Chapter 2334 The Bank I Controlled

   "Mr. Liu, are you leaving tonight?"

   "Hey, I'm not sure what I'm saying, but I'm tangled. I don't know if I should leave?"

   "Me too, I had everything planned for tomorrow, and I don't know where this flower bank came from..."

   "Who said it wasn't, what the **** is going on? Wouldn't it be Jiang Dong pulling business for Huahua Bank. Now the main service targets of foreign banks are these wealthy people in China, mainly for high-end user groups..."

Everyone guessed in private that the relationship between Jiang Xiaobai and Huahua Bank is not a secret in the eyes of some people, such as some members of the big families on the Xiangjiang side, such as the leaders of some supervision departments in the Mainland, and the magic capital. some leaders.

   In addition, there are some people who have a good relationship with Jiang Xiaobai.

   But to say that everyone knows the relationship between Jiang Xiaobai and Huahua Bank, it is just a joke, most people still don't know, so many people are also guessing at this time.

   And there is no HSBC in Huahua Bank. Citi, Morgan and the like are famous. They are world-class giants with assets of several thousand trillions of dollars, and they are famous.

   I have never heard of it before, but although Huahua Bank’s investment in the past two years is not small, it is definitely incomparable with others. In Xiangjiang, some countries in the southeast have more investment and a good reputation.

   In addition, in a part of Ouzhou, it is mainly radiated by Moss, so many people in China have never heard of the name Flower Bank.

   The current foreign banks entering the country are mainly targeting high-income groups. Many people know this. Of course, high-income groups and high-end customers do have needs in this regard.

   And the people they were present were not boasting, they were definitely high-end customers. If this flower bank managed them and they introduced a group of customers, then it would definitely not be a problem to open up the domestic market.

  It is embarrassing to have this possibility. If Jiang Xiaobai is really attracting customers for Huahua Bank, then it’s okay to leave now. If he stays, Jiang Xiaobai opens his mouth tomorrow, he must help.

   A group of people are entangled. Of course, it is not that no one has guessed Jiang Xiaobai's idea. For example, the Liu brothers and Lu factory manager, they will not have any idea of ​​attracting customers.

  Huahua Bank is not bad for these customers. It is very likely that Huahua Bank wants to enter the domestic market as mentioned earlier. If they are left behind, they want to give them a share of the pie.

   Of course, whether it can be eaten or not, this must be a matter of two people. After all, it can be known from Jiang Xiaobai's words that Jiang Xiaobai is likely to want to screen a group of people.

   For Jiang Xiaobai's idea, they definitely support it, so even if they guess a little, they won't say anything.

  The time passed in the tangle of a group of people. The next morning, it was still in the conference room, but there were many fewer people.

The members of the    Oriental Association are very strict, and the number is currently limited to about fifty people, but now there are only thirty left, and two-fifths have gone.

  Jiang Xiaobai's face was full of smiles, and he was not angry. He probably glanced at the people who stayed behind. Basically, they were in his own circle, and the relationship was relatively reliable.

   "Mr. Wang, it's just us, there's no need to make such a big conference room, change it to a smaller one, let's have some tea, and let's get together and talk." Jiang Xiaobai said to Wang Shi.

This Guanhai Pavilion conference room can accommodate more than 100 people. In the past two days, there were more than 50 people plus some secretaries. No need to record.

   Thirty or so people seemed a bit empty, and sitting in such a large conference room seemed to be far away.

  Wang Shi nodded and asked his assistant to communicate, and soon the conference room on the other side was set up. Inside the financial hall, the financial hall could accommodate just 30 people.

   These 30 people added a few chairs, which did not seem crowded at all, but made people feel a lot closer, and everyone sat down and chatted in twos and threes.

  Jiang Xiaobai sat in the middle, Mr. Huang sat next to Jiang Xiaobai, and Zhang Weiyi found a random place to sit down.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Jiang Xiaobai coughed lightly, and after the voices in the conference room had quieted down, Jiang Xiaobai said, "This Huahua Bank is a foreign-funded bank controlled by me, and this time it is going to enter the domestic market, and it needs to be established to enter the country. It is a corporate bank, so I left everyone here today to see if everyone is interested in participating."

  After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, the meeting room became lively, and some people who didn't know the relationship between Jiang Xiaobai and Huahua Bank's eyes widened.

  Although Huahua Bank is not a world-renowned bank such as Morgan, HSBC, or Citigroup, it is also a foreign bank, and it is actually controlled by Jiang Xiaobai.

   How difficult it is to set up a bank, although many people do not understand it at all, but it can be imagined.

   That is a bank, not a small shop on the street. Although foreign financial policies are definitely not as strict as those in China, banks are not bad street things.

   And after the establishment of the bank, if you want to be able to do it, even if it is a little smaller, the required capital flow is still a huge amount.

   And what Jiang Xiaobai said when he introduced it just now, this flower bank is controlled by Jiang Xiaobai himself. If he holds shares, everyone may not be so surprised, but holding shares, this is not a joke.

   Owning a foreign bank, they didn't even dare to think about it. Jiang Xiaobai has entered the world's top 500 with Huaqing Holdings Group, and as a result, there is also a foreign bank.

   is also doing business, and the gap is so big that people don’t even want to pursue it.

  Jiang Xiaobai didn't wait for everyone to be surprised. He looked directly at Mr. Huang and said, "You can briefly introduce the situation of Huahua Bank to everyone."

"Okay, Jiang Dong, our Flower Bank was established in 1991 and is headquartered in Mosco. Now it has 10,000 employees and 130 branches and offices in 20 Togo countries and regions around the world. Last year's revenue..."

Mr. Huang spit out a series of numbers, which made everyone's still uneasy mood once again turbulent, or a stormy sea, even the Liu brothers and Lu factory director who thought they knew something about Huahua Bank were confused. .

   Knowing that Huahua Bank is a bank, and knowing that the strength of the bank is no worse than that, but I didn’t expect it to be so strong.

   (end of this chapter)

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