Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2451: reassurance

   Chapter 2451 Reassurance

   Hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, Mr. Ma breathed a long sigh of relief in his heart. Jiang Xiaobai is the "Godfather of Business" in China after all.

   Of course, the scale of Huaqing Holding Group and Huaqing Bank is mainly here. A few days ago, the behemoth of Changjiang Group was also cleaned up. I heard that Huaqing Holding Group is still talking about land ceding and indemnity.

   There is a saying that people who are poor do not join the crowd. Do not persuade others to speak lightly. What do you rely on for lightness and weight? It depends on your achievements.

   The same sentence, uttered from the mouths of different people, will have completely different effects.

  Jiang Xiaobai is now being heard by some and believed by others, because Jiang Xiaobai has achieved achievements and proved himself.

  The current Mr. Ma, although he says he has great ambitions, has not proven himself after all. Compared with Jiang Xiaobai, a big man in the private industry, and the founder of two Fortune 500 companies, that is not a star.

   Even Teacher Ma is now not only the difference in status, but even Teacher Ma himself is not very confident.

   Those who have not proved themselves are like this, others look down on them, and they are not confident in themselves.

  No one is born with self-confidence, something is born with an abnormal appearance, something born with a backside of his head is to do big things and so on, it is all done after it is done, and later generations will add it.

   Before making a career, no one has that self-confidence, and self-confidence is acquired by success again and again.

   So now Jiang Xiaobai's remarks, Teacher Ma is also relieved.

   After calming down, Mr. Ma also began to seriously think about what Jiang Xiaobai said. It is true that the Internet bubble did not exist today. It started for a long time, and the specific time should start from the mid-1990s.

   was started one after another from Citigroup companies, which is an unprecedented transformation.

   They suffix their company name with ".com" or mix an "I" and "E" into the name.

   Find ways to hook up with the Internet. If a traditional company changes its name, it can claim to be an Internet company and start a new round of financing.

   As long as the original entrepreneur has a domain name, someone will provide him with funds to do business.

   Since this time, the traditional business model has been subverted. In the past, whether it was possible to obtain financing, whether to go public, and whether the company was doing well depended on a lot of things.

   But the first and most basic one is to make a profit. What kind of enterprise is a company that does not make a profit. But it appears now.

The most typical example of    is Amazon. The idea of ​​starting a business is very simple. Make a list on a piece of paper, which is full of things that may be sold online, and finally choose a book.

   Amazon has achieved a turnover of US$20,000 per week in just two months after its launch, with customers in more than 50 countries around the world.

   Amazon went public after only three years of business, but during these three years, Amazon has been doing business at a loss.

Since then,    has become the operation method of all Internet companies. An idea of ​​starting a business, looking for money, looking for money, going public, whether it can be profitable or not, profitability is not something Internet companies should consider at all.

   Don't care about the profit, just rush and it's over, lose money first and quickly occupy the market, win the clubhouse tender model, lose the sea to work.

   Coupled with the financial crisis in the past few years, the Citigroup Federal Reserve cut interest rates a lot, so hot money has flocked to the Internet industry.

   "Want to make money? Go to Nasdaq and buy internet stocks."

   This has become the consensus of the people.

   "Jiang Dong, you said that in this situation, the Internet industry originally had a bright future, but it was fired. This has an impact on the entire Internet industry." Teacher Ma said with some worry.

  Jiang Xiaobai nodded: "Yes, it will have an impact on the entire industry, even a particularly large one. It is estimated that there will be no funds to enter this industry in the next few years.

   So next, it can be said to be the cold winter of the Internet industry. "

   "This..." Mr. Ma grimaced. He already had a special image, which made it even more weird.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help laughing, then looked at Teacher Ma and said, "Okay, don't think too much, which is more fragrant, the flowers growing under the greenhouse or the cold plums standing proudly in the cold winter, I think you can Do you understand?"

  Mr. Ma certainly understands what Jiang Xiaobai means, Aoxue Hanmei, growing up in adversity will of course be better.

Everyone knows the truth of   , but it is also easier to die prematurely in the face of adversity.

   In the past few years, when the Internet situation was good, there were people who invested in good business ideas.

   But next, it will be difficult. If you don’t have funds, you can rely on yourself. You must know that no matter how good an Internet project is, you will definitely need to burn money in the early stage, and you need to burn money to get users.

  This is different from traditional business. It is impossible to find customers one by one without burning money.

   "Then I understand Jiang Dong, I will work hard." Teacher Ma assured.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and nodded: "Okay, that's it, since you're here, don't leave at night, Wang Shi and Director Lu are both here, let's have dinner together at night, you can do it with confidence, if you really have funds in the future Difficulties,

  We will also help here, do it with confidence. "

  Jiang Xiaobai gave Teacher Ma a reassurance pill, and Teacher Ma was completely relieved.

   In the evening, Mr. Ma attended the dinner party, but the dinner party was all about the negotiation content of the two days.

   "Jiang Dong, we are really jealous when we look at it. There are so many **** good things from Changjiang Group. I want anything out of it." Wang Shi's mouth was full of swear words.

His eyes turned red when he spoke. Actually, he didn't blame him. What kind of company was Changjiang Group? It was a Fortune 500 company, and it had been in business for decades. He is already a business tycoon in Hong Kong.

   The business has spread to various countries in the southeast, and the Changjiang Group has been involved in any profitable industry or any good industry.

   This is the advantage of starting a business early. In addition, this time it involves compensation for Jiang Xiaobai, and it does not dare to take out some shabby industries to fool Jiang Xiaobai, so this time Changjiang Group has brought out high-quality industries.

  Wang Shi, Feng Lun, and even the factory director Lu and the Liu brothers were all dazzled and heartbroken.

   Wang Shi's eyes were red, and he was drooling when he looked at these industries. He wanted this and that too. If he didn't have this strength, he would have taken them all.

   (end of this chapter)

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