Rebirth of the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 3542: Anniversary

 Chapter 3542 Anniversary

Jiang Xiaobai nodded when he heard this. He felt that Mr. Liu was not so shallow and put so much effort into inviting him and Ni Guangnan just to show off.

Jiang Xiaobai definitely didn't believe it, but if Mr. Liu didn't have any intention of showing off, Jiang Xiaobai didn't believe it either.

But no matter what Mr. Liu has in mind, Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t say he doesn’t dare to go. Since Mr. Liu invited him and put so much effort into it, he should go and have a look.

 After Jiang Xiaobai returned from Yong City, he prepared to go to the capital. Lian Xiang’s anniversary was on December 15th, in the middle of the month.

However, Jiang Xiaobai went ahead of time to try to build a wafer fab to get more support.

Zhang Weiyi has not been idle during this period. He runs out from time to time, hoping to help the wafer factory open up sales.

 There are many domestic mobile phone manufacturers at this time, and mobile phones and computers all need to use chips.

 The domestic mobile phone market has developed rapidly in the past two years. Before, mobile phones were still a rare item, but they have grown rapidly in the past two years and are about to catch up with televisions and become popular.

 When this mobile phone was a rare item, it was only produced by a few foreign giants, but it is different now. Now the mobile phone market has increased, and many manufacturers have participated, which has increased the demand for chips.

After Ni Guangnan left Yong City, he continued to investigate. Although the results of the first stop in Yong City were very good, there must be two alternatives. It is impossible to say that only Yong City is the only one. It looks good. Just pulled it down.

This does not mean that a man goes out shopping to buy a piece of clothing, and when he sees something suitable, he buys it and stops shopping.

This is a wafer fab, with an investment of billions of dollars. No matter how many places are inspected and how thorough it is, one plan cannot satisfy it. At the very least, there must be several sets of alternative plans.

As time goes by, there are rumors in the capital that they even want to hold a twentieth anniversary celebration.

It can be said to be the most exciting thing in the shopping malls in Beijing, and it has spread. When Lian Xiang celebrated, many big shots from the shopping mall were invited, even Jiang Xiaobai was invited.

There will naturally be more people paying attention to it, and more people will discuss it.

December 14th arrived in the blink of an eye, and there was only one day left before the Lianxiang celebration. Many of the big guys from private enterprises who came to attend the celebration had already arrived in the capital and were staying in hotels arranged by Lianxiang.

 Some media reporters have already begun interviews, and they are obviously very interested in this celebration.

 Mainly because this celebration was too grand, the celebration was held at the Capital Hotel.

At the beginning, this brilliant Beijing Hotel, in the past two years, was slightly lonely in a five -star hotel in Beijing, but history gave him a sense of heavyness, but President Liu wanted.

It has been a journey of ups and downs. In terms of strength, in the domestic shopping malls and among private enterprises, Huaqing Holding Group is unique and outperforms the rest. Jiang Xiaobai is not able to do so in terms of strength or fame. Than.

But when it comes to the weight of history, even thinking about computers is not inferior to anyone. From 1984 to now, we have gone through a lot of things in the twenty years since we acquired IBM's PC Division. Something bad.

 Still worthy of Lianxiang being proud of.

Jiang Xiaobai did not live here, but lived in another place. He was unwilling to participate in these things. Although he promised Mr. Liu to attend the anniversary celebration, he did not agree to help Mr. Liu hold the event. It wasn’t until eight o’clock the next morning, before the anniversary celebration started, that Jiang Xiaobai and Ni Guangnan arrived at the scene.

The two of them were surrounded by people as soon as they arrived at the scene. Needless to say, Jiang Xiaobai, with his current status and identity, was the center and focus of everyone wherever he went.

Even at Lian Xiang’s anniversary celebration, it was the same. It wasn’t Jiang Xiaobai who came here to steal the show, but he showed up. That was the situation.

As for Ni Guangnan, after all, he came out of Lianxiang. In Lianxiang, he was at odds with Mr. Liu, but he still had some acquaintances and friends.

 In addition, the matter between Mr. Ni and Mr. Liu was very heated back then. This reporter and others were also very curious about Mr. Ni appearing here today.

Mr. Ni didn’t hide anything. When asked by reporters, he said directly that he was able to come today because Lianxiang had reached a cooperation with Hualian Computer. In the future, Lianxiang would purchase chips from Hualian Computer.

Many years ago, the two parted ways due to a dispute over their routes, but today they are together again. It seems that each of them has achieved certain results on their own routes. This in itself is also a good point to watch and something that everyone likes to hear and see.

Even if the idea had not been successful and had fallen by the wayside, there would not have been today's anniversary, let alone the acquisition of IBM.

  If Mr. Ni had failed, he would not still be able to supply chips to Lianxiang today.

It seems that there was no right or wrong in the original dispute between the two parties, at least they have not yet been able to distinguish right from wrong.

The media and reporters were very interested in this. They kept asking questions around Ni Guangnan. Even Jiang Xiaobai and the media reporters beside him were attracted, making Jiang Xiaobai feel that the pressure was relieved.

The noise at the door attracted Mr. Liu's attention. Mr. Liu knew that if Jiang Xiaobai and Ni Guangnan appeared, it would definitely cause a stir, but he didn't expect that it would cause such a big commotion.

 Mr. Liu smiled and came over to shake hands with Jiang Xiaobai. To say that there had always been too much conflict between the two was actually not the case.

As for competition in the market, this is normal. Changxingju Real Estate Company and Vanke are still competitors, but the relationship between the two parties is still very good.

ˆ Xinxing Feed Company and Hope Group are also competitors, but Jiang Xiaobai and the Liu brothers also have a good relationship.

 Only Mr. Liu and I don’t know whether it’s because of the incompatibility of their auras or something else, but they always dislike each other.

However, on this occasion, both parties would definitely not show it off. Jiang Xiaobai smiled and greeted Mr. Liu, congratulating Mr. Liu.

Mr. Liu looked at Ni Guangnan on the side again. When Mr. Liu looked at him, Ni Guangnan seemed to have a telepathic connection. He felt Mr. Liu's gaze and subconsciously looked towards Mr. Liu.

 When the two people looked at each other, their eyes were very complicated.

 In the years since they were separated, the two have not met on other occasions, but this is the first time in so many years that they have met again in Lianxiang, on Lianxiang’s home ground.

 (End of this chapter)

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