Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2154: Scared of being scolded

  Chapter 2154 Scared of being scolded

  Wang Meng hung up the phone and called Liu Hui over. Liu Hui has grown from a designer to the vice president of Changxingju Real Estate Company.

  In charge of design, planning, and marketing. After Liu Hui entered Wang Meng’s office, she immediately looked at Wang Meng and asked, “Mr. Wang, has the plan been approved?”

  Although it is said that the land parcels are still in the handover stage, now the plan must be finalized as soon as possible and other preparatory work will begin.

  If the plan cannot be finalized, no other preparations can be started, and the Xiangjiang project is now the top priority of the company's development, so the plan must be determined as soon as possible.

  Wang Meng wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything at this time. He looked at Liu Hui and asked Liu Hui to sit down.

  "Which good news or bad news do you want to hear first?" Wang Meng asked with a smile.

   "Good news," Liu Hui said. Most people listen to the bad news first, but she doesn't, she needs to listen to the good news first.

   "Okay, the good news is that Jiang Dong has already seen our plan. If there is no clear objection, it means that it is possible to agree." Wang Meng said.

"Really, great. Then we can start the preparatory work here. The design plan needs to be more detailed here. Some things need further surveys, and the planning needs to be more clear. a little."

  Liu Hui was about to leave as she talked. It’s fine if there is this good news, but she doesn’t want to hear the bad news.

  The development of this residential area and the development of commercial real estate are completely different.

  The preparation work that needs to be done is also completely different.

   "Wait, there is bad news." Wang Meng stopped Liu Hui.

  "What is the bad news?" Liu Hui stopped and sighed. It seems that the bad news is really not something you can't listen to if you don't want to hear it.

   "The bad news is that Jiang Dong feels that the supplementary plan we reported is fooling the silly boy. He is very dissatisfied."

  Wang Meng said, Liu Hui chuckled and laughed: “Isn’t there nothing we can do with this? How come you have become a fool?”

"Do you still have a face to smile? I told you, Jiang Dong was very angry and asked whose idea was this. I said that I carried it for you, saying that it was my idea, but Dong Jiang didn't believe it and said let it be. I took the person who gave the idea to the magic city to report face to face.

  Otherwise, this plan will never be approved. "

  Wang Meng said, Liu Hui's expression became bitter. The Demon Capital will report face-to-face, and he will report face-to-face.

  Jiang Xiaobai said that he had fooled him as a stupid boy. This sounded more coke, but after the fun, you can imagine Jiang Xiaobai's anger.

  If this is going to the magic capital, where is it going to report in person? Is this going to be scolded in person?

  While Jiang Dong is so angry now, will he be lighter when he is scolded?

  Up to now, Liu Hui still remembers being scolded and crying by Jiang Xiaobai when she first went to work, but that is still fresh in her memory. I still remember that Zhao Xiaojin came to comfort herself.

  This time Jiang Xiaobai felt that he was treated as a stupid boy, and he couldn't be scolded to death if he went away.

   "Is this Jiang Dong angry?" Liu Hui said tentatively.

  Wang nodded fiercely: "Nonsense, this is not irritable to explain. I was scolded on the phone just now, and I was scolded not lightly.

  This is still through the phone. If you are in person, you can't be scolded to death. It's all your bad idea.

  After I get to the magic city, how can I tell you? "

  "How do you explain? I dare not go, or you will go alone if Mr. Wang, I'm afraid." Liu Hui's head shook like a rattle, and to be honest, she was very scared now when she thought of the scene of being scolded and crying.

  There are many times when the senior officials of the Huaqing Holding Group are scolded by Jiang Xiaobai. Many people are not afraid. They even feel that being scolded by Jiang Xiaobai is a sign of closeness, but Liu Hui is different. She is really scared.

  I was scolded the first time I was scolded, so I really didn’t dare to go.

  Wang Meng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't want to, but there is no way. Jiang Dong said, if you don't take this person with the bad idea, this plan will not be approved."

  Liu Hui finally nodded helplessly. Since Jiang Xiaobai determined that Wang Meng did not do it, then he can no longer bite the bullet to lie to Jiang Xiaobai.

  "Then go as soon as possible, anyway, stretching your head is also a knife to shrinking your head." Liu Hui said bachelor, anyway, things are already like this, and you can't hide.

   "Okay, then prepare, we will leave tomorrow." Wang Meng said.

   Liu Hui shrank her head again. Although she was a bachelor, she was really scared in her heart.

   Jiang Xiaobai was Wang Meng and Liu Hui who met in the office the next afternoon.

   "Let’s talk about it, who has gotten into the brain and thought of this bad idea, Liu Hui, is that you?" Jiang Xiaobai was startled as soon as Jiang Xiaobai spoke.

I quickly said that it’s not me or me. In fact, this is simply nonsense. I said it when I came here. It was Wang Meng who came with the person who came up with the idea. Liu Hui and Wang Meng came here, and they made it clear that it was Liu Hui. Bad idea.

  As a result, Liu Hui even denied it now.

   "Then what are you doing here?" Jiang Xiaobai was surprised. Is this Liu Hui's brain broken?

   "I...I...I will admit my mistake, Jiang Dong, don't scold me, I know I was wrong." Liu Hui said with her head lowered.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Hui and couldn't bear to scold her. This Liu Hui was really speechless.

   "Wang Meng, Wang Meng, this Liu Hui and her..." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Liu Hui and couldn't bear to say something: "Are you getting water in your head? Supplementary agreement, what is supplementary agreement? What is supplementary?

  Come on, Wang Meng, I know that you have a low academic qualifications and that you have no culture, but you know the Xinhua Dictionary. You open the Xinhua Dictionary for me and read me what is meant by supplementation. What does supplementation mean? "

  Jiang Xiaobai threw a Xinhua dictionary on Wang Meng's body, and he spoke with painful points.

  Wang Meng doesn’t matter, there’s no way, this low degree means a low degree. Jiang Xiaobai will scold him. Of course, if you change someone to scold him, try.

  Wang Meng was cheeky and didn't feel anything wrong, but Liu Hui on the side was different. Although Liu Hui was not scolded, Jiang Xiaobai just scolded Wang Meng, so Liu Hui gave it a shot. She was really scared.

"Read, open the dictionary and read it to me, your supplementary agreement, what is called a supplementary agreement, your Changxingju Real Estate Company is good from top to bottom, awesome, awesome, just fooling people so brightly. "

  (End of this chapter)

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