Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2175: precious opportunity

   Chapter 2175 The opportunity is precious

After Wang Chao returned to the room, the female interpreter also turned and left, but after leaving the hotel, she did not go home directly. Instead, she saw a middle-aged man in a pub. The middle-aged man was in charge of Yaohan this time. The person in charge of reception work.

  The female translator and tour guide are also hired by him. The job of the female translator and tour guide is not only as simple as it seems, as long as you do the translation and tour guide work well.

   is also responsible for collecting information on Jiang Xiaobai and his party. If you have more information, you may be able to use it more during negotiations. Some information may seem inconspicuous, but it will be revealed inadvertently.

   Even if you take 10,000 steps back, you can only collect the living habits of Jiang Xiaobai and others, and make Jiang Xiaobai and others more comfortable in terms of reception, which is also useful for negotiation.

   So after the work every night, the translator and the tour guide will come to this tavern to report the work and findings of the day to him, and then they will also summarize and improve according to these situations.

   It didn't matter when it was Wang Chao and his party, but now it's different. Jiang Xiaobai has arrived, and Jiang Xiaobai is the one who has the final say.

   Whether this negotiation can be successful or not, it can be said that the key to the matter lies in Jiang Xiaobai.

   Yaohan did not know anything about Huaqing Holding Group for so long. On the contrary, they did not collect less information about Huaqing Holding Group for this negotiation.

   The content of the data collected surprised them. Kazuo Wada was already a very powerful figure in Yaohan.

  After all, Hetian Yifu only rose with Yaohan after he joined Yaohan, so it can be said that Hetian Yifu created Yaohan and is the hero of Yaohan, so Hetian Yifu can speak clearly in Yaohan.

   But Jiang Xiaobai's power in Huaqing Holding Group is more powerful than Hetian Yifu in Yaohan, that is no longer a word that can be explained by strong, it is a one-word decision.

   Kazuo Wada sometimes needs to consult the company's shareholders and management for some important matters, but Jiang Xiaobai doesn't use it at all. In a word, the entire group starts to work around Jiang Xiaobai's orders.

   And Huaqing Holding Group has developed to this day, it is already a super large group, but its shareholding structure is very clear.

   After they researched Huaqing Holding Group, they found that Jiang Xiaobai was able to speak the truth in Huaqing Holding Group.

   That is because Jiang Xiaobai has done more things in Huaqing Holding Group than Wada Yifu has done in Yaohan.

   Yaohan is a family business, and Kazuo Wada joined Yaohan when he was about 30 years old.

  Although Yaohan did not have a large scale before, it already has Yaohan after all.

   And Huaqing Holding Group was founded by Jiang Xiaobai at the very beginning, it would just be a cannery.

  From scratch, from small to large, Jiang Xiaobai led the way, which opened the gap with Hetian Yifu.

  The other is the question of time. Kazuo Hetian took Yaohan to this day, and it took 40 years. As a result, there is only one shell left.

   But Jiang Xiaobai took Huaqing Holding Group to this day, counting from 1978, it is now 20 years, and this time has doubled.

   Not only is it shortened by a factor of two, but the key point is that the companies under Jiang Xiaobai’s hands are not comparable to Hetian Yifu’s Yaohan.

Huaqing Holdings is no smaller than Yaohan's peak period, not to mention that Jiang Xiaobai also has private banks. When Soros attacked the Xiangjiang market last year, Jiang Xiaobai took out the funds of Huaqing Holdings Group without using the funds. more than $30 billion.

   And he won in the end, and he didn’t know how many billions of dollars he made in the market. How could Yaohan compare?

   There is no way to compare, so this is the reason why Jiang Xiaobai can speak his mind in Huaqing Holding Group.

   This is also the reason why he focused on Jiang Xiaobai this time. As long as Jiang Xiaobai is served well, the negotiation this time will be much smoother.

   And the key is that it also involves another issue, that is, the change of personnel after Huaqing Holding Group acquired Yaohan.

Many high-level people in Yaohan are definitely going to leave, and most of them are from the Hetian family. Jiang Xiaobai, a member of the Hetian family, will definitely not stay, because if they stay, with the influence of the Hetian family, it may cause certain problems in the future. Influence.

   And the reason why Yaohan has come to this day is because of the family-style management model of the Hetian family. No matter which aspect, Jiang Xiaobai will not leave the Hetian family.

   It is definitely going to be a big change in Yaohan, but to say that all the management of Yaohan Company will not stay, it is impossible, there is no such thing.

   After all the people are driven away, then Huaqing Holding Group will have no way to take over, so there must be some people left to continue in Yaohan. Those management who do not belong to the Hotan family are very hopeful.

   The current job is not easy to find, especially a good job, so can you let Jiang Xiaobai keep him at that time, as the person in charge of entertaining Jiang Xiaobai this time, the opportunity will be precious.

  If he can show his face in front of Jiang Xiaobai and leave a good impression on Jiang Xiaobai, maybe Jiang Xiaobai will keep himself at that time.

   "Mr. Matsushita, today's work is quite normal, but just before I left, that Wang Chaojun asked me a question, I felt a little strange." The female translator said.

  Panasonic immediately became interested: "What is the problem, please tell me in detail."

   "It's like this, when I was about to leave, Wang Chaojun asked me if I knew what the female body was meant to be?

   I think it is very strange, this Wang Chaojun has brought people to our east longitude for so long, but he has never been to some custom stores or the like.

   And we also introduced him, but he never went there. He went to some taverns to drink some wine and eat some food, but this time, why did he suddenly…”

  The female translator is a little puzzled. They have been with Wang Chao for a while, so how can they not understand Wang Chao's character, and now Wang Chao suddenly brings up this matter, it is too strange.

"Tell me about Wang Chaojun, do you think he is a lecherous person?" Panasonic asked, and he didn't care much. It's normal for men to have some thoughts on this. There's nothing to be surprised about. .

   (end of this chapter)

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