Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2253: almost took a fork in the road

   Chapter 2253 Almost took a fork in the road

   Now there are really many industries in Jianhua Village. There are more than ten industries in the village that extend from pig farms.

   There are many second-tier companies and third-tier companies below, such as slaughterhouses, and there are third-tier companies under the slaughterhouses, which are cold chain product factories. Similarly, for example, in the current ham sausage factory, there is a carton factory under the ham sausage and so on.

  There are also many third-level companies under the educated youth cannery, so there are many large and small factories and companies throughout Jianhua Village.

   Jiang Xiaobai was very satisfied, this He Lianghua still has some abilities.

   "Not bad, Lianghua, you did a good job." Jiang Xiaobai said with satisfaction.

   He Lianghua was flattered when he heard Jiang Xiaobai's praise, and quickly took the opportunity to report his plans for next year to Jiang Xiaobai. Originally, pig farms were also included in the strategic layout of Huaqing Holdings Group. When attending the annual meeting every year, Jiang Xiaobai would give some pointers.

   But Huaqing Holding Group has not held an annual meeting in the past two years, which left He Lianghua with no choice, so he could only take this opportunity to ask Jiang Xiaobai's opinion,

   "Jiang Dong, I plan to streamline the unprofitable industries in the village, or the industries that make less money next year, clear out some of them, and outsource what can be outsourced, so as to reduce the occupation of some resources..."

  He Lianghua said, Jiang Xiaobai sat down in He Lianghua's office, looked at He Lianghua and asked, "What do you think?"

"The era of diversified development has passed, and now we in Jianhua Village have to focus on one aspect of development. For example, our pig farms are doing very well, and our ham is also doing very well, so we will focus on these two industries. "..." He Lianghua said what was in his heart.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said with a smile: "You have a good idea, it is indeed the case, just like the previous Wanke, who grabbed the eyebrows and beards, operates dozens of industries and hundreds of companies, but they are all useless.

  To be a business owner, you must first figure out where your company's main profit point is. There is no problem with this. but……"

  He Lianghua was all excited about Jiang Xiaobai's decision to recognize him, but suddenly he heard the word "but" from Jiang Xiaobai, and his face suddenly turned bitter.

   "But there is a difference between Jianhua Village and a real enterprise. In Jianhua Village, the most important thing is the development of Jianhua Village. The value of the existence of an enterprise is to create wealth for the villagers and to bring development to Jianhua Village.

   So how to bring development to Jianhua Village, it is not a large enterprise, but as diversified as it is now.

Some enterprises may make less money, but they employ a lot of labor, so they can provide jobs for the villagers and increase their income. Even if they cannot provide jobs for the villagers, there are also migrant workers who work in Jianhua. Village, then those who also work in these industries in the village will make money.

   In a word, the meat is rotten in the pot, and the employment brought to the village and the people attracted by the industry are the most precious wealth in the village..."

  Jiang Xiaobai said, the bitterness on He Lianghua's face was gone, instead he looked deeply thoughtful, thinking about what Jiang Xiaobai said, even the eyes of Li Laosan and others on the side lit up.

In fact, Mr. Li did not agree with He Lianghua's plan. He vaguely felt that it was better to have more companies, but let him say that he has no culture, and he can't tell one, two or three, what diversity is He Lianghua? It is also necessary to ensure the future of the enterprise, ensure the profit point of the enterprise and so on.

  Li Laosan was persuaded by He Lianghua, but now Jiang Xiaobai's remarks have provided theoretical support for his idea.

   Sometimes it seems that this theoretical support is useless, but you know how to do it, and you know why you do it, it is completely different.

Wang Chao and Wang Meng also looked thoughtful on the side. The angle of Jiang Xiaobai's consideration of the problem was something they had never thought about, but it was not denied that Jiang Xiaobai's consideration of the problem was indeed more comprehensive than they thought. Much longer.

"No matter how bad it is, there are many industries in the village, the land in the village is valuable, and the houses of the villagers are also valuable. This is also good for the villagers, and this is a benign development. In the long run, talents are the most precious. If the industry can attract people here, the village will be able to develop, but if there are no people, it will fail sooner or later, even if the enterprise succeeds.

In the end, I have to move out. In the future, I will pay according to the amount of people's hair every year. How long will it last? Jianhua Village will also be scattered, and in this case, there is no other way than to raise a group of people who are not engaged in production. This result is not what I want, nor should it be the future of Jianhua Village..."

   The more Jiang Xiaobai said, the brighter He Lianghua's eyes became.

"So, if you ask me what my opinion is, then my opinion is not to streamline these enterprises, and even if possible, build more secondary companies, tertiary enterprises, and build more factories to ensure that Jianhua Village is good for the population. Attractiveness, attracting more people to settle in Jianhua Village. Although Shangma Township has never had coal, the place is flat.

  As long as our Jianhua Village develops, industries such as Qinggong in the entire county may attract settlements in our Jianhua Village in the future.

   Even a special place, an industrial park, etc., is the road that Jianhua Village will take in the future, even if it is to form an industrial cluster around our Jianhua Village, this is attractive..."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, He Lianghua got up and bowed deeply to Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Jiang Dong, thank you, otherwise I'll go astray." He Lianghua is a sincere thank you. People in Jianhua Village have a sense of honor, although it may be said that everyone has a certain little Jiujiu in their hearts.

But the general direction is definitely for the good of Jianhua Village. He Lianghua is able to be today because of the good Jianhua Village, so he can be a guest of honor at a meeting in the township, can express his ideas at a meeting in the county, and can During a meeting in the city, I can speak a few words as a village chief.

   This Jianhua Village is a platform, without this platform he is nothing. He thought of this very clearly.

The same is true for everyone in Jianhua Village. They are nothing without Jianhua Village, so only when Jianhua Village develops well can they straighten their backs and speak loudly when they are outside. .

   (end of this chapter)

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