drew a zero after that 1, his assets would double by ten times.

  Excitement, this kind of uncertainty is the most interesting.

  Because you never know how much money will be in the next second.

  Everyone is waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to paint zero again, including Mou Qizhong is the same.

  In fact, Mou Qizhong was a little bit angry when he made such a case.

  Jiang Xiaobai wants to part ways, okay, then I will satisfy you and let everyone be a testimony. I will have nothing to do with you in the future.

  How do you say this, some are like the child breaking off the relationship with the parent after getting angry.

  Although this metaphor is not appropriate, it is almost the same.

  As for how much Jiang Xiaobai will fill in, he doesn't know, but he knows Jiang Xiaobai. Two people just turn their faces. That is also a different concept. Jiang Xiaobai will not fill in an astronomical figure.

  This is more than ten years time, let him come to the conclusion.

  He thinks that Jiang Xiaobai may be based on the normal price, about tens of millions, or one hundred million, at most not more than one hundred million.

  So he is also waiting for Jiang Xiaobai to continue writing.

  "Dididi." The signal light on the camera flashed continuously, aiming at the pen in Jiang Xiaobai's hand.

  Waiting for Jiang Xiaobai...

  But the next second, everyone's eyes widened.

  Because Jiang Xiaobai moved the place directly with the pen, signed his name and stamped it underneath, and then pushed the contract to Mou Qizhong.

  The entire conference room was quiet for several minutes, and everyone did not relax.

What does    mean, that's it? Stop writing, what does it mean?

   Regret it? But I regret it, so why do I need to sign and seal it?

  After signing, stamping the contract and giving the contract to Mou Qizhong, then the signing is complete.

  What did Jiang Xiaobai think? What does it mean?

  Everyone was puzzled, but Mou Qizhong suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth, and raised his head to look at Jiang Xiaobai incredulously.

  (End of this chapter)

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