Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 1898: No one understands

   Chapter 1898 No one understands

  In fact, not only the reporters and Mou Qizhong, but also Li Xiaoliu and Zhou Guomin behind Jiang Xiaobai did not react for a while.

  Don’t understand what Jiang Xiaobai means?

  However, everyone in the meeting room is not a fool, and soon understood the meaning of Jiang Xiaobai's doing this.

  But those who understand, feel even more absurd.

  Jiang Xiaobai means to sell the shares of Huade Satellite Company held by Huaqing Holding Group to Nande Group at a price of one dollar.

  Or to be more precise, Mou Qizhong.

  One dollar, one dollar is symbolic.

  Huade Satellite Company has only a registered capital of 40 million yuan, and it is in the satellite business. The last time it made a satellite business, it made at least 100 million yuan. This is to remove the cost.

  The current stock price of Huade Satellite Company is at least about 100 million yuan. Huaqing Holding Group holds 50% of the shares, which is less than 50 million.

   Even a little premium, which is 70 million, or even 100 million, is not impossible.

  But Jiang Xiaobai sold it to Mou Qizhong for a dollar.

  This is too crazy.

  They thought it was crazy enough that Mou Qizhong used a blank number to buy Jiang Xiaobai’s shares in Huade Satellite Company.

  But I didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to be even more crazy. He even sold tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of shares for a dollar.

  If Mou Qizhong’s madness is at least more or less logical, after all, Jiang Xiaobai’s personality, whether it is Mou Qizhong or the outside world, has something to understand.

  Don’t say that you have a reputation, at least it is a person with a good reputation, just a blank number.

  Jiang Xiaobai could not open his mouth.

  But Jiang Xiaobai’s behavior is completely illogical and crazy.

  Jiang Xiaobai is called the "Godfather of Business" on loan. That's because Jiang Xiaobai's many investments have never failed.

  Each investment brought huge profits to Jiang Xiaobai.

  So Jiang Xiaobai’s investment this time is definitely Jiang Xiaobai’s biggest failure in history.

  The most losing investment belongs to the kind of investment that lost money to grandma’s family.

  Many people outside are speculating about when Jiang Xiaobai’s first investment failure will be, in what way, and what a big investment.

  But I didn't expect it, it was born now.

   Lost tens of millions or even hundreds of millions.

   "Huh." The reporters in the conference room were breathing fast, big news, big news.

   Originally thought it was big news that Mou Qizhong and Jiang Xiaobai parted ways, but a blank acquisition case was added after it came.

  If it is said that Mou Qizhong’s ingenious blank acquisition book, it adds a lot of color and legend to the whole event.

  So Jiang Xiaobai sold tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of shares for a dollar, which completely pushed the matter to a climax.

   Jiang Xiaobai and Mou Qizhong, two people, today thoroughly explained one thing to the reporters of these news media.

  That's what it is called, there is no craziest, only crazier.

   "Let's pack things and go." Jiang Xiaobai stood up from the chair and said to Li Xiaoliu, Zhou Guomin and others without looking back.

   "Yes, Jiang Dong." Li Xiaoliu, Zhou Guomin and others replied loudly.

  Jiang Xiaobai got up and strode towards the elevator entrance. Behind him were Li Longquan, Zhou Guomin, Li Xiaoliu and some people who had been selected from Huaqing Holding Group and sent to the satellite company.

  Now that Jiang Xiaobai has sold all the shares in the satellite company held by Huaqing Holding Group, they will of course go back to Huaqing Holding Group instead of staying.

   "Wow." Mou Qizhong stood up from the chair, looked at Jiang Xiaobai's back, opened his mouth, eyes red, but made no sound.

   "Wow." At this moment, the reporters hurriedly hurry up and let cameras or the like point at Jiang Xiaobai's back.

  I don’t know why, everyone looks at the back, always feeling very cool and unspeakable.

  As for why he didn't rush to stop Jiang Xiaobai. Asking some messy, but very curious questions.

  They themselves couldn’t make it clear, but at this moment, looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s back, they really didn’t have the courage to go up.

  Maybe they don’t know why in their hearts, but they think this moment should belong to Jiang Xiaobai.

  Give him all the shots and let Jiang Xiaobai leave just like that, leaving a meaningful shot for others, or other people going up at this moment, that is a kind of blasphemy for Jiang Xiaobai.

  Maybe everyone didn't understand it, but no one said anything, but everyone really let Jiang Xiaobai leave, and no one went up to stop him.

  Perhaps sometimes time and history will give you the answer, of course, it may also be an over-interpretation.

  But sometimes some behaviors can really affect others.

  Everyone watched as the elevator door closed, Jiang Xiaobai slowly disappeared into the sight of everyone with them.

  Before this, the flashing lights in the entire meeting room had not stopped, until the elevator door was closed, there was still a flashing light that seemed to be free of money.

   Jiang Xiaobai disappeared, and the reporters quickly recovered. Now there is another party involved.

   So one after another pointed the camera at Mou Qizhong.

   "Kacha, khacha." In the lens, Mou Qizhong's eyes are reddish, his body is trembling slightly, and his lips keep opening and closing, as if there are a thousand words but can't say a word.

  This scene was fixed by the camera.

  "Mr. Mou, may I ask, Chairman Jiang sold you the satellite company he held for a token price of one dollar. How do you feel now?"

  "Mou, may I ask, what is the reason between you and Jiang Dong that led to this somewhat dramatic but shocking acquisition?"

  "Mou, may I ask..."

  The reporters gathered around Mou Qizhong to ask questions, and a bunch of microphones were handed to Mou Qizhong.

  Mou Qizhong had originally thought that, after the signing of the contract, after the reporter interview, there is nothing to say about the contradiction between him and Jiang Xiaobai.

   and took advantage of this opportunity to announce his new investment plan.

  But at this moment, Mou Qizhong was not in the mood to face the bunch of reporters he had invited.

  Mou Qizhong shook his head, then turned and walked toward the outside of the meeting room, and glanced at the elevator at the entrance of the meeting room.

  Mou Qizhong walked directly to his office.

  "Mou, don’t go, I still have a question and want to..."

  "Mou, Mr. Mou..." A group of reporters were unwilling to let Mou Qizhong leave.

  But was stopped by the staff of the satellite company.

  "Sorry, Mr. Mou is tired and needs a rest."

  (End of this chapter)

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