Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2608: offensive signal

   Chapter 2608 Attack Signal

   "Hello, all guests and friends, my name is Jiang Xiaobai. Today, on behalf of Oriental Bank, I am here to announce a plan of Oriental Bank.

Under the new economic situation, to build a multi-element and multi-channel financing channel for the private economy to develop better and faster, and for the financing of private enterprises, our Oriental Bank is a private commercial bank. Help the development of private enterprises.

  We have noticed that after entering the millennium, private enterprises have gradually developed and grown after 20 years of development, and have begun to enter the domestic economic stage. Our private economy is also taking on more responsibilities.

At the same time, some industries are starting to change slowly. I have reason to believe that our private enterprises will develop better and better in the future. Under the system of the market economy, we have to take on more responsibilities and have a wider space. …”

  Jiang Xiaobai was talking, and there were flashes of flashing lights on the scene. Although Jiang Xiaobai's words seemed to be a bit false, in the eyes of many caring people, Jiang Xiaobai's thoughts were very clear.

There is more room for   , that is, wanting to enter more industries, assume more social responsibilities, and have a bigger stage, these are all naked offensive signals.

   "So, after the general meeting of shareholders and the board of directors of Orient Bank, we decided to provide 100 billion yuan of funds to support the development of private enterprises. As long as it meets our loan regulations, we will appropriately release the loan process.

   Relax the loan policy, and more closely to help the growth of private enterprises..."

   Before Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, there was a burst of noise at the press conference. Although it was said that there were wind noises before, but now it is really confirmed that it is another matter.

   In addition, Jiang Xiaobai is the largest private enterprise in China, and he has also announced that he wants to enter more fields. This signal is not a good thing for state-owned enterprises and multinational groups.

   The current situation is inherently complicated. It’s not a big deal for Jiang Xiaobai to come in alone, there are many industries, but driven by Jiang Xiaobai, the impact will not be good at that time.

   Once it is opened, these private enterprises are pervasive, and that is the real headache.

  Although it is still on the scene, many representatives of state-owned capital and multinational capital have already felt headaches and have felt the twists and turns that will increase in the future.

  For reporters, this is a big news. From this incident in the future, I don’t know how many articles can be derived.

   Even many reporters will think about this matter and what experts to interview.

  Whether this is successful or not, it will be recorded in the history of the private economy today. Even if it fails, it is a very necessary attempt.

   It’s just that if this attempt is unsuccessful, private enterprises will pay a lot. For example, these private enterprises that try to cross-bank collapse and become corpses and nutrients. For example, Oriental Bank’s 100 billion loss.

   For example, we will face thicker industry barriers in the future.

   But in this moment, they are undoubtedly brave.

   Such courage is admirable.

"In addition, there is a package of plans, including some technical and cooperative sharing, such as some breakthroughs in industry barriers. I hope that future private enterprises can shine on the stage, and I hope that private enterprises can get better and better. ."

  Jiang Xiaobai said, without a detailed introduction, but he also revealed a lot of information, and many people present knew it.

   Both Huaqing Bank and Huaqing Holding Group have certain skills.

  For example, the technology of emerging feed is the best in the domestic feed technology field.

  For example, Hualian Computer is completely self-produced, and even has its own chip electronics factory. It is completely self-developed, produced by itself, and even supplied to foreign suppliers.

   In addition, many invested companies also have their own technologies. Needless to say, Huahua Bank has invested in many industries, and those with controlling rights also have leading technologies in their respective fields.

   These are two Fortune 500 companies, and they have made achievements in their respective fields.

   If we let go of cooperation, it will definitely be a good thing for domestic enterprises and private enterprises, and this kind of cooperation will also drive other enterprises to cooperate.

   "Papapapa." The audience continued to applaud. Needless to say, reporters, media and people from private enterprises, especially for private enterprises, all day today is good news.

   But even those who feel threatened by state-owned capital and multinational capital have to admit that what Jiang Xiaobai has done is indeed a very stimulating thing for private enterprises.

  It's over, let's wait to meet the challenges of private enterprises, people from state-owned capital and multinational capital thought while applauding.

To a certain extent, it does not matter to multinational companies. After all, in the past two decades, they have been unfamiliar with the environment of the mainland from the beginning, do not know how to get along with the leaders of the mainland, and do not know how to adopt policies to game.

After 20 years of long-term adaptation, multinational enterprises have already adapted to these. They have their own unique characteristics in the field of market economy. Coupled with the accumulation of strong capital and technology, they have also Experienced.

   They have the confidence to face any competition.

   But the state-owned capital is different. They have always relied on the inclination of policies. If the advantages in this area are gone, they will not have any advantages in the competition.

To be honest, multinational companies have been familiar with the domestic environment for 20 years, but state-owned capital has not been able to adapt to the market economy after 20 years, but still miss the planned economy. development of.

   Therefore, the ones that may be hit in the future will bear the brunt of state-owned capital. Of course, they still have an advantage in terms of policy.

   However, the tenacious state-owned capital of private enterprises is obvious to all. Private enterprises were able to thrive in the dual-track system, let alone now.

"Jiang Dong said a lot just now, the current situation of our private enterprise, the future of our private enterprise, what I want to say is the spirit of our private enterprise..." Director Lu originally prepared the manuscript, but after Jiang Xiaobai stepped down, it was quite satisfactory. He spoke, but he was also released after being influenced by Jiang Xiaobai, and he put the manuscript in his pocket on the way to the stage.

   (end of this chapter)

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