Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3489: Do you have my cow?

Chapter 3489 Do you have a cow for me?

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the itinerary. According to the itinerary arranged by Yaohan Company, he basically stayed in Garden Country for three days, and then went to Sanhan for three days.

 Then there is Yamato Country next to it, plus several places in Ouzhou. The itinerary takes about half a month to twenty days, of course, it mainly depends on Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the itinerary and thought for a moment, then said: "The departure time needs to be changed. We will definitely not be able to leave tomorrow. I have to go to Huahua Bank tomorrow."

Huahua Bank is still headquartered in Moscow, but the Xiangjiang side also takes on heavy tasks. Although the Xiangjiang side is said to be a branch, it is better to say that it takes over the Yazhou part of the head office.

So forget it if you don’t come. If you come, you will definitely go to Huahua Bank. Although Huang Sheng is still very conscientious and conscientious. Although he holds most of the shares in Huahua Bank, he still needs to show up from time to time. Otherwise, as time goes by, the key is that the people below won’t recognize you, let alone being isolated or not.

If Huang Sheng is disobedient, of course the problem can be solved by changing people, but changing the person at the helm is a big move that will break the muscles and bones of the entire enterprise.

“Okay, Director Jiang, I understand, when should we set off?” Liu Xiaomei asked.

"When should we leave? At least the day after tomorrow, or even three days later." Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while and said, this business trip is not only about Yaohan Supermarket, but also about Hualian Computer.

Also in Xiangjiang, there is not only the Yaohan Supermarket, but also the wafer factory of Hualian Computer. It takes two days for these two companies to work one day at a time, or even three or four days if something happens. time.

"Okay, Director Jiang, I understand." Liu Xiaomei didn't have any objections. She also knew how busy Jiang Xiaobai was.

If Yaohan Company, or Yaohan Group, were placed elsewhere, it would definitely be an independent enterprise and could enter the Fortune Global 500. Now its profits are slightly lower, but in terms of turnover, it would enter the Fortune Global 500. That’s ok too.

 Turnover itself is also an influence.

  This is also a huge thing, and no one dares to underestimate it.

If he were placed in other groups, not to mention he would have become independent a long time ago. At the very least, he would be the eldest brother in the group, speak with great weight, and enjoy superior treatment.

But there is really no way for Jiang Xiaobai to enjoy this treatment. Let alone the Huahua Bank in Xiangjiang, this is a truly huge thing.

 There is also Xinlian Computer, one of the world's top ten personal computer manufacturers. It also has its own chips and technology, and it is also a leading company in the industry.

●Yabaihan Supermarket, which was originally very good, seemed ordinary and unremarkable to Jiang Xiaobai.

“Dr. Jiang, do you have anything else to ask?” Liu Xiaomei asked, looking at the schedule.

“There’s nothing else. When the time comes to go out, try to save as much time as possible. Don’t take so long, maybe half a month at most.” Jiang Xiaobai said.

I didn’t even have dinner with Liu Xiaomei and Liu Aijun because Mr. Huang came over and was going to Huahua Bank tomorrow to visit. Mr. Huang wanted to pick up Jiang Xiaobai in advance.

“Damn it, why do I feel like a brothel lady? I didn’t even let you take a breath when I was here.” Jiang Xiaobai laughed at himself.

“Dr. Jiang, if you say this, you are favoring us.” Liu Aijun said with a smile.

“It’s a blessing, it’s a blessing that I’m in the group. You come one by one to ask me to favor you. I’m running around here and there…” Jiang Xiaobai said with a dark face. Everyone laughed, and finally Jiang Xiaobai was picked up by Mr. Huang. In the evening, Mr. Huang and Jiang Xiaobai ate alone.

“Dr. Jiang, I still remember that when we first met, I thought you were the boss of the club. To be honest, I was very scared.”

Mr. Huang said with a smile that he did not expect that that encounter would change his destiny.

“Haha, club boss, do you think I’m the best club boss?” Jiang Xiaobai laughed, that kind of confidence and domineering coming to his face. To put it bluntly, the club bosses in Xiangjiang are just a bunch of hooligans.

"Yes, I never thought at the beginning that I would meet the noble person of my life. Under your leadership this year, I would be able to accomplish such a big undertaking. It made me stand on the top of the mountain and see a different scenery. ." Huang Sheng was also full of emotion.

Two people sit together and chat, recall the past, and increase their feelings. Naturally, they talk about anything.

“This is half of your credit. You have always been responsible for Huahua Bank. Without your efforts, Huahua Bank would not be what it is today.” Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Dr. Jiang, please don't say that. Horses with thousands of miles of horses often exist, but bole does not. The harvest of melons and beans depends on the weather. Diligence and hard work are really not worth mentioning. In this world, there are really There is no shortage of diligent and hard-working people, but there is a shortage of noble people,” Mr. Huang said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai was also very satisfied after listening to Mr. Huang's words. In fact, many people sometimes can't understand clearly. They feel that they are powerful and have paid their own way.

As everyone knows, many heroic figures rely on the tide of the times and the current situation to create heroes.

The next day, Jiang Xiaobai officially inspected the Yazhou branch of Huahua Bank. All morning, the senior executives of the Yazhou branch stood at the door to greet Jiang Xiaobai, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai's arrival.

 Huahua Bank is also one of the world's top 500 companies, but Mr. Huang is responsible for the daily work.

Jiang Xiaobai rarely comes here, even this group of senior executives are not very familiar with Jiang Xiaobai.

 Unfamiliarity brings a sense of mystery. Jiang Xiaobai has always been a legend in Xiangjiang, and Jiang Xiaobai can control their destiny, which makes them feel a little uneasy.

“Mr. Huang, is Director Jiang here this time?” A senior executive asked uneasily. Jiang Xiaobai usually didn’t come here very often, so his sudden visit made them worried about whether something went wrong at work.

“It’s just a normal inspection. I arrived two days ago and took a look at Yaohan. I will go to other places next.” Mr. Huang reassured people.

 The senior executives also felt a little more relaxed.

Two black Huahai cars drove slowly over, and Mr. Huang led people to greet them.

When Li Longquan got off the car, everyone immediately knew which car Jiang Xiaobai got in, and they came over one after another. Zhang Tingting also got off the car from the other side. Li Longquan went around to the back and helped Jiang Xiaobai open the door. Jiang Xiaobai slowly got out of the car.

 (End of this chapter)

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