Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2331: Changes after joining the WTO

   Chapter 2331 Changes after joining the WTO

  The world still has a simple division of how far a country has developed in terms of economic development.

   That is developed countries, developing countries and undeveloped countries, three levels of division.

   Developed countries, also known as developed countries and advanced countries. It refers to those countries with a higher level of economic and social development and a higher standard of living of the people, also known as countries with high economic development.

  The common characteristics of developed countries are high human development index, per capita GNP, level of industrialization and quality of life.

  The developed countries are mostly in the post-industrialization period, with the service industry as the main industry, while the developing countries are mostly in the industrialized manufacturing industry, that is, the industrial period.

  Undeveloped countries are still in the age of agriculture.

  The economic structure of developed countries is characterized by the fact that the tertiary industry of the service industry accounts for the largest proportion of the economic output value, and it is biased towards personalized services.

  High degree of agricultural mechanization and advanced technology. Most of the exported industrial products are luxury cars, digital products and fashion and other luxury goods and high-end daily necessities. Occupy the top of various industrial chains in the world.

   Of course, it is not strictly divided by the degree of economic development. If you all rely on the exploitation of resources and the like to develop, then you cannot be called a developed country, such as the famous Saudi Arabia.

  This country is famous and rich, but it is not a developed country.

   When China joined the WTO, it was divided into developing countries, which is what Jiang Xiaobai will mainly talk about next.

"Our country joined the WTO as a developing country, which plays a key role. It means that our country can enjoy many preferential arrangements after joining the WTO, such as the protection of infant industries, such as export subsidies and tariff flexibility. "

  Jiang Xiaobai said slowly, everyone's eyes lit up, in fact, many people are looking at flowers in the fog, and they can't tell clearly, especially at this time.

   Only after experiencing it can you know how good the status of a developing country is. Why does Citigroup always want to make the country a developed country, because after becoming a developed country, there are not so many preferential policies.

Jiang Xiaobai continued: "For example, we are in the automobile industry, and now foreign cars come in, and there is still a 25% tariff, which means that a car of 100,000 yuan will have to pay a tariff of 25,000 yuan after entering, plus the cost of shipping.

   In this way, for the same cost, we can have greater room for price reduction, greater preferential policies, and greater profit margins, which are all real.

   Needless to say, in terms of agriculture, it is still a national franchise, which can ensure the safety of people's livelihood. The banking industry is gradually being liberalized, but there are policies, transition periods, and buffer periods. These are all guarantees.

   In addition, the country's investment environment will be more transparent, which is more conducive to our development, and the original export quota will be gradually cancelled..."

   Jiang Xiaobai said item by item, which made many people present put down their anxiety and joined the discussion.

   It can be said that the key step in joining the WTO is to join the developing countries. This can be said to be the best move. Otherwise, the domestic economy will definitely suffer a huge impact.

   Of course, given the current domestic situation, it is indeed the level of developing countries.

   But this is the case, the domestic economy will also be affected to a certain extent, but it is not so big, there is no need to shout "The wolf is coming."

   This is both an opportunity and a challenge. Only those who truly understand this sentence can lead the enterprise to expand the territory in such an era of coexistence of crises and opportunities. It can be said that this is the best era.

On January 1, January 2, and January 3, 2000, for three consecutive days, except the morning of the first day to determine the topic, for two and a half consecutive days, there was only one topic, that is, after joining the WTO, there is only one topic. impact on the domestic economy.

   So many people got together to check and fill in the gaps, and constantly added, and gradually everyone has a general understanding of the changes that may occur in the future after joining the WTO.

   The most terrifying thing is the unknown. In fact, no matter what the situation is, as long as everyone is clear in their hearts and understands what they will encounter, it will be of great help and reference.

  As long as he is prepared in his heart, Jiang Xiaobai believes that everyone can make good use of this opportunity.

   Wait until the fourth day of the Oriental Club, which is the internationalization path of the company. Jiang Xiaobai has nothing to say about this. Now Huaqing Holding Group can be said to have found its own internationalization path to a certain extent.

   Moreover, the internationalization path of each company is different, because the industry in which the company operates is different, Jiang Xiaobai does not have so many opinions to say.

   is just for the direction of internationalization proposed by each company, giving certain suggestions and own ideas.

   "Going abroad is the only way to adapt to the development of economic globalization after China's entry into the WTO." Jiang Xiaobai started the discussion on this topic with this sentence.

   is actually related to the previous issue, the impact on domestic economic development after joining the WTO.

   It turned out that before joining the WTO, everyone could still play their own games behind closed doors, but after joining the WTO, this is basically impossible. Whether you want it or not, you have to face economic globalization.

   In fact, this is also easy to understand, that is, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, and the company will grow bigger and bigger in the future.

  It is certain that the competition will be more intense. It is useless if you don’t want to. This is the future.

  To cope with the competition from foreign companies, large domestic companies must integrate the entire industry. For small companies, you can either work hard to develop and occupy more markets in the industry, or you will die.

  There is no more way to go, the market competition is so cruel, the pioneers will continue to expand their advantages and expand their interests.

   Therefore, whether it is everyone present or other companies, they will be involved.

   If you survive, you will become the overlord of the industry. If you cannot survive, it will become a history. It is cold and there is no reason to speak.

   Of course, these people sitting here are basically bigwigs in the industry. Although they said they were going to roll up, they didn't panic too much.

   They are only worried about foreign companies. As for the domestic competition, they are the best in the industry. There is nothing to be afraid of. If they do not have this confidence, they will not be able to sit in this conference room.

   (end of this chapter)

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