Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3413: ventilation

Chapter 3413 Ventilation

Jiang Xiaobai deliberately slowed down his pace, and after walking for a while, he would go into a villager's house to sit and chat for a while. Actually, he was afraid that the weather outside would be too cold and wanted Li Laosan to warm up.

From the time I met Li Laosan, Li Laosan was the only one who took care of Jiang Xiaobai's mood, flattered him, and acted in front of and behind him. But today, the two of them took turns.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't walk very fast. Jianhua Village is now very big, but in a whole day, Jiang Xiaobai still walked around Jianhua Village, from east to west, from the old village to the expanded new village.

There were old people from Jianhua Village whom Jiang Xiaobai knew and could chat with for a few words, and there were also new villagers whom he did not know. Jiang Xiaobai also nodded with a smile as a greeting.

 Go to the villagers' homes and observe whether the villagers are living a good life and whether there are any difficulties. Of course, there are also various restaurants, hotels, small supermarkets, etc. that do business.

Although Jianhua Village is also called Jianhua Village, it should actually be regarded as a small town, and even in terms of economic strength, it is really no worse than some counties.

 Of course, the area cannot keep up.

However, He Lianghua and Jiang Xiaobai, who were accompanying them, reported that the superiors intended to merge the two surrounding villages into Jianhua Village.

 If this is the case, then Jianhua Village will be big, and there is no need for some county towns to be small.

It’s just that this matter is just an intention now and has not been finalized by the superiors. In addition, the attitude of Jianhua Village must be considered.

 Normally, there is no need to take care of it. The higher-ups have the final say. However, Jianhua Village is different from ordinary villages.

In ancient times, it was emphasized that imperial power should not go to the countryside. Of course, this is no longer the case, but when it comes to the village level, there is still a saying. This is now called the grassroots mass autonomy system.

 So to a certain extent, the village also has its own freedom.

Each village has its own collective assets and its own township and village rules. Of course, these cannot override the higher-level laws.

 But the village does have certain rights of autonomy. Now that Jianhua Village is developing well, you rashly merged two villages.

The property of Jianhua Village was built up bit by bit by the villagers of Jianhua Village. The villagers of the two merged villages should not divide other people's property.

 Whether the villagers in Jianhua Village agree or disagree, even the slightly wealthier villages will resist and be unwilling.

This point has been reflected in many television dramas in later generations. The merger of two villages or the merger of multiple villages is not a simple matter.

As for Jianhua Village, it is not that it is a little richer, but that it is too rich.

 The penetration rate of family cars after 70% is already very illustrative of the problem.

When people from Jianhua Village go out and arrive at the county seat, they don't even say that they are from Shangma Township. When asked where they are from, they immediately proudly say that they are from "Jianhua Village". They are not afraid that the other party does not know that Jianhua Village is located in the county. where.

Even when they arrive in the city, they tell their origins in this way. Jianhua Village has this reputation.

There is a joke on that if you ask a southerner where he is from, he will tell you "such-and-such city", or even more confidently, "such-and-such county."

 But if you ask people from the north, the north will usually mention their own provinces. If you ask people from the northeast, they won’t even tell you the province, so it’s from the northeast.     Why, isn't it just that the economy is developing well, I feel that my hometown is famous, and I have this confidence.

 This is what Jianhua Village looks like now.

Such as Jianhua Village, if the superiors wanted to merge two villages, how could they not consider the opinions of Jianhua Village? In addition to the opinions of Jianhua Village, Jiang Xiaobai's opinions should also be considered.

 So it’s very complicated. I just have this idea now, which is not finalized at all. I just want to give everyone a heads up and see if everyone agrees with it and what they think.

The purpose of what I told He Lianghua above is to first see what He Lianghua thinks. After all, He Lianghua is the current village chief, and then to see what the villagers in Jianhua Village think. If they are all confirmed and agreed, then communicate with Jiang Xiaobai.

 But I didn’t expect that He Lianghua would report directly to Jiang Xiaobai.

After all, if you want to formally communicate with Jiang Xiaobai, you must not be so hasty with Jiang Xiaobai. You must be prepared in advance and list out the benefits to Jianhua Village after merging the two villages.

I have to say that the above idea is a good one, but He Lianghua knows it in his heart. As for this matter, he thinks nothing of it.

Yes, he is the village chief. For many villagers in Jianhua Village, he has been the village chief for a long time, and some people give him face, and most people support his work.

 But in fact, when Jiang Xiaobai is together, Jianhua Village is decided by Jiang Xiaobai. Not to mention that Jianhua Village relies on Huaqing Holding Group to a large extent in the shopping mall.

Let’s just say that the old people who came to see Jiang Xiaobai yesterday and the old people who drank and chatted with Jiang Xiaobai are the truly respected people in Jianhua Village. Everyone will listen to their words.

 But these old people obeyed Jiang Xiaobai's words.

A few years ago, because of Jiang Xiaobai's words, many people took out their coffin books to start pig farms and used the money for wedding gifts.

Not to mention now, merged villages are not merged villages. Now the community in Jianhua New Village is also an outsider. Jiang Xiaobai said a word, if you want help, when you come to Jianhua Village, you will be a Jianhua Village person. The villagers of Jianhua Village No one objected.

 Everyone agreed, and they tried their best to take care of these new villagers and sincerely accepted them without any complaints.

This is Jiang Xiaobai's prestige, because Jianhua Village is what it is today because of Jiang Xiaobai, so Jiang Xiaobai is willing to separate a part of it, and no one has any objections.

But if he, the village chief, speaks, that won't work. In daily affairs, everyone will cooperate if they should cooperate. But when fundamental interests are involved, it won't be easy for him to speak.

As for the communication among the villagers in Jianhua Village, it is too complicated. Everyone has their own opinions, and it is not so simple to be able to unify their opinions.

 Unless he can convince all the prestigious old people, but that is impossible.

 At that time, he might be stigmatized for whatever idea he made, so he might as well talk to Jiang Xiaobai directly. Regardless of whether Jiang Xiaobai agreed or not, it was something Jiang Xiaobai needed to consider.

 He can't make the decision at all on such a big thing.

 (End of this chapter)

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