Chapter 2330 Uneasy

   In fact, the real estate industry can compete for places and win the competition with the Internet. Jiang Xiaobai is not surprised at all.

  Because the power of the Internet is still very weak, yes, many people are optimistic about the Internet industry, but the Internet industry represents the future.

   And the real estate industry has entered a stage of great development since last year. People represent the present. Since ancient times in this world, whoever has the biggest fist and whoever has the louder voice.

  30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi, also waiting for you to develop.

   But the real estate industry of others is really not afraid of your development, because the real estate industry in the future is destined to be a behemoth.

   Although the country has not yet regarded the real estate industry as a reservoir, it has already begun to take shape.

   After all, there is one industry in the country that counts for one. Except for the real estate industry, there is no other plate that can be accepted.

   In the real estate industry, due to the influence of national conditions and cultural heritage, people have different feelings for the commodity house. This house is not only an attribute of living.

  If the house is like a foreign country, the property of the house is only the property of residence. It goes without saying that the house price will collapse if it does not rise to the extent of later generations. If it is only housing, then everyone can just rent the house and live there.

   But the house is in the hearts of the people and is influenced by the inheritance of national conditions and culture.

  The house is not only a house, but also a home, a place to live in, not only the property of living, but also more emotional sustenance.

   Living and working in peace and contentment, starting a family and starting a business, having a wealth and life, thousands of lights, a family from all over the world, a lonely family, a broken family, bankruptcy, etc. It can be seen from these idioms that the Chinese people's concept of home.

  Marriage is not called marriage, it is called starting a family. When you start a family, you don’t have a house, so where is a home, so the people will grit their teeth, even if they have emptied a few pockets, they will buy it.

  If the price of cars rises like this, then everyone will definitely not take a look at it. Of course, the price of cars has basically remained unchanged for 10, 20, and 30 years.

   There is no such thing as inflation at all. This is not just something that is just needed and special. You can check it for inflation, no one will pay attention to you, only the price will be reduced.

   For example, the current mobile phone costs tens of thousands of dollars, but with the future development, there is only the possibility of price reduction without inflation.

   Therefore, the real estate industry is developing now, and the voice is loud. Now it is pressing the Internet, and it will not be afraid of him in the future.

   On the afternoon of the same day, the first day of the millennium, in the Guanhai Pavilion conference room of the Nam Hai Hotel, the Oriental Conference officially started.

  Joining the WTO is two words, but after more than ten years of preparation in China, I finally got the ticket.

   But everyone knows that joining the WTO is a good opportunity for the domestic economy. Joining the WTO can help our economic development.

   But after joining the WTO, it is integrated into the big economic cycle of the whole world, whether it is good or bad for China, and how it will develop. To be honest, everyone really can’t say at this time.

  Many people are worried. For example, as soon as they came up, starting from the Liu family brothers, they raised some bad worries, and it was not only the Liu family brothers.

   Several people in a row have expressed similar views and opinions, and they are all worried.

  For example, domestic national industries and national industries are relatively immature and fragile. Will the entire domestic market be occupied by a large amount of foreign capital after joining the WTO?

   Let the economy we have worked so hard to develop for decades vanish overnight?

   As soon as the Liu brothers' concerns were spoken, many people at the scene said they did not speak out, but their faces were not very good-looking. Obviously, everyone had similar concerns.

   This is also the actual situation. Can domestic national brands compare with foreign ones? Undoubtedly, it can be admitted generously that it is not comparable in all aspects, because domestic enterprises have only developed for so many years.

  The development time of state-owned enterprises is still a little longer, but private enterprises are only 20 years old. In 20 years, they need capital without capital, technology without technology, and policy without policy.

   With such a sudden development, how can it be able to compete with foreign companies that have been developing for so many years?

State-owned enterprises have developed for a longer time, with support and funds, but unfortunately their system is rigid. This is the impact of the planned economy. Now facing the aggressive attack of private enterprises, they are now somewhat stretched, not to mention facing the Competition from foreign companies.

  Many industries have to face such competitive pressures, who can be without any anxiety in their hearts.

   In the end, everyone focused on Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai has always had a long-term vision and is regarded as the godfather of business in China, which further proves that Jiang Xiaobai has a vision for future development.

   In addition, Huaqing Holding Group is now one of the world's top 500 companies. It can be said that it has already stood in a very high position.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at everyone. He originally thought that everyone would be excited to discuss the benefits after joining the WTO, but he didn't expect the pressure brought about by competition that everyone thought of at the first time.

   After all, everyone here is famous. It is impossible to have no ambition. It should be said that you are not afraid of competition, and even hope that competition will stir up the domestic backwater.

   But I didn't expect that everyone was afraid for the first time.

   But after thinking about it carefully, Jiang Xiaobai also understands that the comparison between the power of domestic enterprises and foreign capital is really not worth mentioning, and there is no way to compare the power of later generations.

   seems to be afraid. Worrying and apprehension is a normal mentality. After all, there are too many gaps. It is really not easy to catch up with people who are decades apart.

  Jiang Xiaobai looked at everyone's eyes, and considered where to start. To talk about the impact of joining the WTO on domestic economic development, this topic is really too big. It's enough to write a few papers, and it's not even clear.

   After all, this is a macro-level impact, not a research, or a scientific research experiment. This is a topic that affects all aspects of domestic development and will be touched upon.

   All walks of life can’t escape, so it’s hard to say, because there are too many, too broad, you can talk about every aspect, and you can talk about any industry for a long time, but people don’t know where to start.

   Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a moment, and suddenly a word popped up in his mind, developing, country.

  Jiang Xiaobai is going to start with these five words as an entry point.

   (end of this chapter)

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