Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3194: fateful moment

Chapter 3194 The fateful moment

On the third day after Jiang Xiaobai arrived at the Dawu Group, he really started to come into contact with the Dawu Group’s financial mutual aid society. But it didn’t matter if he didn’t come into contact with it. This contact shocked him.

To say that this financial mutual aid society has not raised a lot of funds, it is only about 140 million now, but the number of households involved in the Dawu Group is quite a lot, almost reaching 10,000 households, and the largest one has saved More than four hundred thousand.

 The money is not much, but the scale and people involved are quite large.

 Jiang Xiaobai suddenly had a headache. In fact, many problems sometimes do not depend on the size of the funds.

 The seriousness of the matter cannot be expressed in terms of the amount of funds.

For example, in robbery, even if you rob ten yuan, it is also a felony. However, some people take advantage of their positions to embezzle assets. This is because the money is large and the punishment is relatively light.

As long as the number of people involved in this financial mutual aid society is small, for example, more than ten or more than 20 households, it doesn't matter no matter how high the amount is, reaching 500 million or 1 billion.

 But the current problem is that although the amount is not high, there are many depositors involved, almost tens of thousands.

Then it would be more troublesome to deal with this kind of thing.

However, there is a good thing about this, that is, all the money raised is used for enterprise development, and there is no mention of using it for other things.

This is the only place where Jiang Xiaobai feels a little relieved.

Jiang Xiaobai got up early on the fourth day and went downstairs, and saw Sun Dawu waiting under the guest house.

“Mr. Sun got up so early?”

“It’s not early, I just came here.” Sun Dawu said with a smile. He came here to have breakfast with Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai has been inspecting Dawu Group for three days now. He has seen everything that needs to be seen. Today is the critical day.

If Jiang Xiaobai didn't help, he would probably have to say goodbye today. If Jiang Xiaobai did, he would have to talk about key issues today.

So Sun Dawu attaches great importance to it, and it is not a matter of attention, but a matter of life and death. If Jiang Xiaobai doesn't care about himself, it is estimated that if Jiang Xiaobai steps forward, he will be in trouble.

 So he got up early in the morning and waited for Jiang Xiaobai to have breakfast together.

And he was not without feelings in the past two days. Although Dawu Group was his pride, he also felt it during Jiang Xiaobai's inspection in the past two days. Jiang Xiaobai didn't seem to be too satisfied with the results of the inspection, and his mood was not very high. , and the interest is not very high.

He saw this situation with his eyes, was anxious in his heart, and noticed it in his heart, but he had no good solution. After all, Dawu Group had already placed it in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and this was something that could not be changed.

During the inspection process, Jiang Xiaobai had a good impression of the Dawu Group, and a bad impression of the Dawu Group was irrefutable.

 Jiang Xiaobai and Sun Dawu strolled towards the canteen. At this time, it was time to go to work in the morning. Workers pushing bicycles and riding motorcycles came towards the factory one by one.

Of course, there are many people who live directly in the factory, go to the canteen to have breakfast, and then go to work at the workplace.

The whole factory is still a very lively scene in the morning, with workers greeting each other in small groups and taking their time.

  This is a very ordinary morning in Dawu Group, at least for the workers, it seems like this. But Sun Dawu knew that this was not the case. After breakfast, if the conversation with Jiang Xiaobai did not go well, such a peaceful morning might be the last one.

 The Dawu Group will break the tranquility of this scene and never return to the original state.

Jiang Xiaobai watched with some emotion in his heart. In fact, he was unwilling to ruin this scene, because watching this scene always reminded him of Jianhua Village from time to time.

Of course, the morning in Jianhua Village was much more lively than this, and there were more smiles on people’s faces than this.

After Jiang Xiaobai and Sun Dawu had breakfast in the cafeteria, Sun Dawu looked at Jiang Xiaobai hesitantly and asked about today's itinerary.

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "There is no need to arrange any inspections. Let's just sit in your office and chat for a while."

Sun Dawu nodded. He knew that it was really the last moment. Where the Dawu Group went would depend on whether the negotiation was good this time.

 The ordinary employees below do not care about the future and destiny of the factory, but in many cases it is not something they can decide at all. Even now, they don’t know it at all.

However, the senior leaders of Dawu Group can feel it and know that it is almost the moment of final decision of fate, but they can't decide anything either.

When Jiang Xiaobai and Sun Dawu came out of the canteen, they stood outside the canteen waiting one by one.

Sun Dawu waved his hand and asked people to go back to work, but all the senior executives and managers followed the two people step by step and sent them to Sun Dawu's office.

Moreover, after sending Sun Dawu away, a group of senior executives did not go back, but stood waiting outside the office.

Sun Dawu glanced at these partners who started his own business with him and built the family business of Nuo Da through hardships. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing. They wanted to wait outside. Just wait.

 If the negotiation is not good, it may be the last time.

“Bang” As the office door closed, Jiang Xiaobai and Sun Dawu were completely isolated from the eyes of the executives.

They sighed deeply in their hearts. At this last moment, they could do nothing but wait for the outcome of the discussion between Jiang Xiaobai and Sun Dawu.

 In the office, Sun Dawu made tea for Jiang Xiaobai and sat down opposite Jiang Xiaobai.

 “Mr. Sun.”

 “Hey.” Sun Dawu nodded cautiously.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Sa Ran and smiled: "Mr. Sun, there's no need for this. Let's just chat casually."

"I know, I know." Sun Dawu nodded repeatedly, but he was still very nervous and uneasy and could not relax.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Xiaobai stopped trying to persuade him. It was useless, and what he was going to say next was not good news for Sun Dawu.

Jiang Xiaobai slowly said: "I said before that the problem of your Dawu Group is not something that can be solved with just a sum of money, but there are three deep-seated reasons. If you cannot solve these three problems, then even if Even if you give your group a sum of money, you won't be able to solve the difficulties you are facing..."

 (End of this chapter)

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