Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3029: out of place

Chapter 3029: Out of place

Changxingju Real Estate Company has relatively good control and never cuts corners, so its profits are only one-third of its turnover.

 For many real estate companies, half of the turnover is profit. If the cost is 10 million, if the property is purchased for 20 million, there will be a profit of 10 million.

 Some of them cost 10 million, but if they buy it for 30 million, the profit can reach 20 million.

 The huge profits in the real estate industry are not just talk.

 But the supermarket industry is different. It is a business of small profits but quick turnover, with large sales, but it would be good if the profit can be 20%.

Generally speaking, the profit of large supermarkets can reach about 15% to 20%. This is because the prices of goods in super large supermarkets are low.

 Some smaller supermarkets would be considered good if their profits could reach 10% gross profit, but 15% would not be reached.

 The net profit is that of large supermarket giants, which is about 5%.

 Sales of 200 billion, only net profit of 10 billion, or even less. Only about 2.5 percent is nothing unusual.

Of course, large supermarket chains also have huge sales. For example, Yaohan Supermarket’s sales reached about 200 billion last year, but its profit was only about 7 billion.

 Yes, the net profit is so pitifully low, about 3%, but in the supermarket industry, this is not the case for Yaohan Supermarket alone.

For example, Wal-Mart was on the 2002 Fortune 500 list released at the end of the year. Its revenue reached more than 200 billion U.S. dollars, ranking first among the Fortune 500 companies, but its profits were only 6.6 billion U.S. dollars. .

 In terms of proportion, it is not as good as that of Yaohan Supermarket.

 But after Liu Xiaomei and Liu Aiguo finished speaking, the whole room burst into fierce applause.

 Because this is a subsidiary of Huaqing Holding Group, a company that can join the world's top 500 was born.

 In the list of the world's top 500 companies released by Fortune last year, Yamato's Takenaka Electronics Co., Ltd. ranked last.

 is a company that makes sensors. Its sales last year barely reached tens of billions of dollars, while the sales of Yaohan Supermarket have far surpassed his.

It's just because Yaohan Supermarket is a company under the name of Huaqing Holding Group and is not counted separately, so it is not listed as a Fortune 500 company. However, in all aspects, it has actually reached the status of a Fortune 500 company. Strength.

Huaqing Holding Group once again has a Fortune 500 company under its umbrella, which will further increase its influence and other aspects.

"Okay, that's right. I remember that Yaohan Supermarket acquired it. At the beginning, it was just tens of billions in sales. Now in a few years, you have doubled it. Now it has reached 200 billion. It's gratifying. "In this way, you two can have two more drinks tonight." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Everyone laughed, but there was no envy. Yaohan Supermarket was different from other companies. The subsidiaries of Huaqing Holding Group basically started slowly, such as Jiang Xiaobai clothing and educated youth cans. Factory.

  Huaqing Electrical Appliances, Changxingju Real Estate Company, etc., only two companies, Yaohan Supermarket and Huahai Automobile, were not slowly created from scratch, but were directly acquired.

And it was acquired through cross-border acquisitions, such as Yaohan Supermarket. When it was acquired, Yaohan Supermarket was already well-known around the world.

Although there is no way to compare with supermarkets such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour, they still have their own popularity and have their own mature business model and profit model. With these things, we only need to increase some capital investment to close down the original enterprise. Just avoid the defects. Therefore, the rapid development of Yaohan Supermarket is not only due to the ability of Liu Xiaomei and Liu Aiguo, but also the ability of the group, which has contributed a lot.

 Where does the strength of the group come from? It is naturally contributed by enterprises like them.

 So this group has their part in being able to get to where they are today.

While everyone was having a meeting, Li Laosan's cell phone rang. After hanging up, he said to Jiang Xiaobai: "Director Jiang, Director Lu and Liu Yonghao are here. They are at the entrance of the village now."

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai remembered the previous phone call between Factory Director Lu and the Liu brothers, so he nodded: "Then you go pick it up and ask them to come directly here, and we will continue the meeting."

Li Laosan nodded when he heard this. Both Director Lu and the Liu brothers were old acquaintances. When the Liu brothers first came to Jianhua Village, they were still a few young people. Li Laosan would still be in good health at that time. Strong and strong.

 But in the blink of an eye, so many years have passed.

Jiang Xiaobai and others continued the meeting here, and Director Lu and Liu Yonghao also met Li Laosan.

 “Director Lu, Mr. Liu.”

“Hahaha, Lao Li, let’s not be polite, just call him Lao Lu.”

"Yes, Brother Li, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard Director Jiang say that you retired and took care of yourself in the village. Your life is very comfortable. I am very envious. When will I retire? Come and settle down in Jianhua Village, and we will be companions then," Liu Yonghao said with a smile.

Li Laosan is not polite to the two of them. They have known each other for a long time and are very familiar with each other.

We took Director Lu and the Liu brothers all the way to the Educated Youth Courtyard.

 After arriving at the room, looking at the scene in the room, Director Lu and Liu Yonghao didn't realize what they were doing.

After everyone exchanged greetings and listened to the exchanges between Jiang Xiaobai and others, I realized that it was Huaqing Holding Group who was holding a year-end summary meeting.

Number after number, sales are in the billions or tens of billions, profits are in the billions or tens of billions, market share is 20% or 30%, the speed of product upgrading, whether it is a national technology leader or a global technology leader. leading position.

  One by one, these lofty words come out of these people’s mouths, which are really incompatible with this environment.

In the winter afternoon, the sun shines in from the windows of the cave dwelling, adding a touch of harmony and warmth to the cave dwelling.

 But such a scene should be a scene from an ordinary farmer's family in novels or TV series.

Rather than two Fortune 500 companies, they are gathering together for an annual meeting, talking about tens of billions or hundreds of billions of business, and every move is related to the future of hundreds of thousands of employees.

 (End of this chapter)

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