Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2171: No comparison no harm

   Chapter 2171 No comparison, no harm

   Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi chatted while walking towards the outside. Jianhua Hotel was not far from the company, so the two simply walked over.

   "I'll go to Yamato in two days, and then we'll go to Rongcheng to hold the Oriental Meeting together. Years ago, I was going to go back to Jianhua Village. I haven't been there for several years, and I don't know what it looks like now."

  Jiang Xiaobai felt a little emotional. It used to be more convenient to go back to Jianhua Village when he was in Longcheng, but now after coming to the Magic City, it is inconvenient to go back to Jianhua Village.

  Jianhua Village is actually the hometown of Jiang Xiaobai in this life. After all, he has been in Jianhua Village since his rebirth in this life. In fact, compared to the city of Longcheng, he has more affection for Jianhua Village.

   Zhang Weiyi also nodded: "Okay, I'll see the time when the time comes. If the company's affairs can be arranged, I'll go back too."

   Zhang Weiyi stayed in Jianhua Village for a long time. Of course, he was not as emotional as Jiang Xiaobai, but it was the place where Huaqing Holding Group emerged. People in the whole group mentioned Jianhua Village with a special feeling.

   "Well, prepare a speech at the Oriental Conference and say something. You have also participated in two sessions, so you should have some opinions of your own." Jiang Xiaobai said again.

  The Oriental Club was held this year by the Liu brothers. In Rongcheng, this is the third session. This year, it has attracted several companies, and Li Jingwei is also going to join this time.

   will follow along at that time, and now the scale of the Oriental Association is getting bigger and bigger.

   Zhang Weiyi nodded vigorously: "Okay Jiang Dong, I will prepare well."

   Being able to speak at the Oriental Conference means that you have entered the circle of the top private enterprises in China.

   If the views can be recognized by everyone, it can be said that it will have a little impact on the domestic private economy.

   On the capital side, although Mou Zhongzhong also organized a Taishan meeting, no matter in terms of scale or the number of people participating, there is no way to compare it with the Oriental meeting.

  Especially after Mou Zhongqi joined in in the past two years, it was even more smoky, and he pulled investment from time to time, needless to say, it was like the Oriental Association.

  The conditions for entering the Oriental Club are harsh, and it is very difficult for many companies to apply for it.

Taishan Association just wants to pull people in, but many companies are reluctant. People who know a little bit about the inside story will hide as far as they can. There is no way for people to seek benefits and avoid disadvantages. better.

I heard a little bit of news from the Oriental Conference, which can help companies get out of their predicament or make a choice to fight for, and they are all big companies that join them. ?

   After joining, you will have nothing to do all day long. If you are not attracted to invest, you will participate in some useless activities. It is useless to take up time and energy.

  What do you do in a party like this? Needless to say, joining, that is, those who have already joined are trying to find a way to quit.

   Mr. Liu, who made the decision to bring Mou Zhong in, now regrets it, because Mou Zhong recently asked him to support the Mars plan and asked him to invest 50 million.

   also said that after the Mars plan is successful, he will be given a place at that time, fart, why can't he live on Mars on a good earth? Isn't this neurosis?

   Zhang Weiyi and Jiang Xiaobai chatted all the way to Jianhua Hotel, these newly appointed high-level executives had already arrived, and it was quite lively chatting in the private room.

  The relationship between Wang Chao, Wang Meng, Song Xin, and others, the heads of the subsidiary companies, was good. There was no entanglement of interests between these vice presidents. Instead, they followed Wang Chao and they occasionally drank wine at dinner parties.

   Now they all come to the headquarters to work, and the relationship between them is still very good.

   Seeing Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Weiyi pushing the door and walking in, everyone immediately stood up.

   "Sit and sit, what are you talking about? Are you so happy?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

   "Jiang Dong, let's talk about some things about the company, which is a bit bigger than the two leaders, Wang Chao and Wang Meng." Someone replied with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't have any pretense, he took out a cigarette and lit one by himself, then threw it to the crowd, and said with a smile: "You ask me this question, I know best, Wang Meng's drinking capacity at the beginning is not comparable to Wang Chao's. .

  Wang Chao doesn't say pouring three glasses, but after a few glasses of wine, his tongue starts to grow. Has it been two years? No one controls Wang Chao's wife abroad, but Wang Meng is controlled by his wife all day long in Pengcheng. I don't know how much he drinks. "

  Jiang Xiaobai said, everyone laughed hahaha, these innocuous jokes are the most able to pull in the relationship.

   Especially when the leader speaks out.

"Let me tell you, when we were still in Jianhua Village that year, there would be no wine, and we didn't have money to buy wine. This kid Wang Meng saw that there was an uncle in the west of the village and burned the sweet potatoes, but at that time everyone would No money either.

   I don't care about this, anyway, let this kid go get the wine, this kid went with a few cans..."

  Jiang Xiaobai talked about the incident in Jianhua Village, which immediately attracted everyone's attention. Not only were the newly appointed senior executives willing to listen to this kind of thing, but Zhang Weiyi also listened to it with gusto.

   This is very normal. People are willing to listen to the hard times before big people become famous, want to know their embarrassing things, know the hardships they endured, and then they will think in their hearts that big people also have such times.

   When Zhang Weiyi went to Jianhua Village, several companies had already developed very well. Although he didn't say how good he was, at least eating meat and drinking was not a problem. This was the first time he heard about sweet potatoes.

   There were bursts of laughter from time to time in the private room. Compared to the current tense atmosphere in the headquarters, I don’t know how much more cheerful it was.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Jiang Xiaobai picked up the wine glass and said with a smile, "Even if this meal is for you, everyone has seen a little bit about the work style of the headquarters, so I hope you can change the present. this situation.

   Teach them the work style of the subsidiary company, so as not to be influenced by them, I will invite everyone to drink when the work is done. "

  Jiang Xiaobai said, and drank the wine glass in one go. The others followed and drank the wine in the glass. After drinking, Jiang Xiaobai got up and left. He was still a little bit reluctant to let everyone go here.

   (end of this chapter)

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