Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2648: dig yourself

   Chapter 2648 Dig someone by yourself

   "You want someone?" When Jiang Xiaobai heard Song Xin's words, he immediately became unhappy. If he wanted money, he could accept it, but if you wanted someone, it was impossible.

   "Yes, I want someone."

   "No." Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands together. Now Huaqing Holding Group is a pit of carrots and pits. Where can there be extra manpower for Song Xin.

   "You recruit yourself, and you are responsible for the affairs of your energy company."

Song Xin immediately quit: "Yes, recruiting is recruiting, but you can't recruit all of them, such as finance, personnel, and other key positions, you must always be trustworthy, this energy company will definitely need to travel in the future. And so on.

   There must be a trustworthy vice president in the company. Where can I go about recruiting? Even if I just recruited, I still need to have a running-in period, and I can't fully trust it. How can this work be carried out? "

  Song Xin complained. Jiang Xiaobai also knew that Song Xin was telling the truth. Sometimes it's not just about having money to be a company and launching a project, but also someone you can trust.

  Jiang Xiaobai knew that Song Xin was telling the truth, but there was really no one. If there was anyone, he would have given it.

Jiang Xiaobai reassured him with a headache: "I know, but where can I find someone for you? To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for the energy company, Zhang Weiyi would have wanted you to be his deputy and be in charge of the headquarters. , you want someone, you have to know that if I hadn't left you here, you would have been sent away."

  Song Xin simply sat down on the sofa: "Okay, okay, then you can give me to Zhang Weiyi, I can't control this energy company."

   "No, you have already been appointed by the board of directors, and all the funds in the early stage have been allocated, so you won't do it if you say no?" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes widened.

   "I'm not saying I won't do it, I just can't do it, I don't have anyone, what can I do?"

   "No, what do you mean by picking a child?"

"What a pick, I'm not that kind of person, but there is really no way, what do you think I can do? I don't have anyone, and I want to engage in wind power, hydropower, and solar power. These are all big projects. I am one of them. Man, what are you doing?" Song Xin lay flat with her hands spread out.

   just put on the appearance of a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, no matter what you say, I won't do it if I don't give it to you.

  Jiang Xiaobai was so angry, looking at Song Xin, he really couldn't help it.

   "Huh!" Jiang Xiaobai let out a long breath: "Who do you want?"

   That's right, Jiang Xiaobai has compromised, there is no way, this energy project must be done, and it can't be done just because of Song Xin's reasonable request.

   Song Xin was waiting for Jiang Xiaobai's words. Hearing this, she sat up from the sofa and looked at Jiang Xiaobai excitedly and asked, "Really? Can I have anyone I want?"

   "You look ugly and think beautiful. You can be anyone you want. I'll be your vice president, okay?"

   "Okay." Song Xin said with a smile.

"Fuck off." Jiang Xiaobai cursed with a black face, and then asked: "Well, the staff below, who do you care about reporting it to me, as for the financial and personnel personnel, and others recruited by themselves, the vice president's words, I do not assign.

  If you can dig over the vice presidents of other companies, that is your bull, and the other responsible people will come and I will carry it for you, but if you don’t have the ability to dig over, then don’t blame me. "

   "Jiang Dong, it's not fair. You have all the vice presidents of other subsidiaries. In this case, my energy company is looking for vice presidents." Song Xin pouted and said.

  Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and ignored Song Xin's pitiful appearance, and said directly: "This is delegating power to you, understand? This is trust in you,

  Look at all the subsidiaries, except you, which one I don't assign a vice president to decide the candidate for the vice president, just because I don't trust them.

   But you are different. I have 100% trust, so I asked you to dig the vice president yourself. This is a heavy trust in you, and you should feel honored. "

After Jiang Xiaobai comforted her with kind words, Song Xin was dissatisfied and wanted to say something, but just as she spoke, Jiang Xiaobai's expression changed, and she threatened directly and viciously: "Do you want it, if you don't want it, then Recruit yourself, don't poach people within the company."

  Jiang Xiaobai means turning his face when he turns his face. Song Xin also understands Jiang Xiaobai's character and knows that now Jiang Xiaobai has reached the limit of what he can do.

It's useless to entangle any more. Of course, as for Jiang Xiaobai's words that she would not be assigned a vice president because of trust, she doesn't believe a single punctuation mark, even now the management of the company simply can't take it out. People.

   Of course, it doesn't mean that there are no people at all, but it does not meet Jiang Xiaobai's conditions for selecting people, either because of insufficient qualifications, or insufficient ability, or because he is not familiar enough with Jiang Xiaobai, and Jiang Xiaobai does not approve.

   Therefore, Huaqing Holding Group cannot say that it cannot select a candidate for vice president. Such a large group can be selected even if it lacks talents.

   However, these selection criteria for Jiang Xiaobai are also the criteria for Song Xin and other elders who first followed Jiang Xiaobai to start their own business.

  Although Zhang Weiyi has been thinking about bringing in talents from outside, this is the deep-rooted employment idea of ​​Huaqing Holding Group for more than 20 years, and it is not so easy to change.

   "Okay, I promise, that's it." Song Xin got up and left gracefully.

  Jiang Xiaobai sighed helplessly, since Song Xin left so confidently, it means that she is still confident that she can poach the vice presidents of other subsidiaries.

   And poaching the vice presidents of other subsidiaries, no matter which subsidiary it is, the person in charge of the subsidiary is not happy, and finally has to find himself.

  It's annoying.

  Here Jiang Xiaobai was worrying, while Song Xin returned to the energy company on the other side. Looking at the empty office, Song Xin wrote one name at a time in the book, these were all the people she had found and were going to poach.

   She is an old man of Huaqing Holding Group, so don't be too familiar with the staff of Huaqing Holding Group, so as soon as Jiang Xiaobai agrees, someone on her side immediately has a choice.

Song Xin is also very familiar with poaching people. When the investment company was established, she poached them one by one. With this experience, now it's just going through the scene again. It's not difficult. , as long as the main responsible persons of the two departments are settled, the rest will be much more worry-free.

   (end of this chapter)

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