Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3535: It's a success in itself

Chapter 3535 is a success in itself

"You can't underestimate Mr. Liu." Jiang Xiaobai looked at Ni Guangnan and said seriously. He knew about the disputes and hatred between Ni Guangnan and Mr. Liu. The dispute between Liu and Ni was very heated back then.

 It can even be said that the dispute between the two of them is not just between the two of them, but also a dispute between many enterprises, whether it is trade, industry and technology, or technology, industry and trade.

 Whether sales and marketing is more important or technology is more important? This kind of debate is prevalent among almost all domestic private enterprises that are developing at that time.

 It’s all a problem, because in the rapid development of enterprises, if you want technology, you have to make great determination to engage in research.

Many technologies are available in China. You can use them directly, or you can pay a little money and use them. This is to seize the market first and focus on sales.

  Or should we spend more energy on research and development and master the technology first?

ˆAlmost all private companies involved in technology are facing a choice. This choice is difficult, but it is almost impossible to have both.

 There is no right or wrong, there are only differences in development road planning.

 Jiang Xiaobai knew that Mr. Ni Guangnan insisted on the technical, industrial and trade route, while Mr. Liu followed the trade, industrial and technical route, so Ni Guangnan looked down on Mr. Liu.

But no matter how disdainful it is, it does not mean that this route is definitely wrong. You may lose a lot of opportunities, but it does not necessarily mean that you will not be successful in the end.

 At least there is a market and money, and it can transform at any time. As for the technology, industry and trade route, to be honest, Huaqing Holding Group has strong strength. Otherwise, it will not be able to sustain it at all.

Not to mention other things, just a wafer fab requires connections and huge funds. Even Lian Xianglai does not have this ability at all.

Hualian Computer was the first wafer fab to be established in Xiangjiang. It took advantage of the financial crisis at that time and the economic depression. Then Huahua Bank happened to have a lot of money at that time, and finally it was through the connections of the Lin family.

  It can be said that the right time, place and people were favorable, and finally the wafer fab was moved to Xiangjiang.

As for Lianxiang Computer, how can he acquire it? Now he has no money to spend more than one billion dollars to acquire an IBM computer division, so he hesitates again and again.

Even Xiang Xiang doesn't have the ability to take the technical, industrial and trade route. Otherwise, the final result of the Liu-Ni dispute is that Mr. Liu won instead of Ni Guangnan. This has fully demonstrated that many people in Lian Xiang actually They are not optimistic about Ni Guangnan's technical, industrial and trade route.

After Ni Guangnan came to Huaqing Holding Group, he became prosperous because Huaqing Holding Group had the strength to support the technology, industry and trade route.

“Dr. Jiang, what do you say? Are you optimistic about the acquisition of Haolianxiang?” Ni Guangnan looked at Jiang Xiaobai in confusion and asked.

This question attracted even Wang Shi, who was waiting curiously for Jiang Xiaobai's answer.

“Every acquisition is very risky. There is no doubt that it doesn’t matter who is optimistic about it or not. Even if everyone is optimistic about it, it does not necessarily mean that this acquisition will be successful.

Even if everyone is not optimistic about it, it does not necessarily mean that this acquisition is wrong for Lianxiang.

Today we will not discuss whether we are optimistic or not. I am talking about Mr. Liu. If I remember correctly, I heard that Mr. Liu started his business around 1985, right? "

 “Yes.” Ni Guangnan said affirmatively, it was in 1985.

“Well, yes, I remember that the computers that Lianxiang first represented were IBM personal computers, right?” Jiang Xiaobai continued to ask. Ni Guangnan guessed what Jiang Xiaobai might be going to say and nodded.

“From 1985 when I just entered the market and attended IBM’s personal computer dealer meeting, to twenty years later this year, I acquired the IBM personal computer division.

This in itself is a very remarkable thing. You must know that IBM has long been regarded as a symbol of Citi's technological strength and a bastion of national competitiveness. In twenty years, from becoming an agent to acquiring the PC division, this in itself It's a success.

 Whoever underestimates such a person is truly a fool. "

Jiang Xiaobai said eloquently that although he teased Mr. Liu or Lian Xiang from time to time, he always attached great importance to Lian Xiang.

 In other words, they value Mr. Liu.

  Such people are also worthy of attention.

Ni Guangnan nodded, obviously listening to what Jiang Xiaobai said, but Wang Shi on the side was pulled back to the era of passionate entrepreneurship by Jiang Xiaobai's words.

 Can't help but express a lot of emotion in his eyes.

 At this time, this symposium also officially began. In fact, this kind of symposium is just a situation.

 How to discuss the ethical and moral issues of enterprises? In fact, it is better to discuss the responsibilities and responsibilities of enterprises.

 Ethics, morals, and those who run businesses may be caring, do some charity, donate some love, and may also have responsibilities and responsibilities.

  But if you talk directly about ethics when you come up, that would be inappropriate. What is ethics? For most companies, if they can abide by laws and regulations, it is already very good.

Morality is a level higher than obeying the law. Generally speaking, morality is the character of a gentleman.

 In the process of operating an enterprise, if it wants to make money, it must have interests. Although there is such a thing as morality, it is not much.

What about plagiarism, following trends, exaggerating a little in publicity, and playing with some creativity in marketing?

 When two companies cooperate, the contract is a thick text. What are you afraid of? Aren't you afraid that if there are any omissions, you will be cheated by the other party?

If the other party is really a moral gentleman, then what are you afraid of? Just say something verbally, but in reality?

 Everyone is afraid of being cheated, and they may have as many as eight hundred minds.

 This is the normal operation of an enterprise. When it comes to morality, how high a moral standard can a company have? In fact, it is meaningless to discuss this issue at all.

So Jiang Xiaobai also lacks the nature, that is, he is here to go through a process. When he speaks, he only talks about honest management and law-abiding experience.

 After the conference room ended, Jiang Xiaobai, Wang Shi and Ni Guangnan arrived at the Jianhua Hotel. Zhang Weiyi was also waiting.

After having a meal together, Wang Shi went back to Pengcheng without staying much longer. Although he doesn't care much about Wan Ke now, there are still many things going on.

 (End of this chapter)

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