Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3468: Soon it won't be

 Chapter 3468 It won’t be anymore soon

Hearing what Zhang Goudan and others said, Jiang Xiaobai felt relieved. Being able to ask this question showed that Zhang Goudan and others had calmed down.

“I dare not say anything else, but I can assure you that as long as one villager in Jianhua Village does not agree to merge the village, it is impossible for Wangjiagou and Zhaipo Village to be merged.

The Jianhua Village is what it is today because of the hard work and efforts of the villagers of Jianhua Village. It is not a pie in the sky, so anyone who wants to get a piece of the pie must obtain our consent. "

"Director Xiaobai said it well. Anyone who wants to take a share of the pie must agree with us. This Jianhua Village is what it is today because of Director Xiaobai. Why should they get something for nothing?"

“Yes, Director Xiaobai, we will listen to you. If you agree, we will agree. If you don’t agree, we will not let anyone else come to Jianhua Village even if we risk our lives..."

 Zhang Goudan and others spoke one after another.

After having a meal, Zhang Goudan and others felt more at ease. With Jiang Xiaobai in charge of Jianhua Village, they believed that Jiang Xiaobai would not let them suffer.

Just as Jiang Xiaobai and others were changing cups, Wangjiagou on the other side also heard some news that Jiang Xiaobai was back.

In Jianhua Village, it's not that someone with a big mouth revealed the news to the people in Wangjiagou, but the two villages are too close, and there is also a daughter-in-law married from Wangjiagou.

 It turns out that there are still people who have married into Jianhua Village, and there are not many who are related by relatives, but it cannot be said that there are none.

In addition, Jianhua Village is now a big village, and there are many people from the surrounding villages who come to work, and there are even people from the county. The news of Jiang Xiaobai's appearance in Jianhua Village cannot be concealed from anyone at all.

So Wangjiagou also found out the news.

Jiang Xiaobai is back, and everything will be explained. Why did no one from Jianhua Village come to the door after waiting all night?

  Why did the relevant departments act so harshly this morning? Why did they only arrest the villagers of Wangjiagou and not the villagers of Jianhua Village?

"That's too much. Isn't this bullying? Why? He only arrests those from Wangjiagou. No matter how awesome Jiang Xiaobai is, he can't bully people like this, right?"

“That’s right, even if they bully people, they don’t bully people like this. It’s just a fight, but they actually let people come to arrest people. It’s the villagers of Jianhua Village who started the attack first, so why not arrest them.”

“That is, if we want to arrest, then arrest people from both sides. If we only arrest people from our side and not from Jianhua Village, isn’t it clear that they are here to bully us?”

“Yes, we can’t just let it go. What’s wrong with Jiang Xiaobai? We’re not afraid of him…”

 A group of people were talking in a hurry.

"Well, let's go to the village. Why are we bullying people like this? If the village doesn't care, we will go to the county." Someone said, and immediately received a response from a group of people, who gathered all the motorcycles in the village overnight. A group of people arrived in the countryside.

It’s just that I was kicked back soon after arriving in the countryside.

To say it is unfair is just that the people from Wangjiagou were arrested but not the people from Jianhua Village.

"Why did you arrest people from Jianhua Village? You people from Wangjiagou went to their village and beat them up. Now they are still in the hospital. You said you wanted to arrest them. Is there something wrong with your brain? Or do you think I am brainless?" has a problem?"

Several people from Wangjiagou were so reviled that their faces turned red, and then they said bravely: "Before that, when we went to Jianhua Village for the first time, the people from Jianhua Village took action first." The first time He Lianghua asked them to move In the past, it was indeed not the people from Wangjiagou who took action first, but the people from Jianhua Village.

"You are all moving to someone else's village. They are blocking you. If someone comes directly into your house, why don't you do anything?"

"We didn't. It wasn't Jianhua Village we went to. It was He Lianghua who asked us to go."

"He Lianghua asked you to go, so you went? That is Jianhua Village. Do the people of Jianhua Village agree? Can He Lianghua represent Jianhua Village? Do you really not know who has the final say in Jianhua Village?"

 “Then He Lianghua is the village chief…”

“It won’t be anymore soon,” the staff member said firmly, interrupting the Wangjiagou villagers.

He Lianghua was here. He used to be considered the number one figure in the township, even in the county. But after something like this happened, it was obvious that he would not be able to represent Jianhua Village in the future.

If it didn't matter in other villages, he would have to work until the time came before he could be replaced, but it was different in Jianhua Village.

Jianhua Village is different from other villages. No matter how united other villages are, they don’t have the kind of figure who can appeal to the whole village. If he speaks out, no one can object and everyone supports him. After all, no one is sure of the RMB. You can’t make something that everyone likes.

 But in Jianhua Village, Jiang Xiaobai is fine, because Jiang Xiaobai actually brought them RMB.

 Another point is that if there is not enough time, other villages will not be important enough for the township and county to pay attention to, but Jianhua Village is important enough.

At this juncture, if He Lianghua does something like this, it will definitely be over.

From yesterday to today, it can be seen from Jiang Xiaobai's attitude that Jiang Xiaobai does not agree with He Lianghua's approach.

If Jiang Xiaobai agrees with He Lianghua's approach, no matter how much trouble He Lianghua causes, Jiang Xiaobai will be able to support him and wipe his ass.

But now if Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t agree with He Lianghua’s approach, then He Lianghua will have no way out.

Some people in Wangjiagou were stunned. He Lianghua was almost no longer the village chief. What about their merger with Jianhua Village?

Does it still count?

Normally, Jianhua Village, the township, and the county all agreed to this village-joining matter. As for some villagers in Jianhua Village who objected, no one took it seriously. If they made a fuss, they would eventually agree to it. The big deal is that It was just that the village privately provided some subsidies and improved treatment to the aborigines in Jianhua Village who opposed and made a lot of noise.

He Lianghua is the person directly responsible for this matter. There are people from the countryside pushing for it, and there is support from the county above. This is already a sure thing.

“Leader, does our village integration still count?” Wangjiagou village chief couldn’t help but ask. He had even forgotten the serious things they had come to do in the countryside, and village integration was the big deal.

"Haha, I don't know about this, and I can't give you an answer. Go back." The staff waved their hands and left. These people are really capable of wishful thinking. Even those who support this matter may be punished. You are still thinking about Hecun, don’t you have any brains?

 (End of this chapter)

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