Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2153: Supplementary plan

  Chapter 2153 Supplementary Plan

  As for the approximate amount of acquisition, Zhang Weiyi has not estimated yet, but he has a specific figure in his mind, which mainly needs to be discussed with Jiang Xiaobai.

After seeing Jiang Xiaobai's return, Zhang Weiyi immediately came to Jiang Xiaobai's office.

   "Dong Jiang, should we start the acquisition plan? The specific amount and the source of funds, you can take a look..." Zhang Weiyi said with the plan.

  These things need to be decided by Jiang Xiaobai.

   "No need, Wang Chao just started going to Yaohan. Have all the work been carried out? We don’t know what is going on at Yaohan, and how many things are left.

  At this time, there is no way to formulate a plan, how to formulate a plan. "

   Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said.

   "Yes, but this is not a general plan. If there is no such general plan, I am afraid that Wang Chao and the others are not easy to confess to Yaohan, and there is no such saying." Zhang Weiyi frowned and said.

  Playing like this obviously didn't put Yaohan in his eyes.

  Jiang Xiaobai said: "What are the rules? Where have you not figured out how much it is worth? Haven't seen anything, and what price.

  Now Yaohan is no longer at the time when it was before. At the time when there was still a market value, we can estimate a rough figure.

  They all have no market value now. Estimate a fart. Let’s audit first. After the audit results come back, let’s see how much Yaohan can still be worth. "

  Jiang Xiaobai has no intention of bidding, and now there is no way to bid. Now we estimate a price, and it is not appropriate to give too much. When the actual situation comes out, there is too much difference, but it is not easy to keep the price down, and it is not easy to talk about it.

  It is better not to quote now, wait until the results come out.

   "Okay, wait." Zhang Weiyi also understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant. If that's the case, then wait, as long as Wang Chao can explain the past.

  And Jiang Xiaobai is not willing to make an offer now, and he has nothing to do. Jiang Xiaobai still has the final say on this matter.

"Okay, you go and stare at a few homes and companies, look at their cooperation with Jian Libao, first go abroad, and wait until we buy Yaohan back, then there will be room for us to talk back. Mostly.

  All products can also go abroad. "Jiang Xiaobai exclaimed.

  Zhang Weiyi nodded, turned around and went out. Jiang Xiaobai picked up the Changxingju Real Estate Company’s supplementary plan for the development of the Xiangjiang plot that was reported on the table. The previous report was for the development of a residential community.

  But now that Wang Meng has completely taken down that piece of land, Wang Meng no longer wants to develop a residential area, he wants to do commercial real estate.

  How to say it, compared with the mainland, Xiangjiang is really an inch of money. Whenever there is a place, everyone is reluctant to build a residential building, but wants to build a commercial real estate.

  After all, buying a house is a one-time transaction, just how much money is there, so what can it be?

No matter how expensive it is, it will be sold out when it is sold out, but commercial real estate is different. Commercial real estate is forever. In this place with little land, a commercial real estate is a golden chicken that lays eggs. It can always be given to the company for a long time. Provide cash.

   is a cash cow, so anyone who can get land in this place will not think about building any residential buildings, even apartments and pigeon buildings are not willing to build, they are thinking about building commercial real estate.

Now Changxingju Real Estate Company reported that it wants to build a large shopping mall in this place. The construction is divided into two phases. The first phase is a huge hotel with hot springs and meeting rooms, all of which are built with high-end facilities. . The second phase is a huge shopping and entertainment center.

  Anyway, no matter how luxurious it is, how high-end it is, it will be a high-end shopping center.

  This Wang Meng not only reported the plan, but even completed the design drawings.

   is also attached to the supplementary plan. The supplementary plan, the fart supplementary plan, what kind of supplementary plan is this, this is obviously a new plan.

  There is also a supplementary plan. This is fooling people. The house is changed to a commercial building and it is divided into two phases. If this is called a supplementary plan, there will be no new plan.

   Jiang Xiaobai grabbed the phone and called Wang Meng.

  "When are you coming back, come to my office, I want to talk to you about your supplementary plan." Jiang Xiaobai gritted his teeth on the supplementary plan and emphasized it.

  Of course, Wang Meng could understand it on the phone. He didn't speak, just smiled "hehe".

  "Brother Xiaobai, I really have good reasons, but I dare not go back now. I will be scolded when I go back, but Brother Xiaobai, we have this supplement plan..."

  Wang Meng said halfway, Jiang Xiaobai interrupted: "I also added a plan, Wang Meng, your brain is flooded, you kid treat me as a fool."

   "Hey, new plan, new plan, I'm not afraid of you cursing others, thinking that you can accept it better." Wang Meng said with a smile.

   "Fart, you just think of me as a silly boy. Or you yourself are silly boys, this is a cover up, whose bad idea?" Jiang Xiaobai continued to curse, even if you just say that you are a new plan.

  I even got the design drawings before submitting a supplementary plan.

  "This is the bad idea I think, Brother Xiaobai, I'll go back in two days, and admit the punishment. Brother Xiaobai, me..." Wang Meng quickly apologized.

  It's just self-defeating, it's like this. Of course, he didn't think of this idea, but at this time he definitely had to carry it. The idea was Liu Hui, and the design drawings were all made by Liu Hui.

  As soon as he said that, he also agreed. It seemed that he really couldn't believe this woman's bad idea.

   "Go away, when you come back, let's see how you can be cleaned up. If you don't come back and be cleaned up, you won't approve your plan, and you will call people who really come up with bad ideas. I want to see who this person is."

  Jiang Xiaobai hung up after speaking. Of course he knew that this was not the idea of ​​Wang Meng. It is probably the idea of ​​a big idiot in their company.

  He just wants to meet this big idiot and see who this big idiot is.

  Who thought of such a clever idea is really a talent.

   "Hey, Dong Jiang, Brother Xiaobai..." Wang Meng said to the phone, he heard the busy tone on the phone, and hung up the phone helplessly, with a wry smile.

  (End of this chapter)

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