Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2174: Old driver Jiang Xiaobai

   Chapter 2174 Old Driver Jiang Xiaobai

  The two women, the translator and the tour guide, were a little disappointed in Jiang Xiaobai's actions, but they didn't know that if it weren't for this, Song Xin might find a way to replace them. This is Jiang Xiaobai helping them keep their jobs.

  Three commercial vehicles set off, and one is the security force of Li Longquan and others. Now, as long as he goes abroad, Jiang Xiaobai's security force will at least double that in the magic capital.

   Especially when they came to Yamato at this time, many people in Yamato were not very willing to buy Yaohan, their former pride, by Jiang Xiaobai, this security force became even more important.

  If some mad people do something crazy, it doesn't mean that there is no resistance.

   The east longitude at night is still very beautiful. At this time, after the economic crisis, the east longitude is not as prosperous as before, and the land of the east longitude is no longer an inch of land, but this is the east longitude after all.

   Compared with the streets in China, it is still very prosperous, at least the magic capital is not comparable at this time.

   Of course, it is only a matter of time. Once a huge country with more than one billion people starts to run, the economic potential released is simply not comparable.

  The car quickly arrived at the place. It was a high-end local specialty restaurant. Jiang Xiaobai didn't know the Japanese written on it.

The    translator was translating on the side and said what a high-end restaurant in the east longitude. Hetian Shang, who came to pick up the plane in the afternoon, led someone to wait at the door at this time.

   Then after a few words with Jiang Xiaobai, everyone walked in, and the waiters in kimonos stood in two rows at the door and said hello in Japanese.

   The environment of this place is still good, but Jiang Xiaobai has gone to many places with good environment in recent years, so he doesn't care much.

   A group of people entered a large private room, and Kazuo Wada was already waiting.

   "Welcome to Jiang Dong." Kazuo Wada is seventy years old, but he can see that he is in good health, his voice is very loud, and he speaks Mandarin, but it is full of Cantonese flavors from Xiangjiang.

   Yaohan Company also has a headquarters in Xiangjiang. It seems that Kazuo Hetian spends more time there.

   "Thank you, it's nice to meet you Mr. Kazuo Wada. There is a movie in our country called Ashin. I also knew about Mr. Kazuo Wada from that time. I didn't expect to meet you one day..."

   Jiang Xiaobai also said politely.

Kazuo Wada asked Jiang Xiaobai and others to sit down with a smile: "I have heard from Chairman Jiang for a long time, including the financial crisis last year, when Chairman Jiang fought back against the devil Soros in Xiangjiang... What he did is admirable. …”

Hetian Yifu is now breaking his teeth and swallowing in his stomach. This Jiang Xiaobai is also a devil. It is true to say that the collapse of Yaohan has something to do with Jiang Xiaobai, but at this time, he still needs to greet him with a smile and receive him with the highest treatment. Jiang Xiaobai.

"I've won the prize, that's what I should have done. Unfortunately, that devil still caused a lot of losses to Yaohan, so that I'm very sorry and regretful that I've come this far..." Jiang Xiaobai took over the topic and continued. talking.

   That expression is as sincere as it is to be sincere. The financial crisis in the southeast has something to do with him. That is a good thing Soros did.

   He is an aggressor, and he is at most self-defense in the process of defending, and has nothing to do with himself.

   Kazuo Wada didn't mention Soros's slander against him, and naturally he wouldn't explain it here without money.

   There is no problem with stealing the bell, as long as everyone chooses to block their ears, it is not a problem.

   "No, we Yaohan have been affected by the economic environment, but the more important thing is that there is a problem with the strategy of our Yaohan company, and there is a problem with our management.

  We Yaohan are just greedy for credit…”

   Hetian Kazuo said generously, Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes, he had long known that this Hetian Kazufu was not a simple person.

   But Kazuo Wada was able to admit the mistakes he made so easily, which surprised him.

   Normally, after making mistakes, most people will find various reasons and excuses. They either put the blame on others, or blame the right time and place. Few people can face their own mistakes.

   This is especially true for people who have achieved a certain level of career, because it means that he has to deny what he has worked hard for before.

   For Kazuo Wada, admitting his mistakes is tantamount to admitting that the career he worked for for 40 years was destroyed by himself.

   So Jiang Xiaobai was surprised when he heard Kazuo Wada's words.

   "I like the old man in your country very much..." Hetian Kazufu said, Jiang Xiaobai knew who he was talking about, the old man who had three ups and downs.

   The two sides chatted and started to serve food. At this level, there is no such thing as not ordering food, that is, what is good will be served.

   During the meal, the two sides talked very happily. Although it was said that they did not talk about business directly, the sincerity of the two sides was shown in this meal.

   For Yaohan Company, one more day of delay means one day less money, because Yaohan Company has been depreciating in value and talents have been passing away.

The same is true for Huaqing Holding Group. By letting Yaohan open a day earlier in the hands of its own company, it can borrow a little more of Yaohan's influence. Over time, the value of Yaohan will become worthless. Both sides are time-limited.

   After eating, Jiang Xiaobai and others returned to the hotel to rest, and made an appointment to go to Yaohan Company the next day to formally sit down and start chatting.

  Song Xin has contacted the negotiating team, they will arrive tomorrow, and then take a rest to prepare, and the negotiation with Yaohan will officially start the day after tomorrow.

   Of course, the current information has already been sent, and the negotiating company has begun to analyze and study it.

   After returning, Jiang Xiaobai and Song Xin went upstairs first, while Wang Chao and the female translator were still chatting.

   He also drank some wine, remembered what Jiang Xiaobai said about the female body, and asked the translator what this female body was?

  I didn't want to translate. After hearing this, I immediately blushed, but out of professional habit, I explained it to Wang Chao in detail.

  Wang Chao looked at the female translator and looked at himself, and his face was a little embarrassed, which made people think that he was someone? I was just curious, and I didn't want to see it, so I quickly changed the subject.

   (end of this chapter)

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