Chapter 3498 Speechless

In the conference room, everyone was silent, except for Jiang Xiaobai's voice.

"A mobile phone can be said to be an electronic product, but I don't think it can be simply classified as a home appliance. I will continue to talk about what I have not finished before. If the entire parts are assembled, what kind of name will be used? Is it better to continue to use Hua The name "Lian" means setting up a separate sub-brand.

 If you set up a separate sub-brand, where will the customer base come from? Can we still borrow the effect of the brand..."

“If we borrow the Hualian brand, will it be mixed with our Hualian Computer, leaving customers with a feeling that our Hualian Computer is also the product of the team leader, without core technology..."

“The last thing we need to do is to build the core technology. What is the core technology of the mobile phone? Have you considered this question? Is it the operating system, the CPU, or the baseband? Which of these three technologies do you think is easier than chip design..."

 Jiang Xiaobai's sentence goes straight to the core of the problem.

  Ni Guangnan has been in charge of Hualian Computer since its establishment. In other words, it was only because of Ni Guangnan that Hualian Computer came into being.

 So a group of senior executives at Hualian Computer felt that Jiang Xiaobai did not understand technology, and Jiang Xiaobai did not understand technology either.

 But Jiang Xiaobai knows the market better than any of them.

 What is the market? The market is not something that can be decided by just patting one's head. It requires comprehensive consideration.

They think that if they take out a market and report it to Jiang Xiaobai, once Jiang Xiaobai sees how profitable this market is, he will agree to Hualian Computer’s entry into the mobile phone market.

 But he never expected that he would be left speechless by Jiang Xiaobai's question. A group of people were together and they just didn't know how to answer Jiang Xiaobai's question.

At this moment, they realized why Jiang Xiaobai was the boss and they were just employees.

 The legend about Jiang Xiaobai from the outside directly shines into reality.

“It’s not impossible to make a mobile phone, but you can’t make a decision with one slap on the head, regret it with a slap on the thigh, and leave with a slap on the butt.

Just now everyone was talking about Yang Yuanqing. I think if you continue, you will become the second Yang Yuanqing.

 The mobile phone issue requires a comprehensive consideration, a detailed plan, and a report at the end of the year, and then everyone can discuss and study it. "Jiang Xiaobai set the tone for this matter, and no one could speak out against it.

 Because Jiang Xiaobai's words pointed to the core of the problem, they didn't even understand what a mobile phone was. Isn't it a joke to make a mobile phone?

 The skill of sharpening a knife and chopping firewood must be carefully considered before taking action.

It doesn’t matter if it’s earlier or later. We’re still in the era of ordinary mobile phones. If it’s one year earlier and one year later, that’s it.

Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t care about making some profits. The key is to aim at the future smartphone market.

 The upgrade from traditional mobile phones to smart phones happened so fast that even Nokia, the big brother, didn’t react. Without a comprehensive consideration and comprehensive planning.

Even if we make mobile phones, we will be competing with other home appliance companies in the market of thousand-yuan phones. What’s the point in that?

 Making a profit of more than one billion a year is certainly very good for ordinary companies, but for a behemoth like Huaqing Holding Group, it is better to just do something casually. The provincial brand is called "Hualian", which lowers the brand value.

"Okay, Director Jiang, I thought this matter was too simple. I will organize people later, carefully examine this market, make a rigorous plan, and apply for it by the end of the year." Ni Guangnan directly admitted his mistake. .

 Being beaten by Jiang Xiaobai, but he didn't say a word. This was different from the competition with Mr. Liu when he was thinking about it. The reason for the competition with Mr. Liu was because Mr. Liu could not convince him.

However, Jiang Xiaobai was convinced when he dealt with this, because every sentence Jiang Xiaobai said went straight to the core of the problem. There is no way to refute it.

  Even if you are reprimanded, you will be convinced.

 Originally, Ni Guangnan had prepared another project, which was to build another wafer factory in the mainland to expand production.

 But I dare not say it now. The mobile phone project has been criticized by Jiang Xiaobai. You still need to pay attention. If not, organize a high-level discussion and study at night to ensure that there are no problems and that the reasons for the application are sufficient.

 Then tomorrow, bring it up with Jiang Xiaobai again, so that Jiang Xiaobai doesn't find a big loophole and scolds her again.

 But it’s still a long time before dinner in the evening, and we can’t just sit still, so Ni Guangnan talked about the issue of chip technology.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't understand this aspect. It was an area that technicians like them were good at. They wouldn't be scolded and it was just a good way to calm down their emotions.

 Indeed, when it comes to chip design and the like, Jiang Xiaobai really doesn’t understand. His understanding of chips is just some random information he saw on the Internet in later generations.

I know that the smaller the chip, the better. In layman’s terms, this chip is like a dojo inside a snail shell, and it’s all within a small area.

 The magic of a chip is that it contains tens or even hundreds of millions of transistors the size of a fingernail. The more advanced the technology, the greater the number. Nanoscale technology is equivalent to drawing thousands of concentric circles on the cross-section of a hair.

 There is a city inside a chip the size of a fingernail, and this city needs to be able to function. This is really something that requires technology.

When Ni Guangnan talked about technology, Jiang Xiaobai had nothing to say. He only had two words: "support". He asked people to give people and gave them money.

At dinner time in the evening, Jiang Xiaobai was still talking: "Mr. Ni, don't be afraid of spending money. If you run out of money, the group can still support it. Chips are the core technology. We have no other way to go, and we can't All rely on imports.

 If you are stuck by someone's neck, you will die at the hands of others sooner or later. The only way out is to truly own your own technology.

 I still say the same thing, spend your money boldly, no matter how much money you spend, we must have our own core technology.

There is a road from chip design to production. In addition, the lithography machine must also be careful. We cannot put all the lithography machine technology in the hands of others. Otherwise, if one day they do not sell it to We have lithography machines, but even if we have the technology, we can’t produce chips..."

“Don’t worry, Director Jiang, we are making further breakthroughs now. I don’t dare to say how long it will take to catch up with the most advanced foreign technology, but we are getting closer to each other every step of the way...”

 (End of this chapter)

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