Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3412: Can I have a drink?

Chapter 3412: Can I have a drink?

It was getting late, but the atmosphere in the conference room was very lively, and everyone’s faces were full of smiles and excitement.

For Jiang Xiaobai, his hometown in this life is Longcheng on the surface, and he is a son of Long Steel Factory. But in fact, for Jiang Xiaobai, the few years in Jianhua Village are the real hometown in Jiang Xiaobai’s memory.

These old people here who were transported to Jianhua Village are the familiar villagers who worked side by side together in the past. But now as time goes by and the years are ruthless, some of these familiar villagers leave every year. .

 That's why Jiang Xiaobai comes back every year. Even though he knows that everyone's life is already very good now, he doesn't need to come back to help solve any problems.

But it would be nice to come back and see each other.

 Because no one knows whether seeing each other again will mean goodbye forever.

 For the villagers in Jianhua Village, Jiang Xiaobai is the person who changed Jianhua Village. They have been able to live so comfortably in these years because of Jiang Xiaobai.

Everyone trusts Jiang Xiaobai and is grateful to Jiang Xiaobai, so every time Jiang Xiaobai comes back, they always come back and chat with Jiang Xiaobai.

Chatting from noon to night, I didn’t feel anything at all, I just felt that time passed really fast.

 It turns out that in the blink of an eye, the sky is already dark. It turns out that in the blink of an eye, more than 20 years have passed since 1978. It turns out that in the blink of an eye, they are already old.

Jiang Xiaobai stood up and took a look at the window. The lights of the Educated Youth Cannery were already on. Under the dim yellow street lights, goose feather-like snowflakes were already flying and falling, dyeing the ground a silvery white color.

Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at everyone and said cheerfully: "It's snowing outside. It's going to snow late in the evening. If you can have a drink, don't leave tonight. I'll treat everyone to a drink..."

“Haha, Mr. Jiang, we won’t leave even if you don’t tell us. It’s been a long time since we’ve eaten in the cafeteria. Let’s see if the master’s skills are good enough.”

“Director Xiaobai is treating us to a treat. He’s looking out for us and won’t leave. It just so happens that we haven’t had a good chat just now. Now we’re in the mood after drinking. It’s just the right time to have a nice chat..."

“Yes, it’s a snowy day and a drinking day. I don’t have the culture of Director Xiaobai, but we old guys don’t know tomorrow today. If we have the opportunity to have another drink with Director Xiaobai, we definitely can’t miss it..."

“Director Xiaobai, I won’t go home until I’m drunk tonight…”

Everyone was shouting. Although their bodies were gradually getting older, their spirits were still full of enthusiasm. Especially when they saw Jiang Xiaobai, they seemed to have returned to that era of passionate fighting in an instant.

Everyone is as powerful as a rainbow. Although they are old, they never admit defeat and follow Jiang Xiaobai step by step to struggle out of the quagmire of poverty.

“Okay, let’s go.” Jiang Xiaobai stood up, led everyone out of the conference room, and walked towards the canteen. The snowflakes were beautiful, but they couldn’t stop everyone.

After finishing the meal, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening when everyone came out of the cafeteria. Everyone's face was red, but hearty and bold laughter could be heard from time to time. Many elderly people and their families were already here, waiting to pick them up. .

Jiang Xiaobai and Li Xiaoliu stood at the door, watching everyone leave. As for Li Laosan, it was said that Wang Meng helped him leave.

Wang Meng had something to do outside, so he rushed back to Jianhua Village in the middle of dinner in the evening.

"Director Xiaobai, the room has been tidied up. Are you going to rest in the factory or in the courtyard for educated youth?" Li Xiaoliu asked.

“Go back to the Educated Youth Courtyard.” Jiang Xiaobai said without thinking. Every year he came back to Jianhua Village, he stayed at the Educated Youth Courtyard.

Li Xiaoliu nodded and sent Jiang Xiaobai back to the Educated Youth Courtyard. He did not leave, but also stayed in the Educated Youth Courtyard. When Jiang Xiaobai came back this time, he came back by himself, without even a driver. Jiang Xiaobai was allowed to live alone in the Educated Youth Courtyard this night. Although there were basically no accidents in Jianhua Village, there were still people watching over him. better.

 Early the next morning, Li Laosan came to the Educated Youth Courtyard in high spirits. When Jiang Xiaobai got up, Li Laosan was already cleaning the snow in the yard.

"Lao San" Jiang Xiaobai said hello, but he didn't say anything or stop him. Instead, he took a broom and started cleaning up with everyone.

Wang Meng brought breakfast after a while, and these few people went back to the house to have breakfast.

 After breakfast, the weather cleared up and it was not cold even when it snowed. Although the sun rose very high, the temperature after the snow did not get warmer.

However, Jiang Xiaobai still planned to take a walk around Jianhua Village. He was going back to the Magic City on the seventh day of the lunar month. This was a decision he had made with Director Lu and Liu Yong before, and he wanted to go in to inspect three projects.

In addition, Lucheng Aluminum Factory is also about to start production, and it also needs a simple ceremony. This simple ceremony only requires a few people to show up and make a simple announcement.

 After all, the notice on regulating heavy industry has been issued. If everyone knows about it, then you really deserve it and you will be hit by the gun.

 At that time, the higher ups won’t be able to deal with you even if they don’t want to.

Of course, the groundbreaking ceremony is incidental. The main inspection is to see what procedures are missing in the three projects. If possible, complete the procedures for these three projects as soon as possible.

 Jiang Xiaobai believes that as long as the procedures for these three projects are complete, no matter who wants to touch Minzhong Company, they should take it easy.

 Jiang Xiaobai still has this kind of confidence.

 So if you can do it as early as possible, you have to go as early as possible.

 It is decided to go to the Magic City on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, so it can only be done early, not late.

 So before leaving, it’s worth walking around Jianhua Village and taking a look.

However, Jiang Xiaobai didn't want Li Lao San to accompany him. The weather was not warm and Li Lao San's body couldn't bear it if he stayed with her for a long time.

 But Li Laosan was very stubborn and insisted on accompanying him no matter what.

"Director Xiaobai, needless to say now, even if it was before I left, I would like to see it again in Jianhua Village. What's more, if I can accompany you for a while, even if I close my eyes now, I will rest in peace... "Li Laosan said plausibly, but there was always a trace of sadness in his words.

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Li Laosan angrily: "What are you talking about? Can you speak?"

Jiang Xiaobai scolded Li Laosan, but Jiang Xiaobai did not stop Li Laosan anymore and let Li Laosan lead him around the village, but he deliberately slowed down his pace.

 There is no rush anyway, I have only one day, so I can walk slowly and look around slowly.

 (End of this chapter)

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