Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2452: like a hungry wolf

   Chapter 2452 Like a hungry wolf

   Looking at Wang Shi's undisguised greed, Jiang Xiaobai scolded with a smile: "You can just buy the Changjiang Group and forget it."

Director Lu also smiled and said, "That's right, you don't know, Mr. Wang has been like a hungry wolf for the past two days. He knows that there is a pile of documents on the negotiating table, and those who don't know think that There are chunks of fat in front of it.

  Jiang Dong, didn't you see that when Mr. Wang looked at the document, he looked like a hungry wolf who hadn't eaten for a few days. "

   "Haha, I testify, this is what I testify." Liu Yonghao raised his hand to join in the fun.

Wang Shi was not embarrassed, and nodded in agreement: "To be honest, if I have this ability, I really want to buy it, there are so many good things, I look really envious. Very, drooling."

   "Haha." Everyone laughed.

  Mr. Ma was also laughing along with him. He always felt that he couldn't fit in. A bunch of people working in the industry didn't understand it.

   Of course, although I don’t understand it, but listening to these industries is also tempting, it is indeed a good thing, but I don’t have my own share.

  Fortunately, the topic shifted to the Nasdaq stock market crash, but Mr. Ma could see that the Nasdaq stock market crash and the Internet bubble would have had too much impact.

   It is estimated that everyone is not interested. After all, among these people present, Mr. Ma feels that there are not many who can understand what the Internet is.

   So this topic is also passed around. Of course, because of Mr. Ma's presence, everyone didn't criticize the Internet much, which saved Mr. Ma a little face.

  The main issue is that, to be honest, a few internet companies in China have been affected, and the scope of the outbreak is not very large.

  The current telephone penetration rate in China is just over 10%, just 20%, and it is still dial-up Internet access. It is really impossible to expect the impact of the Internet bubble.

   Many people don’t understand what the Internet is?

  Jiang Xiaobai also did not remind everyone of the importance of the Internet. Some things are not at that level, and it is useless to know them.

When it reaches that level, it will naturally make arrangements in advance, but if the enterprise is not that large, it is useless even if it values ​​the future development of the Internet. After all, it is impossible to separate its original energy and business to find a business thing.

   At this time, in the supervision department of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Zhang Jingwen was packing up and getting off work.

   It's almost time, Yin Xiaojun should go downstairs to pick him up.

   "Jing Wen, your little army is here to pick you up again, I'm so happy."

   "Yeah, I've never seen a couple who are more loving than the two of you." Colleagues smiled and greeted them at a discount and left.

   They still know about Zhang Jingwen, their family should be related, and they entered the Shanghai Stock Exchange directly after graduation.

   But Zhang Jingwen didn't bully others or anything, and usually didn't look down on this or that because he had a backstage. He completely regarded himself as a newcomer.

   So they still agree with Zhang Jingwen.

The    people were almost gone, and Zhang Jingwen was about to leave work with his bag, but just as Zhang Jingwen was about to leave the office, he saw Zhao Yugang sitting at the door.

   "Brother Zhao, I'm leaving."

   "Okay, goodbye." Zhao Yugang waved his hand without raising his head.

   "Goodbye, by the way, Brother Zhao, what are you doing all day? Come early and leave at the latest. If there is anything you need help with, I can help you." Zhang Jingwen said with a smile.

   Zhao Yugang nodded casually, didn't care, thanked him, lowered his head and continued to work on his own, but just as Zhang Jingwen was about to leave the office, Zhao Yugang suddenly thought of something.

   looked up and asked, "Hey, Jingwen, do you have time now?"

   "Ah, yes." Zhang Jingwen was stunned and nodded.

   "Alright then, come and help me see this." Zhao Yugang said, Zhang Jingwen came over to take a look, his eyes narrowed, and he suddenly became serious.

   "This is..." Zhang Jingwen asked while flipping through the documents on the table.

   Above is the tracking of some fund management companies and securities investment funds from August last year to the present. These companies are listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which is the transaction records of their work units.

   She also works at the Shanghai Stock Exchange, of course she knows what it is, but she doesn't know, Zhao Yugang sums up what these things do.

"This is a tracking record made by me. There is a big problem here. Many investment funds are operating in violation of regulations. I am going to write two reports. Would you like to help me?" Zhao Yugang asked directly. road.

  At the time, he didn't plan to let anyone participate, but when things came to an end, he was a little bit afraid. If he made this thing by himself, someone without background might be embarrassed.

   But doesn't Zhang Jingwen have a background, and Zhang Jingwen is still a newcomer, so he should not have participated in such illegal operations, and happened to be doing this work with himself.

   Zhang Jingwen flipped through the documents, but did not say whether to agree or not for a while. However, he carefully opened the information in his hand.

   "Otherwise, Jingwen, you can go back and look at the data. These data are collected by myself, and there is absolutely no fraud.

  You also work here. I believe you should be able to see it. After reading the information, you can agree to my request or not. "

   Zhao Yugang said again.

  Zhang Jingwen nodded: "Okay, then Big Brother Zhao, I'll take these data back and take a good look first, don't worry, no matter what, I won't tell anyone about this."

   "Okay." Zhao Yugang nodded, Zhang Jingwen packed up the documents and got up and left.

  Yin Xiaojun was already waiting downstairs in his car. After Zhang Jingwen got into the car, Yin Xiaojun asked while driving, "What shall we eat tonight?"


   "Let's eat outside then,"


  Yin Xiaojun felt that something was wrong with Zhang Jingwen, and asked suspiciously, "Jingwen, what do you think?"


   "I said what do you think, did something happen at work? Or something else?" Yin Xiaojun asked silently.

   "No, it's nothing." Zhang Jingwen subconsciously clenched the bag in his hand, feeling the thickness of the materials in the bag.

   "God nagging." Zhang Jingwen didn't want to say more, so Yin Xiaojun didn't ask any more questions and drove his car to his house.

   (end of this chapter)

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