Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2252: Small courtyard

   Chapter 2252 Small Courtyard

  The distance from the entrance of Jianhua Village to the village is two kilometers. It would not take long to walk normally, but Jiang Xiaobai took more than an hour for this short two kilometers, and Jiang Xiaobai did not leave anyone behind.

   Of course, there are still many people here that Jiang Xiaobai does not know, such as the newly married daughter-in-law, or the son-in-law who is recruited, and Jiang Xiaobai does not know.

   In addition, there are many people who have worked and settled in Jianhua Village in the past two years. Jiang Xiaobai does not know them. The whole Jianhua Village has almost changed. When I took out the old photos from 20 years ago, there is no similarity at all.

   Even the most familiar people, if they come back after 20 years, are not sure that this is Jianhua Village.

  Twenty years ago, in 1978, when Jiang Xiaobai waited for the educated youth to come over, it was a dirt road full of dust and potholes. When it rained, there was no way to go.

Occasionally there are two pedestrians on the road, and their faces are also pale and withered. At a glance, they can tell that they have been malnourished for a long time. The clothes they wear are covered with patches. This is considered a good thing. Many people only have such a set of clothes. The child is in his teens and has no clothes of his own at all.

  The chaotic earthen cave dwellings in the village are in tatters, and look like they have been abandoned for a long time.

   But now, the wide asphalt road, the grand archway, the vehicles coming and going, the pedestrians on the road are full of happy smiles, the suits are straight, and the colors are also colorful.

   All of them were blushing, and many people actually became fat.

Not to mention the houses of the villagers in the village, there are two-story buildings on both sides of the street left horizontally and vertically, and there are also three-story buildings, which are very imposing. It is a town that makes people feel more than Now, even a poorer county might be believed by some people.

   After arriving at the entrance of the village, Mr. Li made a sound and told the big guys to leave. Jiang Xiaobai also said that he would go back and visit everyone, and the talents dispersed reluctantly.

  In the canteen of the Zhiqing Cannery, Jiang Xiaobai and his group sat down and brought plates of farm dishes. Of course, not only farm dishes, but also chicken, duck, and fish, all of which were raised in the village.

  Li Laosan personally arranged the meals. He knew that Jiang Xiaobai might have had enough of the delicious food outside, and he was tired and crooked.

   Liquor is a unique Fenjiu in Jin Province. As for Maotai and the like, many people here are not used to drinking sauce-flavored liquor.

   "Come on, on behalf of Jianhua Village, I welcome the two leaders to visit." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, holding a wine glass, very natural. He said that on behalf of Jianhua Village, no one would object.

The owner of Jianhua Village is not good enough for any Lianghua. If Jiang Xiaobai sits here, he will be a well-deserved representative of Jianhua Village. Since Jiang Xiaobai arrived in Jianhua Village today, there is one person in Jianhua Village who can be regarded as one of the people in Jianhua Village. You can see that Jiang Xiaobai is in Jianhua. prestige of the village.

   Although He Lianghua felt a little sour in his heart, there was nothing he could do. He was the successor and he enjoyed ready-made items. Unlike Jiang Xiaobai, Jianhua Village would be poor and poor. It was Jiang Xiaobai who brought everyone to make Jianhua Village what it is today.

   "Hehe, you're welcome." Wang Ze and Gu Jun felt a little weird. Today, it was obviously the two of them who came to pick up people, but how did they pick up people? It became the two of them to investigate.

   After lunch, Wang Ze and Gu Jun left. Gu Jun said that he would come to visit Jiang Xiaobai another day.

   Jiang Xiaobai nodded, knowing that Gu Jun was talking about the transformation plan.

   "Jiang Dong, for the Jianhua Plaza project, I will organize staff when I go back, and produce a feasible plan report as soon as possible, and send it to you at that time." Wang Ze also said politely.

   "Okay, I'll trouble you for the big New Year." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

   "No trouble, no trouble." The two waved their hands again and again, then got in the car and left.

  Li Laosan brought Jiang Xiaobai's family to the educated youth courtyard, which has been cleaned up.

  This yard is not small. It has not been abandoned for so many years. Instead, it has been renovated several times. The yard is clean and neat.

   "Director Xiaobai, Wang Meng and Bei Bei came back in the afternoon, and they just lived in the educated youth courtyard. There are many houses here," said Mr. Li.

  Jiang Xiaobai smiled and nodded: "Then the relationship is good, let the two of them come over, three if you have nothing to do, come and live, this place is big enough, it is convenient for us to drink and chat."

  It turned out that more than a dozen educated youths lived in the educated youth courtyard. This place used to be the yard of the old wealthy family of the village landlord. There are more than ten caves alone, and there is a small second floor, where people can live up and down.

   Jiang Xiaobai invited him. Of course, Mr. Li had no reason not to agree, saying that he would move in in the afternoon.

  The house has been cleaned up. Several children live in one room. Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi share a cave. Yin Xiaoyin has two children in a cave. Zhao Xinyi is the first time to live in a cave, and she is very curious.

   Looking around, it was the first time she had come into contact with cave dwellings since she was born.

   Of course, there are no earth kangs in the caves now. It turns out that Jiang Xiaobai and the others slept on earth kangs when they went to the countryside.

   Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Xinyi packed up again and again, while Jiang Xiaobai told Zhao Xinyi what happened at that time.

   "Our boys lived in these four cave dwellings at the time, and the girls lived in the two cave dwellings over there..."

   "Where does your first love girlfriend live?" Zhao Xinyi suddenly looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

  Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, but he didn't react.

   "What are you stunned for? I asked where your first girlfriend lives?"

   "What first love girlfriend, when it happened, I can't remember it at all." Jiang Xiaobai said with a black face and haha.

"You lied, didn't you remember it clearly just now? Who was in the room with whom, and said that if you were hungry at night, someone would cook for you, and they would eat sweet potatoes and the like, why can't you remember now? It's clear." Zhao Xinyi looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a half-smile and asked.

   She wasn't angry or lost her temper, it was just occasional innocuous jokes between husband and wife.

   "I just can't remember, it's been more than 20 years, who can remember." Jiang Xiaobai explained vaguely, in fact, how could it be impossible to remember, 20 years have passed, it is indeed a long time.

   But as long as you go back to this small yard, those things are as if they happened yesterday, which is still fresh in your memory.

   Just at this time, someone came from outside, and Jiang Xiaobai hurried out of the house, afraid that Zhao Xinyi would continue to ask questions.

   (end of this chapter)

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