Chapter 2167 Selection

  Jiang Xiaobai’s attitude is already very obvious, and he is very dissatisfied with them. He goes down to the subsidiary and becomes the vice president, from the vice president of the headquarters to the vice president of the subsidiary.

  Although Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi both felt that these two positions were not much different, that was the position of these two positions in the eyes of Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi, but in their eyes, they were not the same thing at all.

  How can the vice president of a subsidiary compare with the vice president of the headquarters? The vice president of a subsidiary is a subsidiary.

  The vice presidents of their headquarters, in their view, are the senior executives of the group, and can be compared with the person in charge of the subsidiary. To say that the lack is lack of an opportunity, as long as it is a new subsidiary of the company.

They may also have the opportunity to delegate the real power, so in their minds, their position in the group is the same as the position of the head of the subsidiary. Now let them go to the subsidiary and the vice president of the subsidiary to swap, which is abrupt. It's downgraded them by one level.

It's strange that they can be willing, and they don't understand Jiang Xiaobai's approach. If you say something wrong, you will be punished if you are punished, but they obviously feel that they have done nothing wrong, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi. There is nothing to blame for two people who want to commit crimes.

  How can they be convinced? Since they are not convinced, they definitely don’t want to go on.

  I can't swallow the breath in my heart, and once it goes down, whether it can come up again, that's two different things.

  Jiang Xiaobai has already said that whether he can come back depends on the person in charge of the subsidiary saying how well they are performing, and the person in charge of the subsidiary saying that they can come back before they can come back.

  This is equivalent to having one's own future controlled by others abruptly, and no one would like this kind of thing.

  Not to mention that afterwards, the vice presidents of the various subsidiaries, there is no way to compare with the feasting and feasting life at the headquarters.

   But if you don’t accept this appointment now, you will have to resign, resign and quit from Huaqing Holding Group, will you be able to find such a suitable job, and whether you will be able to occupy a high position.

  These are not necessarily things, and after struggling for so long in Huaqing Holding Group, they are also reluctant to leave.

  For a while, everyone was entangled in their hearts. Now the problems in the middle are very complicated. They involve face and practical interests. Everyone is in a mess, and they don’t know how to choose.

  Especially the people in the personnel department are sitting on the sidelines and waiting for the resignation procedures for everyone, which is even more uncomfortable.

  Many people are also making eye contact, and they are also considering that Jiang Xiaobai is so cruel that he is not afraid that these people will resign all at once and cause the group headquarters to be paralyzed.

   But looking at Jiang Xiaobai's appearance, he didn't care at all.

  And they are also aware of Jiang Xiaobai’s power. It is estimated that they will all resign now. By tomorrow morning, the vice president of the branch will come and report to take over their position.

In fact, the key thing is that Jiang Xiaobai’s prestige within the group is too high. If Zhang Weiyi promotes this, they really dare to gamble that resigning together will make Zhang Weiyi embarrassed, because the vice president of the branch may be unwilling. Come here, the subsidiary will not release people.

  But when Jiang Xiaobai spoke, they knew that without asking, none of the subsidiaries dared to be disobedient.

  Everyone's thoughts are changing sharply, everyone is weighing the pros and cons in their hearts, and time passes bit by bit, ten minutes, twenty minutes, and twenty-five minutes.

When they have the last five minutes to choose, either accept Jiang Xiaobai’s order, get the documents, and then follow Jiang Xiaobai’s instructions. In the future, if he can return to the headquarters, he really needs his life. Up.

Either go to the side to apply for resignation, and then leave. From now on, there is still no future. No matter what, everyone knows that even if you go out to other companies and find a job, you will not be in the Huaqing Holding Group like now. So moisturizing.

  The short span of 25 minutes is less than half an hour. In the past, when I was processing documents and drinking tea in the office, I could not feel the passage of time at all.

  But in just twenty-five minutes now, it makes them feel like a century has passed.

  Because they are already middle-aged, their next choice will be related to their lives in the next few decades. It can be said that without that, it would really be a century for them.

  Many people have sweat on their foreheads. They really can’t stand this depressing atmosphere and the choices at the crossroads of life.

  Many people have regretted in their hearts. They regretted why they were so slack in the past, and regretted why they still had grievances in their hearts when Jiang Xiaobai came in today.

  Jiang Xiaobai said yesterday, what's the big deal with the two curses? Why is it full of resentment today? Maybe Jiang Xiaobai would not do it so absolutely if he was a little better at the meeting today.

  Everyone regretted not having it in their hearts, but it was of no use anymore.

  At this time, Jiang Xiaobai had already given them the final letter.

  With the last three minutes left, almost everyone in the meeting room was sweating heavily on their foreheads.

  The boss of the personnel department did not wait until the end. He stood up at this time, and the person in charge of the personnel department stood up first, like a signal. Everyone looked over and wanted to see his choices.

  The person in charge of the personnel department is obviously a few steps away from getting up to walking to the front desk, but it is particularly difficult to walk.

  After arriving at the front desk, it became more attractive to everyone. They all wanted to know whether he stepped forward to accept the appointment with the document in Jiang Xiaobai's hand, or went to the personnel department staff on the side to accept his subordinates to handle the resignation for himself.

  However, in full view, the person in charge of the Personnel Department stopped and did not go to the Personnel Department on the side. Instead, he picked up the transfer order Jiang Xiaobai placed on the table.

"Dong Jiang, I accept the arrangement of the group. Any branch company is fine. Within three days, I will hand over the job clearly with my successor, and then go to the subsidiary to work hard. Please rest assured, Dong Jiang, I will definitely not disappoint Jiang Dong. Painstakingly.

   will not shame the headquarters..." The person in charge of personnel said very solemnly and powerfully.

   Jiang Xiaobai nodded with a smile, this is a good start.

   "Okay, don't let me down, go." Jiang Xiaobai said simply without any words to retain.

  (End of this chapter)

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