Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3270: Take a stand

Chapter 3270 Statement

As Jiang Xiaobai responded strongly to the public doubts about new energy vehicles some time ago, the joint press conference also kicked off with such an opening.

 Director Lu came forward to talk about his optimism for the future of new energy vehicles. Uncle Li held the microphone and explained why China should build new energy vehicles.

Wang Zhongtian was talking about the significance of making new energy vehicles to the country, and Wang Fu was talking about the advantages of making new energy vehicles in the country.

 Five joint press conferences, after the heads of the five companies expressed their positions, people in the venue understood that the era of new energy vehicles was about to begin.

 No matter whether the new energy vehicle thing can be successful or not, at least it will leave a history in the domestic automobile industry.

This kind of meaning is not something that remains on paper, an idea, an inspiration, etc., but something that needs to be actually put into practice.

As expected, Jiang Xiaobai then announced that five companies would jointly invest. Each company would invest an initial investment of 20 million and hundreds of millions of research funds to establish a large research institute and begin to overcome some technical problems of new energy vehicles. .

At the same time, various companies will also set up new energy vehicle distribution to jointly promote the rollout of the first new energy concept car, and call on Internet companies to join in and contribute to new energy vehicles.

 In fact, it does not matter how much money is invested. What is important is the attitude expressed by Jiang Xiaobai and the heads of the other four companies, who are so determined to enter new energy vehicles.

 And the time line has been drawn from concept car to production car, which shows the determination.

 The next step is that Jiang Xiaobai, Director Lu, Deputy Li and others each represented their respective companies and signed a contract to invest in the research institute, as well as a series of other jointly developed technologies, etc.

The joint press conference is quite large, but actually the content is not very large. It only lasts for about two hours in total. In fact, at this point, there is basically only one last link left, which is the question-and-answer session from reporters.

But at this moment, Zhang Tingting came over and whispered a few words beside Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai looked towards the audience. When his eyes swept over the positions of Wang Jianjun and others, he nodded slightly towards Wang Jianjun.

Then he took the microphone and said: "I would like to invite Director Wang from Yong City to give a speech."

 Jiang Xiaobai did not prepare for this link originally, because this was a press conference jointly held by five companies. Although it was held in Yong City, he did not want to let Yong City express its position.

 After all, the technology of new energy vehicles is immature, and there is no visible effect now. What should the Ningbo city say?

 In terms of verbal support, the Yongcheng City has already expressed its support. In the previous disputes, the Yongcheng City has expressed its stance. This is why Jiang Xiaobai held this press conference in the Yongcheng City, so as to reciprocate the favor.

 Now in front of everyone, asking Yong City to verbally express support will actually have no effect. After all, there is already support from the science and technology department. There is no need to force Yong City to express its stance again. It is meaningless.

And Jiang Xiaobai is not willing to force others to make choices.

  Verbal support is meaningless, and actual support is even more impossible for Jiang Xiaobai. It can be said that the current new energy vehicles still have nothing. It is simply impossible for the city of Yong to support it at this time. So at Jiang Xiaobai’s press conference today, although Wang Jianjun and others from Ningbo City also came to the scene, Jiang Xiaobai was not scheduled to speak.

But unexpectedly, Wang Jianjun actually found Zhang Tingting and said that he wanted to speak a few words on behalf of Yong City, so Jiang Xiaobai was free to do so.

 Amidst a round of applause, Wang Jianjun walked onto the stage with firm steps.

Although the applause in the venue was still enthusiastic, it could still be heard from the applause. It was different from the applause that erupted when Jiang Xiaobai got excited in his speech before, and it had more of a formality.

After all, he is a landlord. The leaders of the Ningbo City came to the stage to speak. Everyone symbolically went through the situation and went through the motions. In everyone's perception, Wang Jianjun only said some official rhetoric even when he came on stage. At worst, he would favor some new energy vehicles. , something to encourage innovation and so on.

But unexpectedly, after Wang Jianjun came to power, his first words shocked everyone.

“We in Ningbo City strongly support the construction of new energy vehicles and support the overtaking of automobile industry in corners.” These two short sentences caused a huge stir in the venue.

 These words, Jiang Xiaobai can say, after all, they still represent individuals and companies. Even the five joint press conferences only represent five companies.

It is still a normal business behavior, but when these words come out of Wang Jianjun's mouth and are said on this occasion, the meaning is completely different.

With so many media reporters present, Wang Jianjun’s words represent the Ningbo city’s clear support for new energy vehicles.

Such a clear-cut support from a place is completely different from the previous business behavior of the company. It means that this place will fully support this matter, give the green light to various procedures, and will provide support in all aspects. resources are tilted.

There is a saying that states have national laws and families have family rules. In fact, every place also has its own policies and regulations. Of course, such regulations must not conflict with the superiors.

However, there is definitely no conflict in supporting the construction of new energy vehicles, which means that after Wang Jianjun said this, we don’t know much about the future construction of new energy vehicles in Ningbo City.

Wang Jianjun’s words pushed today’s press conference to another climax.

The flashing lights at the scene were flashing again as if they were free of charge. Wang Jianjun paused and continued: "To this end, we in Yongcheng City are willing to take out a piece of land to build a new energy vehicle incubation park and provide various policy support. support.

As long as companies related to new energy vehicles settle in, all relevant water and electricity bills will be exempted, and taxes will be fully exempted in the first three years and halved in five years. A certain amount of entrepreneurial loans and financial support will also be guaranteed.

 And there will be green channels for all aspects of new energy vehicles, fast review, and fast approval..."

Wang Jianjun’s words were like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of everyone in the venue. In supporting the construction of new energy vehicles, the Yongcheng City did not just say it, but really showed its sincerity. It's out.

 (End of this chapter)

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