Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2172: Go to Yamato

   Chapter 2172 Go to Yamato

   Although Jiang Xiaobai said he was gone, everyone's thoughts were uncertain. What Jiang Xiaobai said before he left seemed to be normal and nothing, but it was an exhortation, an exhortation, an expectation.

   But it can also be said to be a warning, warning them not to become slack like the high-level group of the original headquarters.

   When the work is done, please have a drink. What if the work is not done well? Don't think about it, then there will definitely be no chance to drink, not only the question of whether or not to drink, but maybe if they become like the original high-level people, they will also follow in their footsteps.

No, it may even be more difficult to deal with. After all, they are the vice presidents of the subsidiary. If they deal with it, it is estimated that the subsidiary will not even be the vice president. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is not only the vice president. problem.

   If Jiang Xiaobai was driven back in such a dismal manner, the person in charge of the subsidiary would not bypass them.

  Everyone calmed down a bit, and felt a little nervous in their hearts. This time they came to the headquarters not as a chance for revenge given by Jiang Xiaobai, but to change the working style of the headquarters and the thinking of everyone.

The situation on the    headquarters side is getting worse day by day, and the wind is shaking, and everyone feels the determination to rectify this time.

   And Jiang Xiaobai took Song Xin and more than ten people from the acquisition team, as well as a third-party company, a group of more than 30 people to Yamato Country a few days later.

   After Wang Chao and others from Yamato Kingdom got the news, they immediately notified Yaohan. Yaohan still attached great importance to Jiang Xiaobai's arrival, and they all understood that the person who had the final say had arrived.

  If we have a deal with Jiang Xiaobai, then there will be no problem. The person who decides is here.

  When Jiang Xiaobai brought people to Yamato, Yaohan's vice president, Hetian Yifu's younger brother, Hetian Shang, came to pick up the plane.

   Originally, Jiang Xiaobai brought an interpreter with him when he came, but he didn’t expect that Hetian Shang could speak Mandarin. Although he was not very fluent, there was still no problem in communication.

   also brought two media reporters on the side, but Jiang Xiaobai has long been immune to this kind of thing, seeing it is like not seeing it.

   "Welcome Chairman Jiang to Yamato, welcome and welcome." He Tian Shang kept his attitude low, not enthusiastic.

   "Hello." Jiang Xiaobai and He Tian Shang shook hands and patted Wang Chao on the shoulder.

"Chairman Jiang, I'm a reporter from the East Economic Asahi Shimbun, and I want to interview you. The main purpose of your visit this time is to acquire Yaohan, or are there other arrangements? Have you considered working on our Yamato side? There are other investments..."

   "Jiang Dong, hello, I am a reporter from Dongjing Economic News. What does Chairman Jiang think of Yaohan Group? Are you confident that the acquisition will be successful?"

   The two news media asked questions, but Jiang Xiaobai did not refuse, nodded and replied: "This time I brought people here mainly to acquire Yaohan Company.

  Yaohan Company is a company with a glorious history and an international company. We need to learn the service concept and management model.

   Therefore, our company also pays special attention to this matter, which is also the most important work of our company at present, and our company is still very confident about the acquisition.

  The confidence of our company comes from two aspects, one is the sincerity of our company, and the other is the sincerity of Yaohan company. There is a saying in our country that if there is a will, things will come true.

  I believe that as long as both of us are sincere, then this matter can definitely be done. "

   "Papapapa." There was warm applause at the scene, and this simple interview was over.

   Originally, this interview was not about going to the bottom of the story, but just to report that Jiang Xiaobai went to Yamato and Yaohan in person.

  Yaohan came here with three commercial vehicles and a bus, and there must be more than enough people to sit down.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't talk to Wang Chao alone as soon as he came up, it seemed too petty, and He Tian Shang was still there.

  Jiang Xiaobai, Wang Chao, Hetian Shang, and a few assistants sat in a business car. Red wine and cigars were also prepared in the car. I have to say that people will enjoy this.

   It’s not at all that these bitter private entrepreneurs in China can compare. It’s not that they don’t have money, but they haven’t learned to enjoy it yet.

"Jiang Dong, welcome to our East Longitude, we have arranged a hotel for you, it is a famous five-star hotel on the East Longitude, and we have prepared a tour guide and translator for you, so that you can visit the East Longitude after work. Take a walk and relax, but unfortunately you came at the wrong time, in March every year, it is the most beautiful time of our east longitude, there are cherry blossoms everywhere..."

  Wada Shang didn't talk about business as soon as he came up, but introduced some customs of Yamato.

   Those who buy things are not in a hurry, and those who sell things are not in a hurry, and Jiang Xiaobai is indeed interested in the customs of Yamato.

   However, the most distinctive things, Yamato's custom shop and Tian Shang, were not introduced. Of course, Jiang Xiaobai just thought about it. After all, these things are very famous in later generations, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't care too much.

  The car all the way to the hotel.

   "Jiang Dong, I won't go in. You have a good rest. In the evening, my eldest brother, Mr. Kazuo Wada of our Yaohan, invites the two of you to dinner." Hetian Shang pointed to the three commercial vehicles beside him.

   "These three cars are reserved for Jiang Dong, and the driver and the others will also stay, so that Jiang Dong can travel easily, and if there is any need, just find them directly.

  There are translators and tour guides who also live on the same floor as you...”

   Hetian Shang said, Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and did not reject Hetian Shang's arrangement. This person is not familiar with the place, so it would be more convenient to have a tour guide and an interpreter to go out.

   Besides, what kind of arrangement is this hundreds of millions of dollars in acquisitions?

   "Thank you." Jiang Xiaobai said.

   "You're welcome, it should be, then I won't disturb Jiang Dong's rest." He Tian Shang turned around and left after finishing speaking.

   Jiang Xiaobai, Wang Chao and others walked into the hotel. There is no difference between the hotel here and the domestic hotel, but if Jiang Xiaobai is really allowed to live in that kind of tatami, Jiang Xiaobai may not be able to live in it.

   It’s not just for a day or two here, but the most important thing is to live comfortably.

   "Jiang Dong, I'm on the same floor as you, please come this way." Wang Chao led Jiang Xiaobai and others towards the room. Song Xin also lived on this floor, right next door to Jiang Xiaobai.

   (end of this chapter)

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