Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3411: It's snowing in the evening

Chapter 3411 It’s late and it’s snowing

“It’s the village’s business to have money in the village, and it’s my business to pay for it. This matter has been decided. You must inform me.”

 “And me.” Li Laosan also said firmly.

Li Xiaoliu nodded: "Okay, I'll tell the village later and I'll donate a little."

 Li Laosan and Li Xiaoliu are both worth a lot now, especially Li Laosan. He also owns a part of the shares of Huaqing Holding Group, which is an astronomical figure.

Li Xiaoliu holds shares in the Educated Youth Cannery Factory, and the annual dividends and the like are also a large amount.

  They are all masters who are not short of money.

Not to mention Jiang Xiaobai, he has no feeling about money for a long time.

Several people were chatting in the office, and He Lianghua also came. He also knew the news of Jiang Xiaobai's return as soon as possible. This was not because He Lianghua had an insider in the village.

 No one else knew that Jiang Xiaobai came back to talk to He Lianghua.

Rather, He Lianghua went to Li Laosan's house to see Li Laosan, but it turned out that Li Laosan was not at home due to the cold weather.

Li Laosan is so old, and it's winter. Not to mention that he basically doesn't go out. He usually only goes out on warm and sunny days.

But the weather today is not very good. It is overcast and looks like it is going to snow, and it is blowing from the northwest. What is Li Laosan going out for at this time.

 In addition, Jiang Xiaobai comes back every year. Calculating the time, it seems that it is almost the same.

He Lianghua just came here.

“If you really say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here soon. Lianghua, Jiang Dong and my uncle were talking about you just now.”

“Director Jiang, Uncle Li.” He Lianghua greeted Jiang Xiaobai and Li Laosan, then sat down with a smile and asked what they were talking about.

Li Xiaoliu smiled and explained the decisions of several people. He Lianghua opened his mouth to thank him, but when the words came to his mouth, he couldn't even say a word of thanks.

Thank you, who should I represent? Although he, the village chief, is usually responsible for village affairs, he wants to know who can represent Jianhua Village.

There is no doubt that Jiang Xiaobai is definitely the best representative of Jianhua Village.

In terms of prestige, Jiang Xiaobai is better at speaking up in the village than he is. In terms of contribution, Jiang Xiaobai has made greater contributions to the village than himself.

 So in this case, it would be ridiculous if I wanted to thank Director Jiang on behalf of Jianhua Village.

In the end, he just smiled and said: "This is good. With Dong Jiang's donation, the village may not have to spend money. In other words, the road that was originally six meters may now be expanded to twelve meters. It was originally two-way The four-lane vehicles may now be expanded to eight lanes in both directions..."

“Haha, no, in ten or twenty years, there will be no traffic jams here. Even cars and helicopters can stop in this two-way eight-lane road...”

Li Xiaoliu said with a smile.

“No, otherwise I think we should just build an airport in Jianhua Village.”

“To build an airport, we still need to buy a few planes. At that time, we should buy Boeing or Airbus...”

 It’s just bragging anyway, and a few people will just take it as fun. Anyway, this feeling is quite good. When Jiang Xiaobai came back to Jianhua Village, he didn’t see many people because of the bad weather. But as time went by, more and more people knew that Jiang Xiaobai was back.

Some people came directly to the Educated Youth Cannery to see Jiang Xiaobai. Of course, not many people can come to Jianhua Village. It is definitely impossible for those who came to settle in Jianhua Village later. They also have self-knowledge. They are not qualified to come and meet Jiang Xiaobai. Talk, meet.

That is, when Jiang Xiaobai was in Jianhua Village, those old people in Jianhua Village had struggled and worked hard with Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai simply moved the place.

"Well, Xiaoliu's office is not big. We can't even sit here. Let's prepare some tea, oranges, melon seeds and peanuts in the conference room. Let's just have a tea party." Jiang Xiaobai made arrangements directly.

At the end of that year, the Educated Youth Cannery’s year-end summary meeting was always a tea party.

“Haha, okay, let’s go to the conference room. Xiao Liu’s office is too small, there’s not even a place to sit...”

“Yes, Xiaoliu’s office is not only small, but also tastefully decorated. There are two sofas, just two chairs...”

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai opened his mouth, everyone started talking at once, thinking that Li Xiaoliu was also the person in charge of the Tangtang Educated Youth Cannery outside, not to mention imposing, but he still wanted to be called Mr. Li.

 But now everyone is talking about Xiaoliu, and they are also mocking the layout of his office. Really, Xiaoliu has to endure it. There is no other way. In terms of seniority, these people are all elders.

 Either he is older or junior, but calling him by his name is enough.

 But it would be a joke to ridicule the layout of his office. There is nothing to ridicule. Putting two sofas in the office was something done in the 1980s and 1990s.

Nowadays, people’s offices outside are all modernized, and a simple small coffee table is enough.

 Then put two chairs and arrange them like this.

 Carpets and sofas are all out of date, that is, these people still think they are good.

But he had no way to say it. He couldn't afford to offend any of these people.

I had to seize the time to prepare tea and melon seeds and fruits. On the surface, I looked unhappy, but when I walked out of the office, I couldn't help but smile at the corner of my mouth. The Educated Youth Cannery has not been so busy for a long time.

“Mr. Li, let me make the arrangements.”

The secretary said, but Li Xiaoliu shook his head, went to do the work himself, and arranged for the secretary to say: "Well, you go to the cafeteria to make arrangements and prepare two more tables of meals for the evening. Maybe Director Jiang will treat everyone to a drink tonight." Liquor and the like.

Then we will use all the ingredients we saved. Mr. Jiang likes to eat some game, so he brought them out. In addition, I also saved two bottles of good wine, so I also brought them out..."

Li Xiaoliu smiled and ordered. Although his face hurt when he took out two bottles of his own wine, he did not hesitate at all when he gave the order. This good wine was just waiting to be taken out at this time.

 The long-lost tea party was held in the small conference room of the Educated Youth Cannery, and Jiang Xiaobai was surrounded by people on three levels inside and outside.

It's not that there aren't bigger conference rooms, but if the conference room is too big, it won't be popular, so this small conference room is just right. It's full of people, and everyone chats about the past casually, which feels particularly good.

  While a few people were chatting, the sky turned dark and snow began to fall outside.

 (End of this chapter)

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