Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3193: alternative

Chapter 3193 Alternative

 The first thing I went to was the school of the Dawu Group, which is also an important part of the Dawu Group. In Sun Dawu’s conception, he imagined the Dawu Group to be a unified world, with schools, farmers’ technical schools, and hospitals in the group.

 We must create a harmonious world without evil, without famine, and with common prosperity for the villagers.

"Director Jiang, we established this school in 1998. At the beginning, there were not enough students in the school. Teachers often had to take the initiative to go to surrounding places to recruit students. Middle schools and elementary schools all have classes in the same teaching building. Now, the large school has There are more than 3,000 students in the middle school and primary school together.

 In the next step, I plan to continue to recruit students and continue to invest in the school. The initial plan is to build another teaching building between 10 million and 20 million to increase subsidies for these students.

Director Jiang, some people run schools to make money, and some run schools to cultivate the talents that companies need. I run schools purely to enable students to afford school, to enable more students to learn knowledge, and to enable more students to learn knowledge. Reducing the pressure and burden of schooling for poor families…”

 Jiang Xiaobai could tell that when Sun Dawu said these words, he was very confident and his face was very calm. It didn't look like other people were putting on a show. He might really think so in his heart.

“Director Jiang, do you want to go in and see the students and say hello to them?” Sun Dawu asked, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head.

“Don’t disturb the children in class. Let them go to class quietly. Just walk around the campus.” Jiang Xiaobai said.

Sun Dawu nodded obediently, even though he was already ready to have the students gather and hold a meeting, and let Jiang Xiaobai say a few words.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't want to disturb these students in class, and of course he had no objection.

 The lobby on the first floor of the building is a spacious indoor activity venue. Each dormitory is equipped with an independent bathroom and solar shower.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at everything in front of him, and then looked at Sun Dawu, who was so proud and arrogant. In fact, he admired him in his heart. His primary school in Jianhua Village was directly free of charge, and every villager in the village also had it when he went to school. subsidy.

 But this is only in Jianhua Village. Employees within the Huaqing Holding Group do not enjoy this benefit. Geely Automobile and Wanxiang Automobile opened the Jili University in the capital, which is also to cultivate talents for enterprises.

 To say that the purpose is really very simple is not the case.

It was really not easy for Sun Dawu to do this, but Jiang Xiaobai did not express any opinions on all this.

Then after a simple lunch, we went to the hospital of Dawu Group in the afternoon. The hospital did not invest much, but according to Sun Dawu, the hospital was prepared to invest up to 600 million. This is Sun Dawu’s continued cross-border foray into education. The next attempt in the industry is to enter the medical industry.

 After coming out of the hospital, it was already dark. In the evening, the dinner arranged by Sun Dawu was still very sumptuous.

It’s just that Jiang Xiaobai didn’t feel much appetite while eating. Today he looked at Dawu Group. On the surface, Dawu Group seemed to be a paradise.

But in fact, it is based on the original state-owned enterprise model, but the state-owned enterprise model has proven that it does not work in the market economy system, but Sun Dawu seems to be very superstitious about this model.

 So after only one day here, Jiang Xiaobai felt that this inspection was cast a shadow.

Sun Dawu is an extremely eccentric person. It is impossible to persuade Sun Dawu to change his mind.

“Dr. Jiang, I would like to toast you with this first cup. Thank you for your generous intervention...”

Jiang Xiaobai did not hold the cup: "Mr. Sun, what I said before was very clear. Let's check it out first. As for whether we can help, we still have to say." "Yes, yes, yes, I understand Jiang Dong, but for this first glass of wine, I still have to thank Director Jiang for coming to inspect..."

"Okay." Jiang Xiaobai didn't say anything else this time. He picked up the wine glass and drank it down with Sun Dawu.

“With this second glass of wine, I would like to warmly welcome Director Jiang to our Dawu Group for inspection.”

 “This third glass of wine…”

Sun Dawu toasted Jiang Xiaobai with three glasses of wine. It could be seen that Sun Dawu was still very excited. Jiang Xiaobai's arrival gave Dawu Group hope of coming back to life.

However, Jiang Xiaobai was not very interested. This hearsay was one thing, coming to inspect it in person, and seeing it were another matter. As he learned more about the Dawu Group, he became more familiar with the Dawu Group. The less confident you are.

If Dawu Group wants to tide over the difficulties, it is not only about this crisis, but also about changing its investment philosophy.

To be precise, it was Sun Dawu, the helmsman of the Dawu Group, who wanted to change his mind.

The dinner ended very quickly, mainly because Jiang Xiaobai couldn't bear it anymore after running around for another day. He stayed in the Dawu Group's guest house, which is a unique product of the Dawu Group.

 It is also learned from state-owned enterprises. An enterprise is like a small kingdom, with its own hospital, canteen, school and guest house.

Basically, you can live a lifetime in the enterprise, which is what Sun Dawu calls the world of great harmony.

 Jiang Xiaobai rested very early that day and continued to visit Dawu Group the next day. Dawu Group still covers a large area. On this day, he visited various industries of Dawu Group.

ˆMainly engaged in planting and feed production.

There is nothing to say about this. Huaqing Holding Group also has such a business, and its production line and feed formula have strengthened Dawu Group by more than one level.

Jiang Xiaobai watched in a hurry, but his mind was not on this. He kept asking Sun Dawu about his strategic approach to business operations.

 It turned out that Sun Dawu didn't care about any company or its business strategy at all. He felt that what he was doing was not a so-called company, but building a world of great harmony.

The visit ended early that afternoon. Sun Dawu also took Jiang Xiaobai to the Confucius Temple in their group's internal park to pay homage to Confucius.

During the memorial ceremony, Jiang Xiaobai said that his dream was on the way to come true. When Jiang Xiaobai looked at Sun Dawu, he was speechless. He had no confidence in the upcoming inspection.

This Sun Dawu is simply an alternative. You could say he is an idealist, but he is not very pure, like Mou Qizhong. Jiang Xiaobai thinks that he is a pure idealist, but Sun Dawu is not yet pure. Same, but if you say he is a businessman, what he does has nothing to do with businessmen.

 (End of this chapter)

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