Chapter 2412 Deterrence

   Soon there will be movements in domestic shopping malls, but they are all waiting to launch the next day. Now some movements are not so obvious, but undercurrents are beginning to surging, and some preparatory work has begun.

  Because there is no specific goal, the Changjiang Group felt a little abnormal, but didn't care.

   After all, there are some disturbances in the mainland shopping malls, and they are not too sensitive. To put it bluntly, it is because of the continuous time in the mainland that they all rely on the big tree of Changjiang Group, and they have long lost a certain sense of crisis.

   You must know that their boss, Mr. Li, is not only the richest man in Xiangjiang, but also a political figure. In addition to the strength of the group, he never thought that anyone would dare to deal with them.

   As for the friction between Xiangjiang and Jiang Xiaobai, they don't even know about it, and even there are many high-level executives within the Xiangjiang Changjiang Group who don't know it at all, and only a few people know.

   Lost his keen sense of smell, coupled with Jiang Xiaobai's deliberate secrecy, as a result, the Changjiang Group's industry in the mainland did not feel the danger at all.

  The sky was getting dark slowly. Jiang Xiaobai stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the office, watching the lights outside light up little by little, and the night scene of the entire magic city was once again presented in front of him.

  Mr. Huang knocked on the door and walked in: "Jiang Dong, everything is ready in Wuzhou."

   "Okay." Jiang Xiaobai replied without looking back.

   Zhang Weiyi also came in after a while: "Jiang Dong, the companies that need to be contacted on the company's side have also been contacted, and they will be officially launched early tomorrow morning."

  Zhang Weiyi said that there was still some excitement in his expression.

   "I see." Jiang Xiaobai replied.

Song Xin also walked in with a stack of documents: "Jiang Dong, we have also contacted some invested companies in Ouzhou in the southeast. Because of the time difference, some will be tomorrow morning, some will be tomorrow afternoon, Some are tomorrow night."

   "Okay, let's sit down." Jiang Xiaobai turned around and motioned everyone to sit on the sofa.

"For several years, the company has not made such a big move." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the three people and said, since the company moved to the magic capital, there has been business competition, but it has never been fully committed, but the various subsidiaries are in competition within the industry.

   The entire group launched a competition, and even Huahua Bank participated this time. It is actually a bit inaccurate to say that it is a competition. To be precise, it should be a retaliatory act.

   This is the first time that the scale is so large, and the target is not ordinary people, but Mr. Li.

   Once upon a time, this Mr. Li was also a mountain for them, the richest man in the Chinese.

   In 1978, Jiang Xiaobai was just a little educated youth in Jianhua Village who couldn't eat, and he took a group of educated youths who also couldn't eat to struggle in Jianhua Village. He fought with people because of a work point, and was preoccupied with eating a bite.

   Drinking a sip of roasted sweet potato can make you feel good for a long time, and eating a meal of stewed vermicelli with pork can make you wake up in the middle of the night.

  Mr. Li has been invited to the mainland to visit the exam errand. It was an invitation from the capital above. At that time, he was a rich man in Hong Kong, a top tycoon.

   To a certain extent, he can be regarded as a big man represented in the Xiangjiang shopping mall.

   Jiang Xiaobai at that time was unable to look up at others even when he raised his head.

   Twenty-two years have passed, Jiang Xiaobai has finally come to the present, Huaqing Holding Group is different, and finally can face Changjiang Group head-on, and finally is no longer the little educated youth who can't see others when he looks up.

   Now it's finally right, Jiang Xiaobai's voice is very calm, but if you listen carefully, you will find that there is a slight tremor beneath the calm.

  Trembling is not fear, but excitement.

"Huaqing Holding Group has developed in the mainland for 22 years, from a small canning workshop to today, Huaqing Bank has also developed for a small period of ten years, from the Huaqing Holding Group's loan as the starting capital, to today Become a private bank across the world.

  Although we haven't grown to the top level yet, I think it's time to test our development over the years.

  In twenty-two years, how have we developed? Whether there is still the original spirit, now is the time to test us. "

Jiang Xiaobai said and stood up: "This battle must be fought, I'm not making a fuss, our Huaqing Holding Group has grown to this day, and it has grown in size and volume, and has accumulated a lot of wealth, but it has also attracted a lot of people. Jackal, tiger and leopard,

   If you don't do it, you will be intimidated. I thought that Huaqing Holding Group was a fattened pig. "

  Jiang Xiaobai's voice also cooled down as he spoke. That's how business is done, and there are always various things to face. This is the case at home and abroad.

  The common man is innocent and guilty. In many cases, he has the ability to protect his own interests if he has money, and sometimes he needs a proper deterrence.

   Zhang Weiyi and Song Xin nodded their heads. In a country where officials have been oriented for thousands of years, it is difficult to understand such things.

   Mr. Huang didn't understand something, but he knew that Jiang Xiaobai was going to be serious this time, not only to teach Mr. Li a lesson, but also to use this opportunity to declare his strength.

   This is like a military exercise to a certain extent, except that this time Huaqing Holding Group chose a powerful target to deter it.

   But as long as the Changjiang Group can be cleaned up, the shock and deterrent effect is absolutely good.

   "Okay, let's get off work." After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he got up and left.

   Zhao Xinyi is back today, she is going to the airport to pick her up, and by the way, she will report on the results of taking care of her children in the past two days.

   Of course, this achievement is really indescribable.

  Jiang Xiaobai drove to the airport, and when he received Zhao Xinyi, Zhao Xinyi was still with the business trip team of Magic Capital Diesel Company.

  Modu Diesel Company also sent a car to pick up the plane. Zhao Xinyi, as the leader of the team on this business trip, arranged for others to get on the bus before coming over to follow Jiang Xiaobai.

   Zhao Xinyi pouted as soon as she got in the car: "Jiang Xiaobai, how do you take care of the child? I heard that you these two days..."

   That's right, Zhao Xinyi already knew about the situation at home. The two children called and complained. Of course, Zhao Xinyi also knew that Jiang Xiaobai must be busy with something in the company, but she was still a little emotional.

   "Who complained?" Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and asked subconsciously, he had already comforted the children at home, and after he was busy, there would be a playground, a luxurious meal, and a toy for each person.

   (end of this chapter)

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