Chapter 2333 Look at luck

  The Eastern Conference ended exactly on the evening of January 5th. The night of the conference was the last dinner. After this dinner, everyone will go their separate ways. Those who are fine may not leave until tomorrow morning.

   But there are still many people who will be leaving tonight. These people are bigwigs in the industry. There are many things in the company every day, and there is no time to stay.

   In the five days that I came out all at once, I don’t know how many things I have accumulated and there is no time to waste.

   But not everyone left. For example, the Liu brothers and the others were unwilling to leave. They still had some cooperation matters and wanted to discuss it with others, but everyone else was ready to leave. Many people have already booked their tickets.

   But after the banquet started, Jiang Xiaobai stood up with a glass of wine, looked at everyone in the hall and said.

   "So, this year's Eastern Conference will be over after the meal is over, but I still have something to tell you about my personal matters."

  Jiang Xiaobai paused for a while, and continued to speak after everyone's eyes were on him.

   "This is Mr. Huang, the person in charge of Huahua Bank. What I want to tell you this time is about Huahua Bank."

  Many people were startled when they heard it. Although Jiang Xiaobai did not specifically introduce Mr. Huang's identity in these few days' meetings, there were still people who knew Mr. Huang, and this Mr. Huang was brought over by Jiang Xiaobai.

   There are a lot of people who are paying attention. Everyone basically knows the identity of Mr. Huang. At first, they were curious about what Jiang Xiaobai did with the person in charge of the bank, but Jiang Xiaobai never said it, and neither did Mr. Huang. Now the meeting is over.

   Everyone thought that Jiang Xiaobai was simply asking Mr. Huang to participate in the Oriental Club. There were too many things, and no one thought about it.

   But now that Jiang Xiaobai brought up this matter, it is still a matter of the bank to discuss with everyone, and many people have an idea immediately.

   And some people present who knew the relationship between Jiang Xiaobai and Huahua Bank were even more moved.

   Brother Liu, Director Lu, etc. all know the relationship between Huahua Bank and Jiang Xiaobai. Now, when they talk about Huahua Bank, they all have guesses in their hearts.

"Huahua Bank is a foreign-funded bank, and it has been preparing to enter the country to establish a corporate bank to operate domestic business, so if you are interested in Huahua Bank and you have time, you might as well stay one more day. We will be at the meeting tomorrow. Talk in detail in the room.

   Finally, I would like to celebrate the complete success of this Eastern Conference. I hope that everyone will be able to hang on the clouds and help the sea after joining the WTO. "

  Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking and drank the wine glass, then sat down.

The others also finished the glass of wine with their glasses, but this glass of wine always felt a little tasteless. Jiang Xiaobai only spoke half of what he said, which made it ticklish, but he didn't say it all. .

   In simple terms, it means that Jiang Taigong's fishing volunteers took the bait.

   Everyone is very busy. Some people have already set a time for tomorrow, and they are going to leave tonight. If this is left for a day, it will delay things. What if what Jiang Xiaobai said is not important?

   Isn't this a waste of time?

   For the few of them, Director Lu, although they didn't know what Jiang Xiaobai was about, since Jiang Xiaobai spoke so solemnly, there must be something. Needless to say there was a decision to stay.

   Some of the remaining people still decided to leave. Anyway, this is not a mandatory thing. It has been arranged before and will not stay.

  Some people think that Jiang Xiaobai has spoken, and whether it is useful or not, this face is to be given, and they start to contact the assistant to refund the ticket, change the itinerary, etc.

   This is the choice. Jiang Xiaobai has never been reluctant to do business to his level. Although it is not said that wherever he goes, others are begging for business, but it is long past the time to beg others.

With a project, it will be given to everyone. Of course, it will be given to these members of the East at the first time, but it is not all given. There are too many people. does not give.

  I will give to those who can keep a word for myself, and not to those who are unwilling to stay.

   The relationship between closeness and closeness is separated so slowly. All the members of the Eastern Association also have a closeness and distance relationship.

   That's why Jiang Xiaobai came up with such a move. Of course, there may be a few people who really have something to do, and really can't be pushed away.

   Then it is really bad luck. Luck is also a part of strength. If you are not lucky enough to get on the bus, that is your problem. It has nothing to do with me, but bad luck.

   At the next dinner party, everyone's mind was a little uncertain, and their hearts were itching like a cat scratching their heads. They hated people who sold their secrets the most. Everyone was busy and big boss.

  Although he often speaks out himself sometimes, he doesn't like others to treat them like this. But now facing Jiang Xiaobai, there is no other way.

   In front of Jiang Xiaobai, no one could say a word.

   But no matter how the people inquired, Jiang Xiaobai didn't say a word. He just said that he would know tomorrow. If there is something to do, he will be busy.

  Jiang Xiaobai's appearance of accepting you, made many people feel bitter, but I have to say that in the face of Jiang Xiaobai's words, many people were really moved.

   The opportunity to cooperate with Jiang Xiaobai was originally rare, and now it is related to the bank. But there is no way to be tempted, and it is impossible to force Jiang Xiaobai to speak now.

   can only turn around to find Mr. Huang, but Mr. Huang speaks Hong Kong-style Mandarin, but he is not pretentious, but his words are more rigorous.

   And Zhang Weiyi, there are also many people who have changed the law to inquire, but Zhang Weiyi's mouth is not broken shoes and sticks, and it does not leak.

   These people who have been more leisurely recently are happy. They have nothing to do. Staying for one more day or two more days is nothing. This is luck, but people are lucky, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

   This is also part of strength.

  The wine is good wine, all Maotai, and the foreign wine that Wang Shi got from Xiangjiang. The dishes are good dishes, all kinds of seafood and delicacies. But for everyone who was curious, there was no taste in their mouths, and they were always thinking about what Jiang Xiaobai said just now.

   (end of this chapter)

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