Chapter 3488 Summary

 Originally, there were no obvious factions within the group, but there have been signs of it in the past two years. But fortunately, I can still maintain it now.

But this is normal, this happens to all groups.

As enterprises get bigger and bigger, they do more and more things, and there will be more and more useless work. This is inevitable.

On the second day after Jiang Xiaobai arrived in Xiangjiang, he arrived at the group headquarters. All the employees at the headquarters were waiting downstairs, led by Liu Xiaomei and Liu Aijun.

 Compared to yesterday's private meeting, this was more serious and formal. .

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai showed up, there were a lot of greetings. After Jiang Xiaobai shook hands with the leaders, he walked towards the inside of the group under the leadership of Liu Xiaomei.

 The whole building belongs to the group. It is a legacy of the original group, and every inch of land is very valuable in Xiangjiang.

After waiting inside the group, Jiang Xiaobai did not go to the conference room immediately. Instead, he wandered around the various floors of the group, showed up, and met the employees, and then came to the group meeting. room.

“Director Jiang, let me report to you the situation of our group in the first three quarters of this year.” Liu Xiaomei said.

 Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

"Dr. Jiang, in the first half of the year, our main business expansion was overseas, mainly concentrated in several economically developed countries. In Yazhou, we mainly focused on the previous Four Little Dragons, that is, the previous 97 In 2009, several countries affected by the financial crisis experienced rapid economic recovery in the past two years.

 So this is our focus this year. Previously, we only had two branches in Garden Country.

 But this year we have increased our number to six branches there. By the end of the year, we are planning to add two more branches next year, quadrupling the number...

 Also in Sanhan, there used to be three branches, but this year they have doubled to six stores...

 In addition, here in Xiangjiang, we are also doing the same this year..."

Liu Xiaomei slowly reported that she was still very optimistic about the Four Little Dragons, although they were greatly affected by the previous financial crisis, which could even be said to have directly ended the myth of the Four Little Dragons to a certain extent.

 However, after five or six years due to the impact of the financial crisis, the Four Tigers began to slowly recover.

 This is why she will focus on entering the markets of these countries this year.

“Director Jiang, the turnover of Yaohan Supermarket in the first quarter of this year was 100 billion yuan, and the turnover in the second quarter was 111 billion yuan, an increase of 10%.

The turnover in the third quarter was RMB 135 billion. In the fourth quarter of this year, the turnover is expected to grow. Especially after our stores increase in the Four Little Dragons and other regions, the turnover will further break through... "

 Jiang Xiaobai listened and pondered in his heart. He remembered that when Wal-Mart was at its peak, its turnover in a quarter could exceed one trillion.

 The current Wal-Mart is still ten times worse. It is difficult to surpass Wal-Mart.

Of course, regardless of the large turnover, the actual profit is not much. On average, with so many stores, there are 500 opened around the world, and the total profit in one quarter is only 500 million.

 Five hundred stores, with a profit of 500 million, on average, the profit of one store per quarter is about one million.    This profit has dropped a lot this year.

"Dr. Jiang, the profit dropped by about 11% year-on-year in the first quarter, and the profit dropped by about 7% year-on-year in the second quarter. It will be better in the third quarter, and I believe that by the time the fourth quarter In time, this profit will gradually pick up..."

Liu Xiaomei reported and Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

 After Liu Xiaomei finished her report, Jiang Xiaobai asked: "How many stores are there in the mainland now?"

"Now we have a total of eighty stores in the mainland." Liu Xiaomei doesn't need to read the data, she knows it by heart.

  If all this data is needed, Liu Xiaomei can go home and take care of the child.

“Eighty, why are there so few?” Jiang Xiaobai asked with a frown. After entering the new century, it can be said that supermarkets have basically begun to exert their strength.

Every supermarket is seizing the time to compete for the market. If you miss the opportunity to deploy at this time, you will also miss the golden period.

 “Young Master?” Liu Xiaomei thought that there were too many of these eighty families.

"Yes, sir, our country is a very huge market, with a population of more than one billion. And with the development of the times and the acceleration of urbanization, the potential of the retail market is very large. Where can these 80 companies come to? Well, let’s do this. Let’s double it next year.” Jiang Xiaobai set a goal.

Liu Xiaomei opened her mouth and hesitated, but in the end she just nodded and said nothing.

Only then did Jiang Xiaobai arrive: "Okay, let's talk about other aspects."

"Well, good Director Jiang, in the mainland market, we mainly focus on the southern region. In the next step, we will speed up the layout of close chain stores and build a large enough store network. The other thing is to set up a distribution center... What we think It is aimed at large regions and countries, using large-scale procurement and efficient distribution of distribution centers to significantly reduce logistics costs...

The profit of our supermarket is declining now because our distribution center has not been built yet, which has led to an increase in our costs, but we are already building more distribution centers..."

“How many are currently planned? How is the construction of the Internet currently being developed?”

“There are now more than ten distribution centers under planning…”

 The two sides were asking and answering questions, and the morning passed quickly. At noon, they had a simple bite, and in the afternoon, they continued to cook.

 When he got off work in the evening, Jiang Xiaobai roughly sorted out the situation of Yaohan this year. In the evening, Jiang Xiaobai had a meal with the senior staff of Yaohan Company.

 The next day I visited several supermarkets in Xiangjiang, which was considered an inspection, but I went according to the arrangements of Liu Xiaomei and others.

Liu Xiaomei and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dr. Jiang, take a look. This trip is mainly to Huayuanguo and Sanhan..." Liu Xiaomei handed an itinerary to Jiang Xiaobai. She will definitely accompany him throughout this trip abroad.

 (End of this chapter)

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