Chapter 3536: Impressions

“I really envy Mr. Wang’s life.” Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but said with emotion: “Climb mountains all day long and go out for fun.”

 Zhang Weiyi nodded in agreement: "And I found that although Mr. Wang said that he would not care about Wanke, his contribution to Wanke was not small. This Mr. Wang is simply an alternative among entrepreneurs."

Ni Guangnan also agrees. He has never seen an entrepreneur like Wang Shi. Generally speaking, as the company grows bigger, the pressure on the person in charge also begins to increase. Many times, although he is rich, he is unrestrained. Can't get up.

Which second generation are the cool ones? Of course, except for a very few people, they just enjoy the fun brought by their work. That is another story.

 Otherwise, after a long time, the heads of large companies will actually be very tired.

 But Wang Shi is different. Wang Shi is no longer responsible for the company's affairs. However, Wang Shi is outside the company system, but he often appears in the fashion section and sports news section of newspapers.

I went to climb this mountain today, and that mountain tomorrow. I traveled all over the world all day long, and I traveled all over the world, unlike Jiang Xiaobai and the others, who went out for business and purely for fun.

More importantly, as he was playing around, his reputation grew. As a result, companies such as Yidiandong, Motorola and Volkswagen all asked him to be their spokesperson.

The boss of a real estate company went to act as a spokesperson for mobile communications and mobile phone companies, so forget it, and even went to endorse cars.

To be honest, Wang Shi was playing tricks. As time went by, he actually gave him another temperament, which also affected the company.

Wang Shi was climbing mountains and conquering peaks one after another, so people felt that his company Wanke also had a pursuit of heights and a fearless spirit.

These personal things are actually given to the enterprise in this way. Wang Shi doesn't need to do anything, just let Wang Shi toss around outside.

 It was really eye-opening, it was the first time I saw such a person, but no matter what, Wang Shi lived a very chic life, which everyone recognized and envied.

“Hey, I wish I could retire like him.” Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile. When these words came out, Zhang Weiyi and Ni Guangnan were both stunned.

As they all know, Jiang Xiaobai started his business in 1978, and it has been twenty-six years now. Twenty-six years.

 This is the first time Jiang Xiaobai has revealed that he wants to retire, which he has never done before.

 “Dr. Jiang…”

"Director Jiang..." Zhang Weiyi and Ni Guangnan looked at Jiang Xiaobai in unison, with a trace of worry in their eyes, fearing that Jiang Xiaobai would retire.

“Hey, don’t worry, that’s what I said, but I’m old now, and I won’t be able to do it for a few more years if I keep doing it.” Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Of course he doesn’t want to retire now, it will definitely take a few years, but he has never thought about it. If he keeps doing it, he will be ready to retire in a few years or ten years.

 It is now the end of 2004. After six or eight years, Jiang Xiaobai feels that he can make a smooth transition.

 There is no need to be the chairman of the board all the time.

 Especially the days when I saw the king. Jiang Xiaobai just said this, and it passed easily. Next, a full board meeting was held at the group. Ni Guangnan reported to the board of directors the plan for the new wafer fab.

But in fact, this matter was remembered in the hearts of Zhang Weiyi and Ni Guangnan. On the surface, Jiang Xiaobai's retirement was just a joke, but in fact, how could people like Jiang Xiaobai joke about such a sensitive topic as retirement? Woolen cloth.

Since I have said it, whether it comes from inspiration or other ideas, I must have this intention.

Especially for the board meeting regarding Lianxiang Computer’s construction of a wafer factory, the directors of Huaqing Holding Group are generally just for show.

 Just to go through a process and make the entire group's planning appear more formal. In fact, there is not much to say. Generally speaking, Jiang Xiaobai himself makes the final decision on major issues in the group.

 Sometimes I will discuss it with Zhang Weiyi and listen to Zhang Weiyi's opinions, but most of the time, Jiang Xiaobai is the one who acts arbitrarily.

 Board meetings are basically useless, because Jiang Xiaobai is the major shareholder, and the small shareholders below, like Wang Chao and Wang Meng, all listen to Jiang Xiaobai. Others just want to oppose, but they don't have the strength.

 Coupled with Jiang Xiaobai's prestige in the group, it is impossible to hold a board meeting to decide on the group's major investment matters.

 But this time, a board of directors meeting was held. Although it didn’t matter whether the opinions of these directors were important or not, it represented that Jiang Xiaobai would listen to them.

This is very important. Jiang Xiaobai didn't even listen to it before, but now he starts to listen. This means that the group has become more formal.

Zhang Weiyi is both happy and worried. What he has always wanted is for the group to become a formal enterprise, rather than a grassroots team where Jiang Xiaobai has the final say in everything.

Of course, he is not against Jiang Xiaobai, but it is a formal enterprise, and some procedures must be followed. This represents a formal and modern enterprise.

Just like when he wanted to introduce talents from outside before, Hu Jinshan and others could not always lead them all. They were all promoted from within the company. Whoever could gain Jiang Xiaobai's trust would be appointed as the leader of the company.

  This is informal and not a process that a modern enterprise should have. Now that the group has important matters, Jiang Xiaobai is willing to hold a board meeting to discuss them. This is a good start.

Normally, he would have been ecstatic, but at this time, it was different. Jiang Xiaobai had just mentioned the topic of retirement, but now it has changed so much.

This shows that Jiang Xiaobai’s intention to retire is not just a talk, but a real thought and idea.

Zhang Weiyi couldn't help but worry. If Huaqing Holding Group didn't have Jiang Xiaobai, he really didn't know how to lead Huaqing Holding Group forward.

 There is no confidence in my heart and no direction.

Ni Guangnan was also a little worried. He looked at Jiang Xiaobai in the main seat, thoughtfully, but the reality did not allow him to think too much, because the board meeting had already begun.

"Our Hualian Computer's wafer fab in Xiangjiang was built in 1998. When it was built, it was not fully considered. Of course, there were also certain historical reasons. At that time, it was impossible to build it in the mainland through the garden. Xiangjiang is the only choice..."

 (End of this chapter)

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