Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2345: have quickened their pace

   Chapter 2345 Speeding up

   January 2000, the first month of the new century, was sunny and warm like spring.

   As for the domestic economy after China's entry into the WTO, everyone knew that there would be a big move, but no one thought that it would start with the actions of Huaqing Holding Group.

At the beginning of the new year, Yaohan Company reopened after it was acquired by Huaqing Holding Group. There are nearly 500 stores in more than 40 countries and regions around the world. Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the grand occasion of the opening day. Some reporters have gone, and the media in Xiangjiang have all arrived.

   It’s just that the grand opening is just the beginning. The next day Yaohan Company announced the sales of the first day in a high-profile manner, and the global store sales reached 500 million.

  It is estimated that the monthly sales will reach 3 billion, and the annual sales will reach 50 billion.

   Although it is just a sale and does not represent profit, it still surprised everyone.

   After all, the figure of 50 billion is indeed a bit bluffing, but this is not the end, in two days, at the end of January.

Huahua Bank announced that it will join more than 30 domestic companies such as Wanxiang Group, Wanke Group, and Hope Group to establish Oriental Bank, which is controlled by Huahua Bank, with the participation of state-owned assets, and jointly with more than 30 domestic private enterprises to formally establish a joint-stock system. private commercial bank.

  Completely independent operation, the registered capital is as high as 10 billion RMB, and the headquarters is set in the Huahai Center of the Magic City.

   is different from Yaohan's slogan of 50 billion, which is 10 billion real money.

   After the capital verification, the money will lie in the account of Oriental Bank, and it is also a completely private and self-operated commercial bank, which is different from Minsheng Bank. Although Minsheng Bank is also a private bank, it has many restrictions.

  The main bank operations are in charge of the system, otherwise there would be no such thing as "private, state-owned, and in charge".

   So there is no problem that Oriental Bank can be said to be the first real private bank.

   But this is not the end. Looking back, Oriental Bank announced that it will establish bank branches in more than 20 provincial capitals and major urban areas across the country within a year, and expand the business of Oriental Bank throughout the year.

   Afterwards, Huaqing Holding Group announced its strategy to enter foreign countries. It can be said that one of several subsidiaries counts as one, and none of them lags behind, and they have announced a series of plans.

   Throughout January, various financial and financial newspapers in China were full of news about Huaqing Holdings Group, and the word Jiang Xiaobai also resounded throughout the country.

   However, the actions of Huaqing Holding Group are like opening a new market in China, and then various companies have taken action. First, the Hope Group announced a series of actions and news to expand the market and integrate the industry.

   then released a series of actions in conjunction with Xinxing Feed Mill.

   followed by Wanxiang Group, which announced several overseas projects. It seems that it will completely pass the role of overseas bridgeheads and integrate with international standards.

  Then Wanke Group announced plans for an urban commercial plaza. Of course, this is not just a matter of private enterprises. State-owned enterprises also have a series of actions.

   For example, the actions of two oil and petrochemical companies.

   First, Petrochemical announced that it would spend 25.1 billion for the acquisition of gas stations in the next five years. Not to be outdone, Petrochemical immediately proposed a very similar acquisition plan and accelerated the acquisition of gas stations.

   To say, what are the most in-demand commodities in China? Not a house, not a car, not a variety of household appliances, but a gas station.

   In some places, its price has tripled or quadrupled in a year. The gas station is in demand, of course, not because it is particularly profitable, but because someone is looting it. Among them are petroleum and petrochemicals.

  The oil industry is a pillar industry of the national economy. According to the rules of the WTO, once the domestic member joins the organization, the import tariff of refined oil will be reduced to 6% within one or two years, and the retail will be released within 3 years, and the wholesale within 5 years.

   In order to cope with this inevitable competition situation, the Petrochemical Group was divided into two major group companies, Petroleum and Petrochemical.

  According to the plan at that time, the two major enterprises divided the oilfield resources and oil refining enterprise assets across the country, and implemented the "demarcation of the river" with the Yangtze River as the boundary in terms of business.

  After the formation of the two major oil groups, the competition for gas stations immediately began. The pressure brought about by this WTO entry is not only nervous about Jiang Xiaobai, Director Lu, and the Liu brothers and other giants in the private economy, but also nervous about state-owned enterprises.

   Even they were even more nervous, after all, they were no threat at all before, but now they have to.

  In their view, as long as they can collect all the gas stations before the multinational oil giants break into the country, then a "Maginot Line of Defense" can naturally be formed, at least there is room for negotiating conditions.

Therefore, at the beginning of the year, the two companies were on the hook. According to the principle of "dividing the river and governing", the two companies should be acquired on their respective sites. However, this agreement was quickly broken, and gas stations across the country immediately become the object of looting.

Jiang Xiaobai read a piece of news in a newspaper called "Southern Weekend" that a gas station in Rongcheng costs about 2 million to 8 million, while a gas station in Pengcheng, Yangcheng and other places costs 1,000. Wanchao is up.

   In the domestic state-owned economy, not only oil and petrochemicals are active, but other companies, such as telecommunications and China Unicom, are preparing to list overseas.

   There are also those that break the monopoly. Telecom is ready to be divided into five, civil aviation has also released the news of restructuring, non-ferrous metals are disbanded, and the five major military industries are divided into ten.

  Since the beginning of Huaqing Holding Group, the domestic economic field has been completely lively. Today is the news of his family, the day after tomorrow is the news of another family, there is no time when there is no news at all.

   The reporters of financial newspapers and television stations run around the country all day long. There used to be no news everywhere, and they wanted to find two big news. Now they are running around because there are too many news, and there is news every day.

   And it's big news, and the manuscript can't be written. Although the New Year is coming soon, these companies seem to be speeding up their actions after the New Year.

  Joining the WTO is two words, but the changes and impact it brings are very far-reaching. Many people have seen the changes in the future and are actively preparing to deal with them.

  February 1st, this day is the annual meeting of Huaqing Holding Group. This year's annual meeting is still not accessible to everyone on a large scale.

  After the acquisition of Yaohan Company, it is impossible for Huaqing Holding Group's annual meeting to have the original situation again, and everyone can come.

   (end of this chapter)

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