Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 2670: everyone is familiar with

   Chapter 2670 Everyone is familiar

The people who have a good future will be Penguin's pony brother, as well as Shanda's President Chen and others. As time goes by, more and more people appear on the boat, about 20 people, all of whom were invited by Jiang Xiaobai. come.

   Among them, the four chiefs have the highest position and sit in the most conspicuous position.

Everyone chatted, although the four leaders said that they are the most famous and the best in the domestic Internet industry, but in the face of other less famous juniors who were invited by Jiang Xiaobai, they did not Dare to stand on the shelf.

   This is an obvious thing. Since Jiang Xiaobai invited people over, it proves that Jiang Xiaobai values ​​these people.

   With Jiang Xiaobai's attention, to be honest, the scale of the company may not be as good as them today, but the future is promising.

  To be honest, there are two main things to do in the Internet industry. The first is to find the right way, and the second is to be able to attract investment.

The second point is much more important than the first point. To be honest, the Internet industry in China is now crossing the river by feeling the stones. Even the major portals that they have successfully listed on the market do not dare to Say you're on the right track.

   After all, Citi’s Internet industry is so big, and it’s collapsed now, let alone them.

Under the premise that the way is not clear, the main thing is to see whether there is financial support. If there is financial support, there is no problem and can be done, but if there is no financial support, it will be very difficult to develop. .

   The Internet is a money-burning industry. Without money, it cannot develop at all.

   But with money, there are opportunities and costs for trial and error.

   So if you want to do two things in an Internet business, ideas and capital, capital must be in front of a good idea and creativity.

   They know in their hearts that even if the company they founded now has been listed, it can only be said that they have taken a step forward. It does not mean that they can sit back and relax, and it does not mean that they can go to the end.

   is like the previous Haiyingwei and so on. At that time, they were the earliest websites in China, and they were the best in the domestic Internet industry, but now, where can they still be seen.

  So Ding Lei and others were very polite to these not-so-famous Internet companies invited by Jiang Xiaobai.

   Guo Fansen was also among them. He was chatting hotly with Penguin's little brother at this time. For those who were invited by Jiang Xiaobai, he basically put himself and the other party on an equal footing.

   Among these people, he is relatively familiar with Jiang Xiaobai. He knows that if these people can be invited by Jiang Xiaobai, that is what interests Jiang Xiaobai.

   In the next exchange, if Jiang Xiaobai turns from being interested to being valued, then he will definitely have a bright future, because he himself is a real example.

From starting a business to the present, Jiang Xiaobai has given him a lot of help, both in terms of contacts and capital. He has no experience of the suffering and sin that many entrepreneurs have suffered along the way, just because of Jiang Xiaobai's help. .

   "What did the pony do before?"

   "I joined "Runxun Communication Development Co., Ltd." after graduating from university, and I am a software practitioner."

   Guo Fansen nodded. He had heard of this company, which mainly engaged in the paging industry. It was a relatively young company.

At that time, by virtue of the implementation of the business philosophy of "market leading, technology first", several products launched by Runxun have made it famous in the paging industry in the south, and the advertising slogan of "one call to the world" is even more resounding. Great river north and south.

"In those few years, the paging business was a hot topic. Many people made pagers. At that time, I wanted to make a pager. After thinking about it, I decided to forget it. The main reason is that this industry is in a transitional period. With the advent of communication, his future is too short."

As Guo Fansen said, Brother Xiao Ma's eyes suddenly lit up, he nodded and said, "Yeah, in fact, in the early stage, after several years of accumulation, Runxun has relatively abundant funds, and the annual profit growth can reach about 30%. , which was rare in the paging industry at that time.

   It can be said that success or failure of paging is also due to the paging business. Runxun’s success is because it values ​​the paging business, but Runxun’s failure is because it values ​​the paging business too much…”

   Brother Xiaoma said, Guo Fansen also agreed very much. The two were chatting when suddenly there was a commotion on the pier, and soon Jiang Xiaobai appeared in everyone's sight.

  Jiang Xiaobai took Zhao Xiaojin and did not accept any interviews with any reporters. He just said hello to the media reporters, saying that it was an ordinary and simple party with no other nature, and then went directly to the boat.

   "Jiang Dong, are you sailing now?" Vice President Cai came over and asked, Jiang Xiaobai nodded, and then set off slowly.

Although it is a cruise ship, there are two floors. Jiang Xiaobai and the others are sitting on the lower floor, and the upper floor is the staff, responsible for making tea and serving some small snacks and other workplaces. This was arranged by Vice President Cai at noon. Jiang Xiaobai invited so many people at one time. Of course, they must do a good job in service.

   After all, I came to attend this meeting myself, and this is the reason I used it.

   "Mr. Li, I saw you during lunch. Welcome."

   "Mr. Chen, we are all in the magic capital. You have done a good job in making games, and you will have more time to communicate in the future."

   "Mr. Ma, making instant messaging software is the right direction. If you do it well, you will have a bright future. I will chat online when I have time..."

   "Mr. Liang, your Ctrip is very creative..."

Jiang Xiaobai shook hands with everyone and greeted each other one by one. Everyone was able to call their names accurately. This scene brought a feeling to the heads of the four major Internet companies and many others present that Jiang Xiaobai was really value them.

   Otherwise, these people, Jiang Xiaobai, don't need to spend time remembering their names and the companies they founded.

Even Zhao Xiaojin, who is beside Jiang Xiaobai, has such an idea. Did Jiang Dong pay attention to these companies before, otherwise, in such a short time, she met everyone at noon when she invited her, and she still hasn't. I can't even say I can admit it.

   But Jiang Xiaobai just looked at the information, and he was able to know everyone accurately. This is very likely that Jiang Xiaobai had already paid attention to it privately. Even after a short period of attention, I will become so familiar with these companies and the founders of these small companies.

   (end of this chapter)

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