Chapter 3130 Time

Jiang Xiaobai did not believe in any of the guarantees given by Qian Aluminum. As for Qian Aluminum, Zhou Qiankun wanted to acquire Lucheng Aluminum Factory as soon as possible to buy time and minimize the impact of being intercepted by Lucheng Aluminum Factory.

The two sides were at a stalemate. For Jiang Xiaobai, this gave priority to the acquisition of bauxite from Lucheng Aluminum Factory, and purchased the bauxite from Lucheng, instead of waiting until the acquisition of Aluminum was completed, and then taking it from Aluminum. When it comes to bauxite, it's a matter of principle.

It's not that Jiang Xiaobai is judging a gentleman's heart with a villain's heart, but Jiang Xiaobai is sure that Qian Aluminum will definitely regret it, and then the initiative will no longer be in his hands.

Zhou Qiankun's guarantee is not like fart, but it is not much stronger, because it is not Zhou Qiankun who has the final say, let alone Zhou Qiankun, so why should Zhou Qiankun help?

The reason why the two sides can sit down and talk about this issue in a peaceful manner now is because without Jiang Xiaobai’s nod, it would be impossible for Aluminum to acquire Lucheng Aluminum Plant. But after the acquisition is completed, how can it be possible to talk about it in a peaceful manner and help you.

 For Zhou Qiankun, the acquisition of Lucheng Aluminum Factory was originally a qualification and achievement, and it was also a political achievement. This was the achievement that pushed him to move up.

However, because of Jiang Xiaobai's intervention, things have become more variable. If we can quickly complete the acquisition of Lucheng Aluminum Factory now, we can still save some money, and there is an explanation to the opponent, which is still an achievement, but if it takes a long time. It will be different.

Time is the greatest force in the world. It can make unforgettable hatred fade away, it can make everlasting love wither, it can turn good things into bad things, and it can also turn bad things into good things.

 A question that often arises in debates in later generations is: Is delayed justice still justice?

 Being late is time. The same thing may be just right at the time, but it may completely change its taste many years later.

 This is also what people say, historical issues cannot be viewed competently without being divorced from the objective conditions at the time.

This is the situation Zhou Qiankun is facing now. If he succeeds in acquiring Lucheng Aluminum Factory within a week or half a month, it will still be an achievement for him.

Jiang Xiaobai and others intervened in things that had been agreed upon, but in the end he turned the tide and corrected the situation. The acquisition of Lucheng Aluminum Plant was successful. Who dares to say that this is not an achievement, and who dares to say that this is not proof of ability?

But if it drags on for a month or two, people will have more opinions by then. Another way of saying it is that you will screw up everything that has been discussed, and everything that comes to your lips will be snatched away. Let's go, after procrastinating for such a long time, it won't be an achievement, but a stain.

 So when it comes to time, sometimes you can take a longer view and walk slower. When you see him building a Zhulou, when you see him entertaining guests, when you see his building collapse, you can make the timeline longer.

You can recite "The Great Wall is still there today, but Qin Shihuang is nowhere to be seen", and you can sigh with emotion, "We are happy to meet each other over a pot of wine. Many things in ancient and modern times are all discussed with laughter."

 But sometimes we need to race against time, and we need to have a sense of urgency: "How many things are always urgent; the world is turning, and time is running out. Ten thousand years is too long, so we only seize the day."

The atmosphere in the private room became silent. No one on either side wanted to think about it. Before coming, both sides thought that they should be able to negotiate today, but now there is a dispute. If this matter is not resolved, it will continue to be delayed. Go down.

Jiang Xiaobai felt this keenly, and immediately decided not to delay anymore, and put out the cigarette **** in his hand in the ashtray.

"Mr. Zhou, time is running out now. It will not be good for anyone if we delay it any longer. We must solve this problem as soon as possible..."

Jiang Xiaobai spoke, and Zhou Qiankun nodded. It is indeed not good for anyone to delay it any longer, especially him. Zhou Qiankun opened his mouth to speak, but Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand directly: "Listen to me first."

 Zhou Qiankun nodded.

"There are two ways now. The first one is to give us a week. We have a week to complete the acquisition of the Lulu bauxite, and then you will start the acquisition. As for whether we can rush back at this time, I I don’t know, if you proceed quickly and can complete it in a week, it won’t be much different than if you acquired it first.”

As Jiang Xiaobai said, Zhou Qiankun's face turned bitter. It would be too difficult to complete the negotiation and acquisition of Lucheng Aluminum Plant in a week.

It took a week. Previously, they had been negotiating with Lucheng Aluminum Factory for more than half a year. This second negotiation for acquisition must have been familiar with the process, but after Lucheng Aluminum Factory lost a bauxite mine, of course We cannot continue to sign the contract as originally agreed.

This renegotiation is almost equivalent to a renegotiation. Although it can get twice the result with half the effort because of the previous foundation, it is still a very difficult thing to do in one week.

If any conditions are not negotiated and time is delayed, it will be very dangerous for him.

“The second item is that we both have discussions with Lucheng Aluminum Factory at the same time, and we can control the time and progress separately...” Jiang Xiaobai said the second item.

Zhou Qiankun frowned even more, although it seemed that the second option was much better than the first option. If both parties negotiated at the same time, the time would change from one week to half a month, and the negotiation time would be much more generous.

 But in fact that is not the case at all. With both parties negotiating at the same time, Lucheng Aluminum Factory will inevitably compare the conditions offered by the two companies.

Even though one is acquiring aluminum plants and the other is acquiring bauxite mines, there will be comparisons.

 In terms of comparison conditions, Nian Aluminum is definitely not as good as Minzhong Company. This does not mean that Nian Aluminum is not as strong as Minzhong Company. In the aluminum industry, Nian Aluminum is definitely the big brother and very powerful.

But precisely because of its strong strength, it is definitely not willing to offer too favorable conditions to Lucheng Aluminum Factory. After all, Lucheng Aluminum Factory has been losing money for many years and is being manipulated by Di Aluminum. How can it offer too good conditions?

This is also the reason why Lucheng Aluminum Factory was so cooperative after Minzhong Company came out to cut off Hu, because the conditions for opening Hu Aluminum were too harsh.

 But looking at Minzhong, it’s different. In order to enter the aluminum industry and obtain bauxite, he must spend a lot of money.

When the two parties negotiate at the same time, not to mention half a month, Zhou Qiankun thinks that it may be possible to win the deal in three months, which is considered good.

 (End of this chapter)

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