Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2450: internet bubble

   Chapter 2450 The Internet Bubble

   Negotiations have begun. This is something that will take a long time to complete. Jiang Xiaobai is only responsible for checking.

   However, the domestic market is quiet at this time. The competition between Huaqing Holding Group and Changjiang Group is over, but the follow-up impact and turmoil are still there, but they are slowly subsiding.

   At this time, something happened to Nasdaq, which was far away on the other side of the ocean. The time since Nasdaq was founded, so far, is barely enough for 30 years.

   Compared with the New York Stock Exchange, its history is very short, but its growth is unique. It is the first stock exchange in the world to adopt an electronic trading system.

  In recent years, with the outbreak of some high-tech companies, computer and Internet companies, Nasdaq has an influence on the global market. With thousands of listed companies, the market is also huge.

   In the past two years, the Nasdaq has been on the rise. Many Internet companies have been listed on the Nasdaq, including domestic Internet companies listed on the Nasdaq, and the market value has continued to rise.

But since April, the Nasdaq stock market, which has been soaring along the way, has turned around and fell without warning. By the time Jiang Xiaobai's negotiation started, it had dropped from a high of more than 5,000 to more than 4,000 points, and then during this period of time From more than 4,000 points to more than 3,000 points, it fell to more than 2,000 points.

   In one month, it has dropped by 40%.

  40%, this may not seem very eye-catching at first glance, but if it is replaced by Huaqing Holding Group, the overall drop is 40%, that is, hundreds of billions of evaporated.

   And this figure is even more terrifying when it is placed on the Nasdaq. Thousands of listed companies, Generation Warner, a company lost thousands of dollars, which is equivalent to a small trillion yuan.

  Cisco's market value has dropped from more than $500 billion to more than $100 billion, and it has dropped from more than $90 billion to more than $9 billion, leaving only a fraction.

  Ama News is similar. The market value of more than 20 billion US dollars has fallen to 4 billion US dollars.

   As a whole, Nasda has lost more than $8 trillion, which is an astronomical figure.

   The bubble of the Internet burst like this. In fact, before that, many people were wary, because the market value of the Internet is really inflated.

  Because the Internet companies at this time did not find a profitable direction at all, and the market value of a company that was not profitable at all was continuously raised.

   Obviously many people are playing the trick of drumming and passing flowers.

   Several domestic Internet companies were also affected. Among them, Mr. Ma made a special trip to the magic capital to find Jiang Xiaobai.

   "Jiang Dong, some time ago, things between you Huaqing Holding Group and Changjiang Group were vigorous, and I didn't help much here..." Teacher Ma said politely.

  Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, what can you do as an e-commerce person? Needless to say, at this time, you won't be able to help much when Mr. Ma has established the company. These are completely two fields.

   Internet companies and the real world are two completely different things, although it is said that the Internet economy will also have an impact on the real economy in later generations.

   But it is only a small business that has an impact, and a large business is not greatly affected.

   "Okay, it's alright, you can just do your thing now, do you need my help this time?" Jiang Xiaobai asked directly.

   "Well, Jiang Dong, do you know about the Nasdaq crash?" Teacher Ma asked.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "I know, the game of drumming and passing flowers can't go on, and naturally it will collapse."

   "A game of drumming and passing flowers?" Teacher Ma was taken aback.

   "Haha, isn't it a good image? It's just a game of capital." Jiang Xiaobai said casually.

   Teacher Ma was stunned for a moment, and his face suddenly became ugly: "Then Jiang Dong, do you mean that the Internet is a tool for hype? Then do this..."

   Now that the entire internet industry bubble burst, all internet companies are panicking.

   It’s not that their minds are not firm, but that the impact of the collapse of the Internet bubble this time is too great.

   In the entire Internet industry, there is no listed Internet company that can escape, especially the Internet companies listed on Nasdaq, which are considered to be the best among Internet companies.

  As a result, they are all dying now, and it is impossible not to make people wonder if there is a problem in this industry.

   So Mr. Ma came over in a hurry, and also wanted to get some comfort from Jiang Xiaobai.

   But I didn't expect that Jiang Xiaobai would say that this is a capital game of drumming and passing flowers.

   If the Internet industry is a capital game of drumming and spreading flowers, then what is the significance of the existence of Internet companies and Internet companies in their Internet industry?

Is    just an object for capital speculation?

   "Jiang Dong, then do we still have any meaning to do it?" Teacher Ma sat down on the sofa and said a little decadently.

  Jiang Xiaobai shook his head with a smile: "A few years ago, in Qiongzhou, capital was also playing a game of drumming and passing flowers, so you say that the land in Qiongzhou is really worthless?"

   Teacher Ma was taken aback and looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

  Jiang Xiaobai continued: "The market value of today's Internet companies is inflated, and they are just hyping up the concept, so the road is going astray.

   can only be reduced to a tool for hype, but when you think about it, if the Internet has no value at all, it has no value at all as a tool for hype, right? "

   In fact, the Internet companies at this time are like the concept of the metaverse in the future. Of course, this is much stronger than the concept of the metaverse.

   But for most, it is still a business that does not see the profit point, and even most do not know what it is.

Everyone knows about   computers, but no one understands how to use the Internet to make money.

   Such emerging concepts are the easiest to be hyped by capital.

   The Internet industry is such a tool now, and now the bubble has burst, but it does not mean that the Internet industry has no value at all.

  Jiang Xiaobai continued: "For the current Internet companies, don't worry about other things, what market value, what the future of the industry, I think for a company,

   The most important thing is to find your own profit model. The market value and the like are all false. I think it is a good thing that the bubble has burst now.

   Everyone can calm down and start a business in a down-to-earth way, instead of calculating and hyping concepts all day long. "

   (end of this chapter)

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