Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2413: State-run fatigue

   Chapter 2413 State-run fatigue

  Jiang Xiaobai asked who betrayed him, but Zhao Xinyi didn't mean to keep it secret, and sold the traitor directly.

   "It's Lang Lang, he also wants a big electric car from me."

   "This little bastard." Jiang Xiaobai scolded with a black face, this kid doesn't look like himself at all, what is this, eat the upper house and eat the lower house, the two families eat it all.

   The key point is that you have a request to mention, why can't I satisfy you? Do not report.

   "Cuckold, okay, you don't have time to watch the child and don't let the child sue." Zhao Xinyi tapped Jiang Xiaobai's arm lightly.

   The two chatted all the way. Jiang Xiaobai asked about Zhao Xinyi's business trip to Beijing this time. After the listing of Magic Capital Diesel Engine Company, the place was in trouble for two years.

  The growth point of profit is not enough, coupled with the backward technology and the blockade of foreign technology, the sales volume of the company is not good.

   Now Modu Diesel Engine Company is preparing to develop new business and engage in new profit growth point.

   But this is not so easy, and there is no consensus within the company.

  Explore new businesses and diversify operations. This kind of thing is not the first thing that Modu Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. has thought of. State-owned enterprises have already done this.

   It was still a few years ago when the market was good and when the economy was developing rapidly, whatever you did to make money, the state-owned factories could take out the storefronts in their hands to open restaurants, or do other things, anyway, they could do whatever they made money.

   I don't care if it has anything to do with my original business, anyway, as long as I make money, I will sell ice cream for bicycle manufacturers, soda drinks for textile manufacturers, and restaurants and bathhouses for soy sauce factories.

  Diversification? Use the resources at hand to make money, to support the workers in the factory without stubbornness, and there is even a period of time. After making money, the factory has been commended by the local area.

   After all, since the local government has no development plan and the factory still cannot survive, it is good to not have to pay to support the workers.

   But after a period of time, such diversification,

   In the past few years, the competition was not fierce at that time, as long as you had the courage to make money, the supply and demand relationship was oversupply, so basically you would not lose money.

   In addition, there are some resources of state-owned enterprises. For example, to open a restaurant, people have their own space. The rent and the like are not considered costs, and of course they make a lot of profit.

But after a long time, the competition has become more and more fierce, and state-owned enterprises are showing signs of fatigue again, because many state-owned enterprises see that they can make money by opening restaurants, and that is enough, and they will not think about starting a chain. Make the restaurant a brand.

State-owned enterprises do not have this awareness. Everyone thinks that it is good to make money and make up for the losses in the factory. Even if some people have this vision, they do not have the funds to develop. Ask for money from the factory.

   These are all normal things.

  Don't use your hobbies to challenge other people's majors. The diversified competition of state-owned enterprises is a hobby. What do you do to make money, but there are professional players in every industry. Private enterprises think that doing business is like sailing against the current.

   When you open a restaurant, you want to open more branches, or a chain, or a big store. Even the self-employed do not have such great ambitions, and they will also think about how to be better in terms of service and taste.

As for the state-owned enterprises, the waiters who opened the restaurant are still the workers, and they still maintain the pride of the state-owned workers before. They simply do not have the concept of service first. .

   As a result, these diversified state-owned enterprises cannot go on the road of diversification, and their professions are also abandoned.

   leads to a complete no way out.

   I used my own hobbies to choose other people's majors, but I ended up with a bruised nose and a swollen face. When I turned around and saw that my major was abandoned.

   This is the fate of most of the state-owned enterprises that have diversified operations in the past few years. It cannot be said absolutely, but Jiang Xiaobai has not heard of any state-owned enterprise that has successfully transformed through diversification.

   Now Zhao Xinyi's Magic City Diesel Engine Company is facing such a situation. It was better before. After all, Magic Chai is also one of the industry leaders in China.

   But with the entry into the WTO, the competition in the future will become more and more intense.

  Although the slogan that came out is also "production generation, reserve generation, research and development generation." But it can't be done at all.

   There is no other technological backwardness. The reason why some domestic technical enterprises can't do other foreign enterprises is because of this slogan.

   Production generation, reserve generation, research and development generation. Twelve simple words, but it's too hard to do it.

   However, the leading foreign leaders in many industries have implemented these twelve characters very well.

   The products they are producing now are not their latest research. They still have a generation of technology in reserve. As soon as you understand the technology of the products produced here, they will immediately release the reserved generation.

   Let you follow behind the **** only to catch up.

   But it is too difficult for many domestic companies to do it.

This is the case with   Modu Diesel Engine. Now they also want to develop some new businesses and make some new profit growth points, but some people inside do not agree, because they are afraid that Mochai will follow in the footsteps of other state-owned enterprises.

  The new business could not be started, and as a result, his professional diesel engine business was abandoned.

   So on this point, Mochai is still very cautious. This time Zhao Xinyi led the team to the capital, and it was just an inspection to see if there was any suitable business that could not affect the core business.

   Find a new profit growth point for the company.

   "I think some tractors and other agricultural tools may become our core, and we have been studying in the automotive business, but we may always fall behind, and there is no more funds to support our research and development.

   On the contrary, now the domestic farm implements tractors, planters. In the market such as harvester, I am optimistic about the future development trend. If this top occupies an active position,

   The profit is not necessarily worse than that of the sub-auto industry research, when the funds are available, we can still develop technology, and maybe we can take advantage of this advantage to overtake in corners..."

   Zhao Xinyi counted the accounts with her fingers on the co-pilot, while talking eloquently, this time she went to the capital on business not aimlessly, but to investigate the agricultural machinery market.

   (end of this chapter)

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