Chapter 3271 Wonderful

Some people just talk but don’t do anything, and some people just do things but don’t talk about it, but in Ningbo City, they talk and do things at the same time.

 Speaking of support, it means real support, from land, to capital loans, to policy support.

  New energy vehicles just held a press conference today and were officially launched, but the Yongcheng City was not willing to come up with so many tangible things.

 The atmosphere inside the venue seemed to be frozen.

Wang Jianjun’s speech this time was different from the usual speeches at various meetings, which were long and drawn out, talking about a few things back and forth.

This time, Wang Jianjun neatly stated the policies supported by the city of Yong, and then stepped down neatly.

 When no one in the venue could react, Wang Jianjun was already halfway gone. Only then did everyone burst into applause like they were waking up from a dream.

Jiang Xiaobai is also doing his part. Since the Yongcheng City has expressed its position in this way, he is not the kind of vague person.

When Wang Jianjun stepped down and the applause subsided, Jiang Xiaobai directly took the microphone and announced that new energy vehicles will be settled in Ningbo City in the future. New laboratories, new branches, as well as future concept cars and mass-produced cars will all be built in Ningbo City. Involving, conducting research, conducting construction, conducting experiments, and finally mass production.

 The audience burst into applause again. Lang Youqing concubine means it. Chinese people always like this kind of happy ending, and this press conference is a perfect ending.

Everyone can also see that Wang Jianjun from the Ningbo City came to power by accident. Otherwise, if the process had followed the normal process, the speech from the Ningbo City should have been arranged earlier. There is no reason to arrange it almost at the end.

 So the statement from the Yong City side was not only beyond everyone's expectations, but also beyond the expectations of Jiang Xiaobai and others. The spacing of Jiang Xiaobai's subsequent statements was also an accident and was not something that had been agreed before.

This kind of on-site interaction made today's press conference climax one after another, like a tide, one wave after another, very exciting.

 At the same time, the mutual sincerity between the enterprise and the local government, and the achievements of both parties, are even more satisfying to everyone.

 On the contrary, when we waited until the last segment, where reporters asked questions, there was not much to see.

 It’s not that the reporters have exhausted their talents, but that this press conference has reached this point and there are too many things to write about and too many angles to write about.

Just the response from the outside world when Jiang Xiaobai opened the show was enough to write several press releases.

There is no need to rack your brains to think of a title. You can just write the theme of today's press conference "New Energy Vehicles in 2003". Later, Jiang Xiaobai's classic response "After kneeling for a long time, you can also stand up and read appropriately." "Look at a different scenery." can also be written as a title.

 It can also be used in various large-scale laboratories, research institutes, etc. in the future. The wonderful interaction with the Yongcheng City in the end gave the ending a happy ending.

 There are so many things to write about, so when it comes to the question and answer session, everyone has nothing to ask. In the end, there were only a few questions, such as the one asked by Jiang Xiaobai.

“Director Jiang, if this press conference is so grand, it is likely that many foreign automobile industries are also paying attention. Is it true that Director Jiang is not afraid of the foreign automobile industry following suit?”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and answered the question: "The future is uncertain. For foreign car brands, it is certain now. They have determined their position in the ranks of fuel vehicles. The cost of transformation is too high, even if they know In the future, I think everyone will have different ideas. Let me give you a simple example. Everyone thinks that new energy vehicles are still a new thing, but next door to us, the corporate industry in Yamato Country has already had a lot of interest in new energy technologies. Well developed, stored hydrogen energy technology is not yet sufficient for application in automobiles, but it is quite mature.”

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, a group of reporters asked Jiang Xiaobai about the authenticity of the news, because they had not received any news in this regard and had never heard of it.

The reporters and media they were present with were relatively authoritative and professional automotive newspapers in the industry, but they didn’t receive any news at all.

"The news is definitely true. The reason why everyone doesn't know it is because they have not cultivated the market at all, because fuel vehicles are too important to them. So to answer your previous question, I am not afraid of other companies knowing at all. , because it is useless to know. Even if they know that new energy vehicles are the future, they will be reluctant to let go because of the high moat and existing interests of fuel vehicles, and watch us surpassing them step by step. "

Jiang Xiaobai talked eloquently in front of reporters. His confidence and courage to move forward impressed many reporters.

The press conference ended on time at 11:30 in the morning. The luncheon at noon is a social place for many people. Jiang Xiaobai and others, as hosts, shuttled through the luncheon like butterflies.

After the luncheon ended, the reporters and media left the venue one after another. They had to return to the company as soon as possible, sort out the content of the interview, and publish it as soon as possible.

Many of the guests present were busy with work, so they basically said hello to Jiang Xiaobai and others and left.

However, there are some who are not in a hurry to leave. Jiang Xiaobai and others also want to accompany them to chat, sit for a while, have a meal in the evening and so on.

Many of these things cannot be completed in one day. Although in Wang Jianjun's view, this press conference always gives him the feeling of having a big banquet in the countryside, but when eating a big banquet in the countryside, everyone goes back to their homes after eating. Looking for each mother.

 But these guests are different. It takes a lot of effort to meet them all, but they always find time to chat.

Jiang Xiaobai saw off the departing guests, and also took time to sit with people from various industries among the guests who came.

For example, several people in the Internet industry wanted to chat with Jiang Xiaobai alone. At the press conference, Jiang Xiaobai proposed that new energy vehicles should be integrated with the Internet industry, but he did not elaborate on it in detail.

 Automotive industry, are they interested in the Internet? Of course I am interested. At this time, the Internet industry can only rely on computer hardware.

  If they can make achievements in the automobile industry, it will be equivalent to an additional platform for them. There is also an additional stable profit channel.

 (End of this chapter)

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