Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2346: Annual meeting

   Chapter 2346 Annual Meeting

   The scale of Huaqing Holding Group, if all of them are high-tech industries, then there will be more gatherings. After all, the high-tech industry is not a labor-intensive industry, and it is not a problem at all to support a high-tech industry with tens of thousands of employees.

   But the subsidiaries of Huaqing Holding Group, it can be said that there is one and one, all of which are labor-intensive enterprises, except for Hualian Computer, which can barely count as high-tech, but Hualian Computer also has a chip factory.

  In the past, all the employees added up to more than 100,000. Now, after the acquisition of Yaohan Company, the number of employees is even more. Take 500 franchise stores as an example, a franchise store has hundreds of people, which is more than 50,000 people.

   What's more, it's all over the world, how to gather, there is no way to gather all people together.

  Only a part of the outstanding employees can be selected to come to the headquarters for an annual meeting, and the other are the high-level employees of the group, the high-level employees of the second-level subsidiary and the senior employees of the third-level subsidiary, and the others are not qualified to come.

   But that's it, there are a lot of people, and the conference room that can accommodate 500 people is full.

   There are also several foreigners, which will inevitably appear after Huaqing Holding Group opens its internationalization path.

   It has nothing to do with trust and distrust. For example, in Yaohan's stores in various parts of the world, can you use all Chinese people? Some waiters, shipped from domestic to all over the world?

In some industries, there is no business trip, and employees must be selected locally. When other subsidiaries start to internationalize, not to mention that each country has a local person in charge, it is basically the same, because the local people know the best. domestic market.

  Foreigners looking at this market always have a feeling of seeing flowers in a fog and not being able to see clearly.

   So it is inevitable for foreigners to enter the company.

  Accompanied by Zhao Xiaojin, Jiang Xiaobai walked into the conference room and sat in the middle of the rostrum.

   "Jiang Dong, do you want to start now?" Zhang Weiyi asked as the host of the annual meeting.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded, this is the annual meeting, but it is also a summary meeting, a report meeting.

   Zhang Weiyi first officially said an opening remark, what new century, new dawn, how has the past year been, etc., and then various subsidiaries began to report.

  In the past, each subsidiary only reported its own turnover and reported its profits.

   But now there are more things to report, at least how many companies have been acquired, how many businesses have been developed, and how many new employees have been recruited this year, all of which have to be reported.

   Although these things are always recorded at the headquarters and known by the headquarters, these things are all achievements, and they are also a review of the development of the past year.

  Jiang Xiaobai will not dig out the original documents and put them together. He can only look at the summary report, listen to the report by the way, and understand the situation of the subsidiary.

  In this way, although everyone knows Jiang Xiaobai's temperament and is impatient with long speeches, they try to save time, the language is concise, and more is some data, but this is the case, it is very slow to report.

   However, it can be seen from some figures that the various subsidiaries of Huaqing Holding Group developed well last year.

Take Jiang Xiaobai clothing as an example. Last year, there were more than 600 directly-operated stores across the country, and the sales reached about 1.5 billion. In addition, in Xiangjiang, several countries in the southeast are also opening up the market, with There are more than 40 directly-operated stores and franchised stores, of which the sales of the directly-operated stores and franchised stores in Xiangjiang have reached 300 million Hong Kong dollars.

The sales data in several countries in the southeast are also pretty good. The total sales amounted to about 2 billion yuan, of which the profit control is not bad, about 900 million yuan. Of course, this is gross profit, pure profit around 500 million.

   This year, it is still ambitious to prepare for the listing, but the report comes up, and Jiang Xiaobai has not approved it yet, but Jiang Xiaobai clothing is already making some preparations.

   is going to be listed in Xiangjiang or Pengcheng, and is going to raise more than one billion yuan, and go abroad to acquire two clothing brands. In one word, it will expand its influence and market abroad.

   And this is just Jiang Xiaobai Clothing, and other subsidiaries are the same, all kinds of data are good.

All reported, the total sales last year reached more than 60 billion, less than 70 billion. Of course, the profit is not that much, that is, more than 10 billion, but each subsidiary is eager to open up the market. , the cash flow is not so sufficient, and basically all the money is invested in the development market.

   Of course, large amounts of money are all approved by Jiang Xiaobai and the headquarters.

  Bridgehead This method is most used by many subsidiaries on the road to opening up the international market.

   By the time this report was over, it was almost night.

   On the first day, Jiang Xiaobai didn't say much, and brought everyone to eat and drink. Of course, it was in a restaurant outside. The Jianhua Hotel has been expanded once, and more than 500 people can basically satisfy the meal at the same time.

   In the previous Jianhua Restaurant, Jiang Xiaobai was just playing, and he mainly liked to eat the dishes made by the chef.

   But the Jianhua Hotel was open, and it felt different in the eyes of many people. I don’t know why, but it became the representative of high-end.

   Jiang Xiaobai was very depressed. Later, he simply let this Jianhua Hotel expand a little. Since it has become a high-end representative, it will be completely opened, and it can be regarded as satisfying everyone.

  After dinner started, Jiang Xiaobai first brought the company's senior management and the heads of various second-tier subsidiaries to toast everyone, and after a round of toasts, he returned to the private room and sat down.

More than 500 people, this is fifty tables, not to mention one table toasting a cup, the iron man can't hold it, and each table toast is a meaning, after the more than fifty tables are finished, Jiang Xiaobai and others can't stand it. , but a toast is the time to test your acting skills.

  Some people drink a toast and drink very boldly, for example Wang Chao, but he didn't drink much, his chest got wet and he poured all the wine on his body.

   As for Wang Meng, he has a lot of heart, and he already drinks a little bit. Zhang Weiyi is good at acting. It seems that every time he takes a big gulp, he touches his lips and doesn't drink it at all.

  Song Xin is a woman and no one is embarrassed. People use tea instead of wine.

   As for Jiang Xiaobai himself, his wine was specially made, and it was just plain boiled water, which was arranged by Zhao Xiaojin.

   (end of this chapter)

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