Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3030: two hundred and forty

Chapter 3030 Two Hundred and Forty

 At the beginning, Director Lu and Liu Yonghao always thought this scene was a bit weird, but after a long time, they found that it seemed like it should be like this.

Huaqing Holding Group emerged from Jianhua Village. It started from this small courtyard for educated youth. Many years later, everyone gathered together to hold a summary meeting here. Despite the feeling of being out of place, there was also an inexplicable harmony.

If such a large group had a serious year-end summary meeting, then each company would have six or seven people, and the headquarters would have more than twenty people. In total, there would be hundreds of people. Everyone would sit together and report results one by one. To sum up the past, it may take several days to complete.

However, this year's end-of-year summary meeting will be held in Jianhua Village. Although it is scheduled for three days, the plan is for everyone to have a casual chat, not so formal. Everyone will talk about the development of their company and summarize any shortcomings. .

Everyone just likes to chat, sitting together every afternoon and chatting freely, and then drinking some wine in the evening.

 It can be said to be a party, it can be said to be a year-end summary meeting, or it can be said to be a combination of the two.

 At five o'clock in the afternoon, after the sun sets, today's meeting is over.

 Everyone also chatted with Director Lu and Liu Yonghao again.

 After all, the two of them came from afar, and they were guests.

"Director Jiang, as you will hear at this year's end-of-year summary meeting, we are full of enthusiasm. How many domestic companies have been shouting all day long to become the world's top 500, the world's top 500. The slogans are very loud, and they have also made three-year plans. , Five-year plan, but where is the strength? You don’t shout slogans or promote it, but I guess many people have never thought that several companies under your group have the strength of the world’s top 500 companies.” Director Lu. Said with some emotion.

Huaqing Holding Group, because there are not too many listed companies, the outside world is often confused about the strength of Huaqing Holding Group.

 For listed companies, annual reports and the like must be made public every year, including sales, profit, price-to-earnings ratio, and whether the company is in profit or loss.

 Any major actions taken by the company need to be announced to the outside world. In theory, the projects used for each fund raised must be announced.

  After all, a large part of the shares of this company are circulated in the stock market, and shareholders are also their shareholders to a certain extent. Even in some companies, many people who buy stocks become the company's top ten circulating shareholders.

  Of course, people have the right to know about the business status of the company.

But Huaqing Holding Group is different. It does not mean that all its companies are not listed, but some are listed and some are not. Huaqing Holding Group is not listed as a whole.

This fact makes people confused. Huaqing Holding Group’s financial reports and the like will not be released to the public.

 So the outside world can only guess, and the estimates are not very accurate.

The outside world knows very little, but Director Lu and the Liu brothers were lucky enough to witness a year-end summary meeting of Huaqing Holding Group today, and only then did they know how far Huaqing Holding Group has developed now.

Liu Yonghao was even more emotional: "Director Jiang, in last year's Fortune 500 list, the estimate for Huaqing Holding Group was sales of 20 billion U.S. dollars, and profits of about 5 billion U.S. dollars. Huaqing Holding Group's ranking is 240th.

 But I listen, I guess Huaqing Holding Group should be in the top 100. "

"Hahaha, among the top 100 of the world's top 500 companies, which one is not a world-renowned company, Huaqing Holding Group is still far behind." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

In fact, Liu Yonghao's estimate was not very accurate, because they arrived late, and they did not hear the reports from Changxingju Real Estate Company and Yaohan Supermarket. Otherwise, it would have been Changxingju Real Estate Company and Yaohan Supermarket. The total number of Yaohan Supermarkets is not only in the top two hundred. What they heard was only a summary of the remaining companies except Changxingju and Yaohan Supermarket.

 But Changxingju Real Estate Company is now the most profitable enterprise in the Huaqing Holding Group, no one.

  Yaohan Supermarket is the largest subsidiary of Huaqing Holding Group, and it is also unique.

 The remaining Huahai Automobiles should have an explosive period in the year after next year, after the factory in Ningbo City is completed.

 As for investment companies and energy companies, they follow a growth-oriented route, and their short-term profits are not very impressive.

  The most important thing is that the external influence these two companies bring to Huaqing Holding Group is the most important.

 But even so, the remaining companies combined can still be used well by Liu. He feels that these companies can support Huaqing Holding Group one step closer, or even reach the top 100 position.

Of course, after reaching the first 100, you will face tremendous pressure every step forward.

Moreover, each of the top 100 companies in the Fortune 500 has its own trump card, and what is announced to the public is only what it is willing to announce.

 Behind these Fortune 500 companies, there are intricate relationships, and it is not easy to move forward.

 Many companies even do not participate in the rankings at all.

Just like some wealthy people never participate in Forbes rankings, the selection of the world's top 500 companies is mainly due to domestic needs.

It is necessary for such an influential private enterprise to enter the Fortune Global 500 to set a benchmark for domestic private enterprises and let everyone know that domestic private enterprises are also capable and have development prospects.

 So even if Jiang Xiaobai doesn't want this name, it won't work.

What's more, Huaqing Holding Group also needs this thing for publicity to a certain extent.

 But personally, Jiang Xiaobai has completely disappeared from the domestic Forbes rich list and the global Forbes rich list.

Even if you don’t want to be on the list, given Jiang Xiaobai’s current strength, you can still do it. It is worth mentioning that after Jiang Xiaobai disappeared from the domestic rich list, in the past few years, the richest man in the domestic rich list was Wang Yi. Category D.

 During the Oriental Conference, Ding Lei came to attend. Many people even made fun of Ding Lei. Ding Lei, the new richest man in the country, was as shy as a little girl.

 It’s not that he is unhappy, but he knows that this is just a false name.

Just like when Liu Yonghao was the richest man in the country, Jiang Xiaobai was not on the list at all, so the credibility of the list is actually just like that.

 (End of this chapter)

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