Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2166: what happens

  Chapter 2166 What happened

  The whole meeting room was silent. Everyone looked up at Jiang Xiaobai. They were separated but not too far away, but they couldn't see clearly the expression on Jiang Xiaobai's face and the meaning in his eyes.

  They are not afraid of Jiang Xiaobai being angry, they are not afraid of Jiang Xiaobai being angry, Jiang Xiaobai is famous for swearing in the company, and it is nothing.

   But this is the expressionless face, obviously only a little distance away, but the whole person seems to be covered by a layer of fog, two or three meters away, but it is separated by a huge gap.

  In the past, they also sat on the podium not far from Jiang Xiaobai. As senior staff in the headquarters, they still felt superior.

  But at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai himself was sitting on the high platform. When they were off the stage, they realized how ridiculous the sense of superiority was.

  "Give you half an hour to think about it, and think about it." Jiang Xiaobai spit out a word and then stopped speaking, leaning on the back of the chair and lighting up a cigarette.

The strands of white smoke blocked Jiang Xiaobai's eyes even more, making people unable to see clearly and see through.

  But everyone felt cold, and it took half an hour to choose.

  People from the Personnel Department knocked on the door and walked in. When they were notified, they didn’t know what had happened. Didn’t it mean that it was a high-level meeting?

  Why have they notified the personnel department that they are here? Normally, high-level meetings are related to a certain department and should also be those external business departments, such as the sales department, such as the marketing department, such as the purchasing department.

  Sometimes the things discussed are related to these departments, and sometimes these high-level meetings will notify these departments to attend.

  But basically there is no such thing as their personnel department, unless it is during the graduation season recruitment, but this time is not the graduation season either.

  So after receiving the news, a group of personnel from the Department of Human Resources talked a lot on the way to the conference room. I wondered if I could not understand what was going on.

  But as soon as they entered the meeting room, they keenly noticed that the atmosphere in the meeting room was a bit wrong.

  The personnel department is just thinking about people. Although they don't understand what happened in the conference room, such a low air pressure is definitely not a good thing.

  The ugly look on the faces of those high-level leaders is not at all obscured. The high-level leaders and high-level personnel of their personnel department are among them, and their faces are also unsightly.

They know that the face of the leader of their department is always calm, and the city is so deep that people can't see what is thinking in their minds. It can be said to be joy and anger invisible, but the expression on his face today is really true. The richness to a certain extent.

  What happened to make the leader be able to appear like this.

   "Dong Jiang, the personnel department is here." Zhang Weiyi reminded him in a low voice.

   Jiang Xiaobai just looked up.

   "Sit down here for your personnel from the Human Resources Department. Some of them will resign in a while. Give me the fastest time to complete the resignation procedures." Jiang Xiaobai pointed at the group of high-level officials.

The voice of    is not too high, but the meaning contained in the words has set off stormy waves in everyone's hearts.

What's the meaning? These senior executives are going to resign.

  What the **** happened? Why do the senior executives resign? No wonder the expressions on their faces are so ugly. No wonder the boss of his department is not surprised at ordinary times.

A group of people from the personnel department almost didn't throw the information they were carrying on the ground. The news was a bit overwhelming. A group of people stayed in place for a long time. Finally, Zhang Weiyi gave a light cough, and then he got to the seats of a group of people with fear. Sat down.

  In the process, one by one deliberately lightened his steps, for fear of making any movement, one by one was cautious.

  After sitting down, the personnel in the personnel department did not squint, even coughing, for fear of attracting attention.

  What is this? Their personnel department manages the company's personnel, and they are indeed responsible for the resignation, but who is the person who resigns?

   is the real high-level of the company headquarters, and not one or two, but all the high-levels of the entire headquarters.

  This also includes the bosses of their directly affiliated departments. They are not one or two to resign, but this is the first to go through the resignation procedures for their bosses.

  The usual high-level leaders of the headquarters are their leaders. When they walk, they raise their heads and are very proud.

   is the highest level of the group. Except for Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi, it is them. The office floors where they are located are not accessible to ordinary people.

  But at this moment, they all looked ugly. In fact, they seemed to be no different from ordinary people.

   People who are usually above all suddenly fall into the mortal dust, and it seems that they are not falling into the mortal dust, but the dust.

  Jiang Xiaobai, what is this doing? To force them to resign?

  Unfortunately, at this time, there is so much curiosity in my heart that I can’t ask it. It’s not when I’m asking, otherwise it’s easy to ask a sentence.

  But after I asked, I guess I will have to go through the resignation procedures. Now the Huaqing Holding Group has a big business, and there are two buildings on the edge of the Lujiazui Bund.

This is strength. Although it is a private enterprise and sometimes jokingly said that he is a township enterprise, who would dare to treat Huaqing Holding Group as an ordinary private enterprise? As for township enterprises, it is purely self-deprecating. .

  Much stronger than many large state-owned enterprises. In the personnel department of the headquarters of Huaqing Holding Group, it is a high salary, stable job, and respectable. If this is resigned, where can I find such a good job.

  Working in this Huaqing Building all day long, I don’t know how many people's envy eyes are blushing just because of the working environment.

So at this time, everyone in the Personnel Department was sitting on the side with fear. They didn't dare to ask or say anything. They were unsure. If so many senior executives resigned, it would be no less than a major earthquake for the company. what.

  The entire company will definitely be shaken, even if it does not resign, as long as the event in the conference room today spreads, it is estimated that the entire group will cause a sensation.

Everyone in the personnel department here is thinking in a mess. The high-level people who are sitting not far away are also up and down. Everyone has different thoughts, but the expression on their faces is ugly. Is consistent.

  (End of this chapter)

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