Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2647: Huayuan Energy

   Chapter 2647 Huayuan Energy

"I understand Xiaobai, you can rest assured that I will do it well." Song Xin stopped talking about things that were not too stressful. After so many years, as long as Jiang Xiaobai needed her to do, she would do her best. well done.

"Well, this is our back road and our life guarantee." Jiang Xiaobai stood up: "Xiner, we have come here through ups and downs for so many years, it's not easy, no matter what, we should stay safe and sound. Days later.

  We shouldn't be afraid anymore. "

For so many years, Jiang Xiaobai has always been frightened, but what should happen next, should not let these people who follow him be frightened because of something, if they are not frightened, they must strengthen their own strength and make people dare not move. .

   As long as the strength is strong enough and the foundation is deep enough, no one dares to move.

  What floats on the water is what floats on the water, but if you want to deepen the thing under the water, the exposed tip of the iceberg should be able to deter others.

   "Well, I'll try my best." Song Xin nodded and came out of Jiang Xiaobai's office to prepare.

  The energy industry will definitely not be as glamorous in the market as it is when it is a home and beverage or an investment company.

   There will be less time to deal with consumers in the future, but the energy represented here is even greater, and it has become the secret power of Huaqing Holding Group.

   In the afternoon of the same day, in the conference room of Huaqing Holding Group headquarters, a board meeting was held. This time the board of directors did not discuss other projects, just an energy company.

The energy company was named Huayuan Energy Company by Jiang Xiaobai. Huayuan Energy Company had a registered capital of 10 billion yuan, paid 1 billion yuan, and an initial start-up capital of 5 billion yuan, of which 2 billion was credited when the company was established, and 3 billion was paid. It will be credited at the end of the year, and the company will continue to allocate 2.5 billion in the first half of next year.

By the end of next year, the remaining 2.5 billion will arrive in the account, a total of 10 billion. In the future, as long as Huayuan Energy Company needs it, Huaqing Holding Group will provide 1.5 billion to 2 billion each year. investment in between.

   Jiang Xiaobai intends to invest between eight and ten years in the preliminary plan, which means that the maximum amount is between 20 billion and 30 billion yuan.

   The person in charge of Huayuan Energy Company is Song Xin, who is solely responsible for all investment matters of Huayuan Energy Company.

   "Song is always an old man of the company, and he is also an old man who started our business together. Everyone knows this. With an education and ability, I believe that Song will be able to do a good job in an energy company and become the foundation of our business." Jiang Xiaobai took the lead in applauding.

   Everyone also applauded, and in the applause, Song Xin stood up.

   "Thank you for your trust. I will definitely live up to your trust. I will report the company's progress to the board of directors and Jiang Dong at any time. This is the first time our group has been involved in the energy field, but I believe this is just the beginning..."

Song Xin talked eloquently. In fact, inauguration speeches are generally a show of determination. This is also just a transition. Everyone present knows that as long as Jiang Xiaobai supports, this energy company is in charge of Song Xin. .

As for reporting to the board of directors, that's just empty talk. Needless to say, the subsidiaries in charge of veterans like Song Xin are new ones, such as Yaohan Liu Xiaomei and Liu Aijun, who don't report much to the board of directors. .

   is only responsible to Jiang Xiaobai, the existence of their board of directors is just a shell.

   But there is no other way. Normally, Huaqing Holding Group is one of the world's top 500 companies, so it should be very formal, but most of the shares of Huaqing Holding Group are concentrated in Jiang Xiaobai's hands.

The part of    is controlled by the elders. Normally, the seats on the board of directors are elected through the general meeting of shareholders, and each shareholder will try to occupy a seat on the board of directors, but the shareholders of Huaqing Holding Group are here.

  Like Song Xin, Wang Chao, Wang Meng and others, where will they compete with Jiang Xiaobai for a seat on the board of directors, Jiang Xiaobai has the final say.

  Jiang Xiaobai, the major shareholder, has absolute control over Wang Meng, Wang Chao and other small shareholders, and they all came along with Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai said what he said, and this is a very unique Fortune 500 company.

   After the cutscene is over, there are issues such as the company's registration. The previous plans and the like are all Song Xin's affairs, and Jiang Xiaobai will be in charge of the control at that time.

  Compared with other private enterprises that have announced their entry into the prohibited areas of various private enterprises, Huaqing Holding Group is much more low-key when entering the energy industry.

   On the last day at the end of June, Huaqing Holding Group registered a low-key company in Modu, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Huaqing Holding Group.

   The name is Huayuan Energy Co., Ltd.

   The name sounds inconspicuous, and no media was present, just a one-story office building in Huahai Center.

However, the people from the industry and commerce in the magic capital know that Huaqing Holding Group has to take action again. After all, the registered capital of this enterprise alone is tens of billions. Although it is said that the actual payment is only one billion, but Huaqing Holding Group like Enterprise, since it said 10 billion, the scale of this enterprise will not be small.

   What's more, the registered capital of one billion yuan has far exceeded that of many listed companies.

   However, this news is only circulated within the industrial and commercial department of Modu. Recently, there have been a lot of hot news about domestic private enterprises.

   Besides, the actual payment of one billion yuan is definitely a big news for other companies, but for Huaqing Holdings Group, it is really nothing.

   Here, Jiang Xiaobai was reviewing the projects reported by various private enterprises over the 100 billion loan project of Oriental Bank, and Song Xin knocked on the door and walked in.

   "Mr. Song, what's wrong with you? Shouldn't you be busy preparing for the company? Why do you still have time to come to me?" Jiang Xiaobai asked jokingly.

   "No, Jiang Dong, how do I prepare?" Song Xin spread her hands, obviously coming to ask for something.

   "What? Didn't the money arrive?" Jiang Xiaobai asked in surprise.

"The money has arrived. But there is no one? Jiang Dong, I have three heads and six arms. I can't do it all by myself." Song Xin said helplessly, such a project definitely needs manpower. She couldn't believe it either. It would be best to transfer some people from the group, such as accounting, personnel and so on. It's best to have a vice president come over.

   (end of this chapter)

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