Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3469: overall situation

Chapter 3469 The overall situation

With Jiang Xiaobai in charge of Jianhua Village, the people of Jianhua Village feel at peace, because they know that no matter what happens, Jiang Xiaobai will settle it for them. Even if the sky falls, Jiang Xiaobai can hold on.

Before Jiang Xiaobai came back, Wangjiagou and Zhaipo Village could still make peace with Jianhua Village, but as soon as Jiang Xiaobai came back, Wangjiagou and Zhaipo Village had no room for resistance.

Especially after the relevant departments arrested a group of people in Wangjiagou with lightning speed, Wangjiagou also completely settled down.

Not to mention Zhaipo Village, there were waves of fear. Fortunately, they did not go to Jianhua Village to cause trouble. Otherwise, many villagers in their village might have been arrested at this time.

Just like Wangjiagou, many families were crying and begging for mercy at this time.

But it was useless to plead for mercy. This time, the superiors really took action. In two days, those who should be arrested were arrested and those who should be sentenced were sentenced. In two days, at this time, it was just a small fight. They may all be in the evidence collection stage.

But this time, several of the masterminds were sent directly to the detention center. This is speed.

There was no wind or waves at all, and the people in Wangjiagou were shivering. Although they knew that Jiang Xiaobai was in Jianhua Village, no one dared to come.

 Forty-eight hours later, Gu Jun also came to Jianhua Village and reported the situation to Jiang Xiaobai.

 Jiang Xiaobai specially called Zhang Goudan and others over to listen.

 Zhang Goudan and others still have family members who are hospitalized. Although the situation has been completely stabilized, it still takes time for them to be completely cured and discharged.

 Although he said that he could temporarily suppress their emotions in Jianhua Village, they were always angry in their hearts.

But now listen, those who took action in Wangjiagou have already gone in. Those who should be arrested have been arrested, and those who should be sentenced have been sentenced, so they feel better.

 Gu Jun looked very ugly. The people from Wangjiagou were reporting the results to Jiang Xiaobai now, but after a few days, others would probably tell Jiang Xiaobai about their results.

The people in Wangjiagou are the best to deal with. They are just ordinary villagers. Those who need to pursue responsibilities within these systems have to wait for a meeting to study and weigh all parties.

After Gu Jun and Jiang Xiaobai finished reporting, they didn't stay much and left Jianhua Village directly. Jiang Xiaobai also didn't keep him.

 It was quite a pleasure to work with Gu Jun before, but this time, Jiang Xiaobai felt that after all, Gu Jun was a member of the system, and some things were done out of his own interests.

As for whether it will be beneficial to Jianhua Village and the villagers of Jianhua Village, that is not within the scope of their consideration.

 After all, they are thinking about the so-called “big picture”.

“Director Gu was very good before, but I didn’t expect that this time, huh, I really misjudged the wrong person...”

 “Who says it’s not the case, this Gu Jun…”

 Zhang Goudan and others looked at Gu Jun's back and couldn't help but curse. Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand: "Okay, different positions and different choices are normal."

Speaking of this matter, Jiang Xiaobai thought of He Lianghua again. Normally, He Lianghua's position and Jianhua Village's position should be the same, and the interests of Jianhua Village should be safeguarded.

 But He Lianghua had a problem with his mind this time and put aside the interests of Jianhua Village.

Is there something wrong with this typical brain? And while Jiang Xiaobai was complaining, He Lianghua, who had a problem with his brain, also came back to Jianhua Village.

 He was not seriously injured. After all, he was from Jianhua Village and was also the village chief. People from Jianhua Village still had a sense of discretion when they struck.

It was just a bruised nose and swollen face, which was ugly. I went to the hospital because I wanted to let go of my shame and was beaten like this. I was embarrassed to live in the village and had no shame to see people, so I went to the hospital.

His injury didn't even need to be bandaged, and he could have come back a long time ago, but he had no idea how to come back and face the people in Jianhua Village, so he held off his intention to stay for a few days.

He also heard when he was in the hospital that Jiang Xiaobai had returned to Jianhua Village. He originally thought that he would wait for Jiang Xiaobai to call him, but then he would just get off the road and come back directly.

 But it had been three days, and Jiang Xiaobai didn't even get a call. He couldn't stay in the hospital any longer, so he had to come back.

 But what will you do after you come back? How will you face the people in Jianhua Village? Before this, the villagers in Jianhua Village had already beaten themselves.

 What should I do? Should he pretend to be generous and forgive them, or should he reprimand them sharply?

Let's forget about scolding him. After all, at this juncture, Jiang Dong still doesn't know what to think of himself, and the villagers are also very excited now, so it's better not to flirt with them, but to flirt with them.

 After this period of time, the heat of the matter has subsided, and we can deal with them one by one. There is no need to get anxious at this time.

 Forget it, just bear with it for a while. If someone beats you, you won’t just let it go.

But now, the first thing to pass is Jiang Xiaobai.

He Lianghua sighed inwardly. The future development of Jianhua Village will still depend on Jiang Xiaobai. Jiang Xiaobai’s prestige remains undiminished in Jianhua Village.

He is very powerful in the countryside and in the county. He Lianghua feels resentful that the matter of merging villages has been messed up like this, but he has no choice but to go find Jiang Xiaobai.

 Let me explain this matter clearly.

He Lianghua sighed inwardly, turned around and walked towards the small courtyard. He knew that Jiang Xiaobai would definitely be in the small courtyard when he came back. If not, it would be the cannery.

But the first place he went to was the courtyard, not the cannery, because there were many people there. When he went to Jiang Xiaobai, he must admit his mistake. Such a big thing happened in Jianhua Village. No matter whether he was at fault or not, he It's a village. If something happens in the village, you are responsible.

And it was obvious that Jiang Xiaobai didn't even call himself, so he must be angry with himself.

Although He Lianghua didn't think he had done anything wrong, who gave Jiang Xiaobai a high status? He still had to apologize to Jiang Xiaobai and admit his mistake.

 In such an occasion, He Lianghua certainly does not want too many people present, but rather wants as few people as possible.

He Lianghua was stopped directly when he arrived at the entrance of the small courtyard.

Although there has been no movement in Wangjiagou, Li Longquan still attaches great importance to this matter. The more than 50 security personnel he brought here have been keeping a close watch, fearing that there will be some radical people who will take the risk to come and harm Jiang Xiaobai.

 (End of this chapter)

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