Chapter 2669 Sensation

Jiang Xiaobai decided to take a cruise on the West Lake in the afternoon at four o'clock in the afternoon. It was September, and the weather was very hot today. It was early to go out. It was not a cruise, but the sun. Suitable.

  I drank some wine at noon, just in time to rest and refresh myself.

   But when Jiang Xiaobai was resting, the matter of Jiang Xiaobai's invitation to a party in the afternoon had been rumored among the whole summit participants.

  Some people say that Jiang Xiaobai's invitation this time is to invest. Anyone who is invited by Jiang Xiaobai will be able to get Jiang Xiaobai's investment in the next step.

  Some people said that Jiang Xiaobai wanted them to be included in the Oriental Association, and anyone who was invited would be able to enter the Oriental Association.

   It is also said that this is part of the 100 billion loan project of Oriental Bank, and Jiang Xiaobai will specifically take out part of the money from the 100 billion loan project to support these enterprises.

   There are also people who say that Jiang Xiaobai is going to buy some of the shares of these companies.

   Anyway, there is a lot of rumors and rumors outside, and there is no doubt that these invited parties will become popular at noon.

  The five leaders of the Internet, that is, the five companies that are currently in the limelight in the Internet industry, except for the hard-boiled number Ali, there are four companies.

  The heads of four companies, Wangyi, Xinlang, Sohu, and 8848, were invited. There is no doubt that these four companies are now listed companies, and they are the four best-developed Internet companies in China.

   But many other little-known small companies were invited to make everyone envious, such as Penguin's Pony, although it is rumored that Pony's family background is not simple, his father worked with Mr. Li in Xiangjiang.

This background is of course very strong for other people. After all, that is Mr. Li of Xiangjiang. Not to mention being an executive, as long as you can catch this line, it is enviable, but it depends on this. Who is the object.

   When this object is Jiang Xiaobai, then this background is really nothing. After all, Mr. Li himself will suffer from Jiang Xiaobai.

  Jiang Xiaobai doesn't necessarily give Mr. Li face. What if you have something to do with Mr. Li?

   There are several others, such as Li Yanhong of Bai Du, who is also unknown to everyone at this time, but he was able to get an invitation from Jiang Xiaobai.

   What other grand Chen Tianqiao, a gamer, deserves to be invited by Jiang Xiaobai?

  Everyone is a little envious and jealous, and everyone is talking about it, not to mention that the sky is full of jealousy, but basically their eyes are a little red.

   Of course, it is undeniable that no matter the size of the current company, all companies and founders who receive an invitation from Jiang Xiaobai will become famous in one noon.

Needless to say, what you can talk to Jiang Xiaobai today, as long as you go to chat with Jiang Xiaobai over tea, it will be a kind of capital in the future, not to brag about it. With Jiang Xiaobai's reputation and status as the business godfather, someone can drink tea and chat with Jiang Xiaobai. willing to invest.

   And the list of Jiang Xiaobai's invitations is also constantly inquiring to see how many people have been invited, and those who have received the invitation.

   Some capitals and enterprises interested in the mutual benefit network industry have been trying to inquire about preparing to invest in these enterprises.

   And the news media is looking for relationships with people everywhere. They want to get the exclusive interview of Jiang Xiaobai’s private gathering, and they want to follow along to record the interview.

   However, Zhao Xiaojin refused all of them, but these rejected media reporters proposed to conduct an interview with Jiang Xiaobai at night.

   Many media reporters are also acquainted with each other, and they have to give each other face. Zhao Xiaojin has no choice but to promise to give half an hour in the evening to allow everyone to interview.

  As time passed, many media reporters gathered on the edge of the West Lake, and Ahri prepared a boat for Jiang Xiaobai to record this private gathering.

  Even if they talked about something in detail, they couldn’t shoot, but it’s okay to know who participated.

   As time went by, the people invited by Jiang Xiaobai began to arrive one after another.

   First of all, Li Yanhong of Baidu. This Li is always the first person to toast with Jiang Xiaobai other than the main table during lunch. Everyone knows that he received Jiang Xiaobai's invitation, and he appeared at this time.

   Immediately someone started talking.

   "I'm afraid that Mr. Li has something to do with Jiang Xiaobai, right?"

   "Really? I haven't heard of it, it's impossible. The first investment of this whiteness was taken in Citi. If it has something to do with Jiang Xiaobai, how can it be used to invest abroad."

   "Who knows, that is, what elders know Jiang Xiaobai? After all, Jiang Xiaobai's university is also in the capital, and President Li's university is also in the capital. Maybe there is some intersection between the two?"

"You are really able to talk nonsense. You have to go to college in the capital. There are more universities in the capital, and more people go to university in the capital. The two are not from the same period. It’s the 1990s, and it was in the 1980s that Jiang Dong went to college, so the time is totally wrong…”

  The media reporters were discussing that at noon, Li Yanhong's personal information was almost scraped. As for Jiang Xiaobai's information, hehe, it has already been made public.

   Li Yanhong was also excited, but he was very calm in front of reporters. Facing a few reporters who came to interview, he also said lightly that it was his luck to be invited by Jiang Xiaobai to sit down for tea and chat with Jiang Xiaobai.

   Then the second one was Mr. Wang from 8848. Needless to say, 8848 was not a titanium alloy mobile phone at this time, but a famous e-commerce website. As the founder and owner of a listed company, Mr. Wang should be invited.

   But Mr. Wang's attitude towards the reporter's interview has been very low. He knows it in his heart. Although he says that he is the boss of a listed company, he knows how many shares of the company are still in his hands.

   and Jiang Xiaobai, who are among the Fortune 500 companies in the world and who can firmly control the company's shares, can't be compared at all.

   The strength is incomparable, and the network and social status are even more incomparable. It is right to keep a low profile in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Then there is Mr. Zhen, who is Wuyou Qiancheng. He is not too famous now, in fact, he is not very famous including Wuyou Qiancheng. He did not receive much attention at this meeting, but at this moment, because of Jiang Xiaobai's invitation, he is under the spotlight. Enjoyed a lot of attention, not only for him but also for their business future.

   (end of this chapter)

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