Chapter 2609 Response

   "Last year, Jiang Dong said something that impressed many of us. If our private enterprises are doomed to fail in some industries, then give us a chance to fail.

Our private enterprise started relatively late, and the start was relatively difficult. It was not easy to get to where we are today. It is very difficult. Without capital and technology, why did we get to where we are today? It is because of our unyielding character. Even if we lose, we have to try. It is with this spirit that we have come to this day. Today is the same. Now that the international economic situation is changing, how should we go in the future? I think we have reached a crossroads of choice.

  Whether to be satisfied with the status quo, or continue to forge ahead, this is a question, but now, our private enterprises have given the answer to this question, yes, we have chosen to continue to work hard as always.

  Our private enterprises have this courage. Whether it was before or now, we have the courage to face failure. We don’t ask for anything else. In Jiang Dong’s words, if we want to fail, please give us a chance to fail. "

   Director Lu said eloquently, in fact, he wanted more opportunities to express what he wanted to express.

   Director Lu is not as influential now as Huaqing Holding Group, but Director Lu himself and Jiang Xiaobai started his business around the same time, so he is still very influential in private enterprises.

   Now Jiang Xiaobai and Director Lu have stated that they want to open a hole in some industries and allow private enterprises to enter the industry.

   First, it was the action of a private enterprise, and now the Oriental Bank has launched another 100 billion yuan, and the two leaders Jiang Xiaobai and Lu Factory Manager have made such a statement.

   The reporters and media who are here now understand now that Jiang Xiaobai, Director Lu and others are not only holding a press conference today, but also expressing their positions to a certain extent, and even wanting policies very bluntly.

   Sure enough, Liu Yonghao and Wang Shi also made relevant remarks, hoping that some industries will give private enterprises access opportunities.

  Jiang Xiaobai, Director Lu, and Liu Yonghao are almost the first group of people who started businesses in private enterprises. These are people who can speak on behalf of private enterprises. Of course, Wang Shi is slightly worse. He started in the real estate industry.

   was on Pengcheng's side from the beginning, and was entangled with Shen Tefa. He was regarded as the second batch of private entrepreneurs. Compared with the first batch of private entrepreneurs, the distinguishing feature is not only a matter of starting a business sooner or later.

   But in the process of starting up, the first batch of private enterprises basically developed from team-run enterprises, village-run enterprises, and township enterprises, and started from scratch from scratch.

   In this process, basically no other funds are borrowed, and there is no other technical and other support.

However, like Wang Shi and others, they borrowed other funds at the beginning, such as Shenzhen Special Development, because of the entanglement of this share, and later it took a lot of effort to clear the shareholding, such as Lian Xiang Mr. Liu, also developed with the help of the funds and technology of the Computer Institute.

   But Jiang Xiaobai and the others started with a handicraft workshop in the place called Brigade and Commune with a small amount of money.

Therefore, they are the first batch of serious private enterprises. Wang Shi and the others who have a clear shareholding are the second batch. When the third batch is Chen Dongsheng and other 92 factions, they basically look for a little bit at the beginning. investment etc.

   This has become a normal thing.

   Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai and Director Lu are the ones who can best represent the first batch of private enterprises. Now they have spoken out collectively, which is already echoing the recent actions of private enterprises.

  The press conference of Oriental Bank's 100 billion plan has a far greater influence than everyone imagined.

   On the second day, all financial and financial newspapers, regardless of their influence, reported on the front page of the Oriental Bank's 100 billion loan support plan.

Once the news of    came out, it caused a thousand waves. Many experts and the like said that this was 2001, the beginning of the new century, another major change in the domestic economic structure.

Private enterprises are asking for more. In the next few days, almost all topics in domestic economic newspapers and TV stations will be about the East Bank's 100 billion plan and the progressive actions of private enterprises during this period of time. The impact and the changes brought about in the future are analyzed.

   Experts in various economic fields also frequently appeared in various newspapers and media TV stations to analyze the impact of this action on the current domestic economic structure.

   Even several heavyweight newspapers have published this news, such as Beijing Daily, Xinhua, etc. Obviously this plan has enough attention.

   Of course, these things have little effect on ordinary people, at least for now, but in the long river of history, this move will inevitably affect all fields and all aspects of people's lives.

However, some things are basically moisturizing and silent, which cannot be felt by ordinary people. These news basically appear in financial newspapers and media, and other newspaper reports are just casual mentions. , ordinary people simply do not pay attention.

   But the change is actually happening.

  After the launch of the 100 billion loan of Oriental Bank, more private enterprises want to get involved in some industries that they have not been involved in before, especially in finance and energy, they are the most active, and the other is in communication.

   In fact, at this time, it is said that the best thing to do in communication is to do it, but they are the manufacturer of communication at this time, and they have not started to sell mobile phones.

   But he has been working intensively in this field for 23 years. How should I put it, some of them are accumulating their own skills and confidence in the same way as Director Lu.

   But at the beginning of the year 2001, the most conspicuous thing in the telecommunications field was not transformation, but another familiar product, PHS.

   On the contrary, because of the influence of the Internet winter, they are preparing to spend their own winter this year.

   This year not only changed, but the global telecommunications industry has been affected, including Citigroup's Kesi, which was brought about by the cold winter of the Internet.

  The Internet industry started to develop wildly around the world ten years ago, but the bursting of the Internet bubble in the last year has brought various impacts.

The same is true for domestic Internet companies. However, at the beginning of the year, these problems were not all exposed, and there were still some false prosperity. Otherwise, after the Dongfang Conference was held at the end of last year, Teacher Ma would not think about West Lake. On the sword thing.

   (end of this chapter)

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